The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of One
Scripture: Matthew 18:11-14
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scripture Jesus states He is come to save that which was lost. Now He goes into a parable of the sheep and how God rejoices over the one sheep that was found than the 99 that are already with him.
Sometimes in ministry we get caught up in numbers and the number of people that come to Christ in our various church establishments. Do not get me wrong, it is good to see so many people come to Christ. Coming from a small church in Tallahassee, Florida in the United States (This ministry is global gotta be specific) when one person comes it is a joyous time and Heaven rejoices also. I know we have some people from small churches on this ministry and some large churches. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the lost and then introduce them to King Jesus. I would love to have 15 lost souls coming to Christ every Sunday, but I just pray that the Word of God continues to draw whom He pleases to Him. I have learned this, really as of late, when I preach the Kingdom of God, I have seen more of a response from people who are lost and I have watched the Lord prick their hearts to come to Him. They may not have come that day, but just the fact that the Word of God is all they needed to turn their lives to the Lord further confirms that we as the body of Christ and citizens of the Kingdom need to stop trying to win members to our churches with gimmicks. If you use a gimmick to win them, you have to use a gimmick to keep them. All Jesus needs for us to do is lift Him up in our lifestyle and our testimony and He will draw that lost sheep back to the fold. He will go and get them! Let us continue to lift up the name of Jesus, not just on Sunday, but everyday so that the ones who do not know the light of the World and the Bread of Life may come to know Him through your lifestyle as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Let’s keep working together and forcefully advancing the Kingdom of God and preaching the Kingdom to all the nations as a witness so our Lord can comeback and raise us up in immortality. Now if that did not excite you, I do not know what will!!!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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