The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Watch Out for the Children!
Scripture: Matthew 18:6-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this message may serve more as a warning to those of us who are saved who cause our brothers to sin or be offended. Now I know through the course of life we will run into people that we will not agree with. But it is our responsibility in order to stay in righteousness to make sure we leave that person in peace, even asking for forgiveness. As you read the scripture, Jesus is saying it is better for you to hang yourself than to offend a child of God. Jesus then goes on to describe it is more important for you to be concerned with staying in righteousness and ensuring your entrance into the Kingdom than your pride and arrogance and being cast into hell! That is harsh but it is truth! Now here is the good part for some and the warning for others.
The Warning (verse 10)
Beware of the children of God because if you offend one of them then the angels of Heaven are going to deal with you. Why? Because they are sent to minister (serve) those who are the heirs of salvation (Hebrew 1:14). Have you read what the Angels or the Army of the Lord does? I suggest you read Revelation at some point and after reading Revelation, then determine whether you want to offend a child of God!
The Blessing (verse 10)
As a child of God you have Angels watching over you who are responsible to keep you in all of God’s ways. There are numerous scriptures about this Army of the Kingdom and their role. But the comforting fact is the Angels work for the heirs of salvation which is mankind and the citizens of the Kingdom on Earth. They do not work for you once you die! So, keep in mind when people come to persecute you and say all manner of evil against you, keep in mind you have Angels watching over you and serving you!
Kingdom Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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