The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: A Kingdom of Servant Leaders
Scripture: Matthew 20:25-28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a unique topic but one that the citizens and sons of God must understand when you read the scriptures. Ok! God calls you a King. So on Earth you are a King because you are an administrator and standard setter for the World as it relates to the Kingdom of God. Now Jesus in verse 25 shows the disciples how the Gentiles exercise dominion or royal power over the people. So in other words the rulers of the Gentiles oppressed them but look at what Jesus says in verse 26 (Hallelujah), “It shall not be so with you”. But look at the next statement, but whosoever be great among you, let him be your minister. So those who set the standard and live the Kingdom life are considered great, but they are there to minister to you. Minister means to serve. What? I know you are asking, if I am a King then why am I serving? See in the natural world the people serve (servants) the King but in the Kingdom of God, the King serves the people. Ok, I know that was loaded let’s continue through the scriptures. Now in verse 28, Jesus says whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. So in other words, those in leadership should be serving the people of God. So your Pastor or Bishop should be serving you! How is that? They should be feeding you the true Word of God and being attentive to the flocks cries and concerns. So, your pastor or bishop should be reachable and close enough to the flock to be able to serve them and help them with their concerns. Once again, you should not have to fight 20 ministers, 40 deacons and 5 secretaries to speak to your leader. I will leave that there for you to ponder. Now the answer to the above question is found in verse 28. Jesus says “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many”. Get ready to be blessed:
Jesus came not to be served but to serve and give his life for us. Jesus is our King and yet He states that He has come to minister or serve. So the Kingdom of God has Kings who serve the people. In other words we are a Kingdom of Servant Leaders. Even though we set the standard for the world (King) we are here to serve those (Servant) who believe in the wrong thing and help them get back their Kingdom citizen rights through the Holy Spirit (Leadership). Is that not what Jesus did for us? I rest my case!
This is why you have to have your mind renewed because the mind you had before you were saved will not work in the Kingdom of God because what you would do in the world naturally, will not work in the Kingdom. In this Kingdom you lead by serving. So if you are not serving but looking for people to serve you, you are not Kingdom-minded. Especially, all these so-called famous pastors and preachers on t.v. who have all these millions of dollars and million-dollar mansions where the people cannot come because it is in a double-gated community. You get the point. Thought to ponder:
What would have happened if Jesus was just like these millionaire preachers living in million-dollar homes in a secured gated community where no poor people are allowed to come in for fear of having the police called on them? So, is it possible to really be a Kingdom Servant Leader and the people have no access to you?
Whoever came to Jesus he served them, including the Pharisees and Sadducees (with the Word of God). Jesus did not refuse anyone who came to Him. Does your pastor or bishop serve the people or do the people serve the pastor?
At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Are You Able?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Are You Able?
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-23; Romans 5:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
So many people in the world look at those people who are in the “perceived” power positions and desire to be like them to get the things like them. But what we fail to do is look at the method that this person used to get to the “top”. Some stepped on people and hurt them on their way, some cheated their way and some worked hard legitimately. To go a step further, some people made themselves pastors and bishops for the sake of fame, power and personal fortune. Look on t.v. you know who they are. But the Kingdom of God is very unique. As stated in the previous email, the wealth in the Kingdom of God is common amongst all the citizens. But to be called a child of God and a citizen of the Kingdom comes at a price. Now we ask the question “Are you able?”
Look at verse 22, earlier the mother of Zebedee’s children asked Jesus to grant her two sons to sit on the left and right hand of the Father in the Kingdom. Now look at Jesus response verse 22. “Are you able to drink the cup that I shall drink and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.” Now let’s start with the cup. The cup symbolizes the sufferings and persecutions that the believer will undergo. Now for those of us who have not become citizens of the Kingdom, this may seem weird to you but let me explain, Kingdom citizens follow along. If I being a citizen of the Kingdom can show you power to overcome life’s circumstances then that is a better witness to someone that I have unique power to overcome than just a testimony. In turn, they (those who are not citizens yet) want to know in their spirit how to do the same. But I have to suffer some so that I can go through it and then show those who are in trouble, how to overcome. See the only way I overcome is through the power of the Holy Ghost. Let me give you a comforting scripture:
John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
I do not know if you know what that means but let me quickly show you. Jesus came to give us peace in the midst of tribulation, sin and trouble in the World (sounds like these times we live in). Then Jesus clearly states in the world there is tribulation. Now the good part, He said “be of good cheer”. So rejoice in tribulation because He overcame the world and so shall you because you are in His image and His LIKENESS! Hallelujah!
Now the baptism! The goal, assignment and mission of Jesus was not Calvary!!!! It was to get the Holy Ghost back into the children. Calvary was a means to an end of the power of sin that satan had on the children. But when you receive such power it comes with great responsibility. When you receive the Holy Ghost you are a representative of the Kingdom of God. The way you live and speak can cause someone to either come to Christ or continue to walk in darkness. God did not leave this ministry to angels, he left it to the children themselves. If you are not leading a life that promotes others to becoming citizens then you are destroying lives instead of improving them. The power we have been given has been given to us to change the world by setting the standards for the world and a person that sets standards are called Kings and God has called you that. Then you represent Him in the Earth, so you are now priests in the Earth. As a result you are a Kingdom of Priests, a Royal Priesthood (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) and a Holy Nation. Now that sounds powerful, but it has to be a reality in your mind. This is why I personally take ministering and this ministry so serious because I know we are dealing with lives and the wrong information is just as dangerous as no information. I am not above correction in the Spirit and I pray that this ministry that God has entrusted me with is showing you how to live and come into your inheritance which is the Kingdom of God which provides love, joy peace in the Holy Ghost! If you want that in your life, continue to read and allow God to prick your heart. I love you and God loves you. He is calling you home and letting you know, coming unto Him has more benefits than staying from Him.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Are You Able?
