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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kingdom Prinicipals of Marriages

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 2
Principals of Kingdom-Based Marriages
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let’s look at what Jesus says about marriage and then we will look back and show the consistency from the beginning in the Garden. Let’s look at Matthew 19:4-6! When you read this, first, Jesus is quoting scripture because He says, “have you read..?” Now let’s get to the meat of this:

1st Kingdom Principal of a Marriage – Marriage is between a Man and a Woman
Jesus clearly states it in this scripture that in the beginning he made them male and female. Now let’s go back to Genesis 1:27-28! In the 28th verse it says God blessed “THEM”. So God blessed male and female to be fruitful and multiply under the union of God. Now here is where we clash with the social issue of homosexual marriage. Now we as Ambassadors of Christ, do not have to think about this subject, read what God said marriage is and who it is between and leave it at that. If they have a problem with that, then they need to take it up with Him. In the U.S., why in so many of our churches are we scared to discuss openly about the spirit of homosexuality that is gripping our churches and corrupting our children and adults? The only way you deal with a spirit like that is to use the Word and present the Word in truth but remember, they are still your brothers and sisters and you should love them, but not the spirit within. Here is a revelation, no homosexual is truly happy the way they are! Being with the same sex is a constant battle to prove to the world that they are happy and the Bible says that happiness, love, joy and peace are found in the Holy Ghost!

Finally, homosexuals cannot procreate! Please pay attention to this!! The spirit of homosexuality is an Antichrist spirit. Why? Two homosexuals cannot have sex and produce a baby. God created, physically, for sex to be between a male and a female under the union of God. Since God is a creator, His children must be able to procreate. Two homosexuals cannot be fruitful and multiply the earth. The human race would fail to exist if Adam was homosexual, think about it. So for homosexuals to use the phrase “God says we should love everyone” as a means to justify their actions. But if you are in His image and His likeness and God said He blessed male and female and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply then you can’t justify marriage to no other way than between a male and female. So any other way, you will be cursed and we can refer to many scriptures pertaining to such.

2nd Kingdom Principal – The Two Become One
When God joined two people together, no longer are you joined to your mother and father but cleave to your spouse. You no longer are 2 individuals but 1 flesh. The husband tends to the wife’s needs and vice versa. So what God has joined together! Now that is the key! This has to be a reciprocating relationship. Marriage is not a selfish institution and God did not create us to be selfish. But created us to be loving, forgiving, understanding, merciful, sacrificing and giving to name a few. Everyone here has needs and God has charged both the man and the woman in the scriptures to what their role is. So when you took your vows to the Lord that you would do these things till death do you part, you made that pact with the Lord. Now later on we will discuss divorce and the terms where God ordains the separation of a marriage.

The Lord has led me to say this to those of you who have gone through a separation or divorce. No matter how bitter it was. No matter whose fault it was. Is it worth messing up your righteousness with God? The Bible says if you do not forgive then the Father will not forgive you. He has taken you through the fire and brought you through the valleys of life all to show you that you have to loose yourself from the bitterness and pride. That is holding your soul captive from really going to the next level. Everything in your life maybe ok in your eyes, but in His eyes are they? It is hard to preach to the children forgiveness if we are not willing to do it ourselves. Search within yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the importance of forgiving that other spouse. The Bible also says, “Do not let the sun go down on thy wrath” and you know many times that the sun has set on a day but God had mercy on you to see another so you can get another chance to say “I am sorry”. Remember Pride and Bitterness are not fruits of the Holy Spirit and if you profess to be a citizen of the Kingdom it is better to be forgiven and set free of the burden than carry it to the grave or say, I never got a chance because God gave you many.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.