The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: A Matter of the Heart pt 1
Scripture: Matthew 15:7-9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
God has consistently showed me and told me that His Kingdom is about a matter of man’s heart. What is in your heart is what counts because what is there will manifest itself in your actions. Let’s look at this scripture because I have to say that these scriptures tell us how most of the religious Christians act.
First, Jesus calls the Pharisees (religious leaders) hypocrites and then He tells them how they are hypocrites. Please pay attention! He said these words “The people draw nigh unto me (Jesus) with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, BUT their heart is far from me”. These people were giving God a lot of lip service and no real service at all. How many church folk do we know who shout Hallelujah, say Amen, say “I love you Lord” but on Monday through Friday, they curse, spread gossip about their fellow brothers and sisters, raise hell on the job…and the list goes on. But during worship service they are like saints. Jesus calls those who do that HYPOCRITES! Are you one of those who do that? Does your actions reflect that of Father God? Are the words that come out of your mouth, those of life and not death?
Finally, Jesus says their worship is in vain! How would you have wasted your life thinking you gave worship to God and being told it is all in vain because your heart did not mean it because your life never changed to mimic the words of God! Now look at what Jesus says they are teaching, for doctrines the commandments of men. See everyone wants to give their interpretation of the scriptures and their opinions. But when you inject your opinion, you change the Word of God to your word. And we know that is an offense to God. Do not get your picture of God’s Word from man, get it from God himself. If someone is teaching the Word of God, you should be able to follow along in the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to discern truth from a lie. But so many have made church an emotional experience so we go where the pastor is very charismatic and theatrical and encouraging but never preaching the true Word of God! So you fall in love with the doctrine of that person because you never heard the true doctrine of the Kingdom. So the question is where is your heart? Is it on the Kingdom of God? Or is it on a religion and trying to just get by?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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