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Household of Calhoun

Monday, March 23, 2009

Kingdom Dominion and Authority

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Kingdom Dominion and Authority
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33; Genesis 1:26

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I did my first sermon it was called “Answering the Call” and it was based off of these scriptures. But, as I was seeking the Kingdom and asking God to reveal to me everything about the Kingdom, He showed me in this scripture the authority and dominion that was given to Adam in the Garden. Let me show you!

In verse 24 where it is stated that the winds were contrary and the ship was in the midst of the sea being tossed represents us and our lives when trouble arises and we get pushed and tossed around a little. The question is what do you do? Now before we answer or see what our options are let’s look at verse 25. We see Jesus walking on the sea toward the ship and the disciples saw him walking on the sea and they were troubled and cried out for fear. Now Jesus seeing they are scared calls out to them and tell them “Be of good cheer it is I; be not afraid” (vs 27). So now Jesus is trying to re-assure them that they are ok because He is there in the midst of a contrary wind and sea. Now you have two options in this situation:
1. Stay in the boat and continue to be afraid and fearful and let the contrary winds continue to blow and toss you all around?
2. You can get out of the boat and walk on top of the contrary sea and exercise the dominion over the situation.
Now which one are you?
Thank God for Peter! He always just jumped out there and said what He was thinking and was bold about it. So when we continue reading, Peter ask Jesus bid him to come out on the water with Him and all Jesus said was “Come”. Now, I could only imagine all the other disciples looking at Peter and saying “What are You Doing?” But, Peter believed He could do what Jesus was doing! Peter had faith that he could walk on the water. Now as we continue to read we see that when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, He began to sink! Why? Because authority and dominion was only in Jesus Christ because He at the time was the only one who had the Holy Ghost in Him and living in Him. Peter’s faith allowed Him to walk on the water, Peter’s doubt caused him to sink! So your faith in the midst of trials and tribulations will keep you on top of a situation through the power of God. Your doubt will cause you to sink in your troubles. Now, Jesus knows we worry and we lose focus just like Peter, but I like what Peter said, simply “Lord, save me”. He did not go into some 20 minute religious prayer. He simply said Lord save me. And look what the Bible said Jesus did in verse 31. IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him. Now, Jesus warns you about what causes you to sink in this verse. Doubt! Now when Jesus got in the boat the winds ceased because He brought them out of their situation. Jesus exercised Kingdom dominion over the situation (boisterous wind and sea) and showed the disciples that through faith you can overcome the world’s situations. Now I am going to show you the opposing forces in this story and the Lord just showed this to me!!

Perfect Love CASTS OUT fear this is just like Jesus casts out satan.
Faith overcomes situations and circumstances and frees you, Doubt suppresses you and keeps you prisoner to the situation

I pray that you realize the person God sees in you, overcomes the world’s situation and exercises dominion over circumstances.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.