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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are You A Child?

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Are You a Little Child?
Scripture: Matthew 18:1-4; Romans 12:2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here the disciples ask Jesus, who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God? And Jesus pulls to Him a little child and states (paraphrasing), except you be converted and become like this little child, then you will not enter the Kingdom. This is a very loaded statement and it has 2 parts: Conversion and Entering so let’s deal with both to get an understanding of how and why little children will enter into the Kingdom. First, the conversion.

Conversion happens in the mind. Read Romans 12:2! When you accepted Christ, for many of us not much changed about our actions and our standard of living. We seem to backslide and still do the same things we used to do and the problem is that even though you are saved, your mind has not been converted. This is why Jesus came and His first words to the multitude was REPENT, or change our mind! To enter into this Kingdom, the mind that you currently have will not work, only the mind of Christ will allow you to function in the Kingdom. So, just as you are saved spiritually, you have to be converted in the mind also and that is a choice you have to make. Now let’s look at entering.

When Jesus said you will not enter into the Kingdom, He was talking about exploring. So unless you be converted and become like little children then you will not be able to explore the Kingdom of God. Now how do you become this child so you can explore the Kingdom. Well you have think like a child, for example:
1. A child is solely dependent on their parents for survival
2. A child never worries about needs being met because they know the parents will take care of them
3. A child’s mind is like a sponge and willing to learn any and everything you expose them to.
4. A child’s attitude is to love and do what it takes to please their parents

You have to become like this child to God and when you do, He will show you and explain to you how to explore and experience Kingdom lifestyle! You cannot use the same mind you had before you were saved, only the mind of Christ can reveal to you the secrets of the Kingdom. Have you become that little child yet? If not Abba is waiting……..

Kingdom Ambassador, Calvin Calhoun, Jr.