Today’s Focus: Sign of the Times Part 2
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14-16; 19-22 then go to Isaiah 54:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
If you read the scriptures above, now you have the answers to yesterday’s questions. Regardless of what mess we are in or what situations we surround ourselves in, isn’t it wonderful to have a God that gives us an answer and a way out. Many times the way out is not the way we think we should go because it is not the “norm”. But, when has God ever acted or conformed to the “norm” of this world. So, His answers are to benefit not just our physical but most of all or spiritual. Sometimes the answer is just moving away from the situation and all the time it is consulting God for the answer and when He does, we need to respond and conform. Yes, this is perilous times but if you are alive and breathing right now and are able to read this, it is not late to change your life and get on the narrow path with the few that are on it.
To My Teenage Mothers:
Regardless of what people have told you that your baby is a result of your sin and your baby is a mistake, here is the truth and give it to every person that has told you that. “The devil cannot give life, so the devil did not make you pregnant. Every child is a blessing from the Lord and if God did not see you fit to handle and rear this child up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, then He would not have given you the new baby you have or the baby you are carrying” The child belongs to God and is from God. You just keep praying and rearing your child up by the Bible to love the Lord.” Your happiness is no longer primary in your life but the life God has given you to rear is the most important person and responsibility you have. This is the truth not just from this ministry but from God Himself!
To My Single Parent Households
I know it is a constant struggle to me mom or dad, but God never wanted you to be both. He knew the decisions you would make and God has made a provision to ensure that your child will be successful not only in man’s world but in the building of God’s Kingdom. If you are a mom, let God be the Father and let Him surround you with Godly men as an example to your child of how to be a man. If you are a Father, allow God to send you Godly women to help rear and nurture your child. When you allow God to be God, and you follow His lead, you will always have success in whatever you do and that includes rearing children. No one ever said it would not come with hard times, but God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. So, keep your head up and keep your faith in the Almighty God who is the only one that can guarantee your deliverance from every situation.
To My Fellow Ministers, Preachers, Pastors and Bishops
I know I am new to all of this, but God is slowly showing me how different we have to be in order to be effective in being the God-appointed leaders of His people. We have to be 100% committed to this Gospel of the Kingdom and we cannot compromise in order to try to win souls for the kingdom. Jesus said “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”. Let Jesus do the drawing, it is nothing that we have done or can do without Christ. Stay submissive to Christ and allow Him to lead you. I have learned that the Gospel of the Kingdom will not always make people happy, but it will save their lives and we have been called to preach the entire gospel in truth, rightly dividing the Word of God. In James 3, it is said that we are held to a higher standard and will be judged by a higher standard because we have been entrusted to preach the Word of God to those who may not know it. If we mislead or fail to properly spread the Gospel of the Kingdom then we will be held accountable for those misled souls. We know there are many controversial issues plaguing the body of Christ and these are sensitive subjects, but we have been instructed to ensure we are in God’s order and are following His lead. I have learned that it feels so good to be used by God to reach His people. Stay in the position to be used at all times and allow God to use your body and use your tongue to speak life unto is people who are suffering under sin.
Obedience is the Way!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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