Scripture: Matthew 20:20-23; Romans 5:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
So many people in the world look at those people who are in the “perceived” power positions and desire to be like them to get the things like them. But what we fail to do is look at the method that this person used to get to the “top”. Some stepped on people and hurt them on their way, some cheated their way and some worked hard legitimately. To go a step further, some people made themselves pastors and bishops for the sake of fame, power and personal fortune. Look on t.v. you know who they are. But the Kingdom of God is very unique. As stated in the previous email, the wealth in the Kingdom of God is common amongst all the citizens. But to be called a child of God and a citizen of the Kingdom comes at a price. Now we ask the question “Are you able?”
Look at verse 22, earlier the mother of Zebedee’s children asked Jesus to grant her two sons to sit on the left and right hand of the Father in the Kingdom. Now look at Jesus response verse 22. “Are you able to drink the cup that I shall drink and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with.” Now let’s start with the cup. The cup symbolizes the sufferings and persecutions that the believer will undergo. Now for those of us who have not become citizens of the Kingdom, this may seem weird to you but let me explain, Kingdom citizens follow along. If I being a citizen of the Kingdom can show you power to overcome life’s circumstances then that is a better witness to someone that I have unique power to overcome than just a testimony. In turn, they (those who are not citizens yet) want to know in their spirit how to do the same. But I have to suffer some so that I can go through it and then show those who are in trouble, how to overcome. See the only way I overcome is through the power of the Holy Ghost. Let me give you a comforting scripture:
John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
I do not know if you know what that means but let me quickly show you. Jesus came to give us peace in the midst of tribulation, sin and trouble in the World (sounds like these times we live in). Then Jesus clearly states in the world there is tribulation. Now the good part, He said “be of good cheer”. So rejoice in tribulation because He overcame the world and so shall you because you are in His image and His LIKENESS! Hallelujah!
Now the baptism! The goal, assignment and mission of Jesus was not Calvary!!!! It was to get the Holy Ghost back into the children. Calvary was a means to an end of the power of sin that satan had on the children. But when you receive such power it comes with great responsibility. When you receive the Holy Ghost you are a representative of the Kingdom of God. The way you live and speak can cause someone to either come to Christ or continue to walk in darkness. God did not leave this ministry to angels, he left it to the children themselves. If you are not leading a life that promotes others to becoming citizens then you are destroying lives instead of improving them. The power we have been given has been given to us to change the world by setting the standards for the world and a person that sets standards are called Kings and God has called you that. Then you represent Him in the Earth, so you are now priests in the Earth. As a result you are a Kingdom of Priests, a Royal Priesthood (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) and a Holy Nation. Now that sounds powerful, but it has to be a reality in your mind. This is why I personally take ministering and this ministry so serious because I know we are dealing with lives and the wrong information is just as dangerous as no information. I am not above correction in the Spirit and I pray that this ministry that God has entrusted me with is showing you how to live and come into your inheritance which is the Kingdom of God which provides love, joy peace in the Holy Ghost! If you want that in your life, continue to read and allow God to prick your heart. I love you and God loves you. He is calling you home and letting you know, coming unto Him has more benefits than staying from Him.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Death of Jesus: A Public Issue?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Death of Jesus: A Public Issue?
Scripture: Matthew 20:17-19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I know you are wondering, what’s up with the title? Well this is another subject that the church has totally misused and misunderstood for the past 1800 years. Ok, let’s look at the scriptures. Look at verse 17 because here is the key! Jesus took the twelve disciples apart (aside). So, what Jesus was about to say was not for the multitude to hear. Now look what he told them in verse 18 and 19. He described for them what was going to happen to him. His betrayal, death and resurrection. Now the next statement I am going to make, may shock you but you have to read it for yourself to understand:
Jesus did not tell the multitudes about His death, burial and resurrection!
He hinted to it in a small parable where he said “He will destroy this temple and raise it in three days”. So the next question is, What are we evangelizing and telling the multitudes? Is the death, burial and resurrection important? Yes, but have you noticed it really is not winning people to Christ by leaps and bounds. The reality is people really do not want Jesus and they do not want to hear about death, the cross, blood and resurrection. They want to know how to control their lives now! Funny, isn’t that exactly what Jesus showed us how to do with the Holy Spirit? He taught you how to live in the Kingdom and function on Earth with it and how to overcome and take control of your circumstances and not vice versa. The Kingdom gives you power, Religion takes it away. Now once they look at your life and ask how to I enter into the Kingdom of God, then you bring them to the door of the Kingdom, King Jesus. Now, you can introduce them to how he is the King and how He died on the cross to wash you clean and give you the Holy Spirit and everlasting life. See, Jesus had it right, we have utterly reversed what Jesus did. So in other words, Calvary is a private issue and not a public issue. Mel Gibson and the Passion of the Christ movie made it all wrong. They say and religion says, Jesus dying on the cross was his passion. No, No, No,! Read Matthew 3:11 and the words of John to see what the Passion of Christ is. Yes! Baptize you with the Holy Ghost! So the Passion of the Christ is to get the Holy Ghost back in you. There is a time and a place to talk about his death, burial and resurrection but according to Jesus, when we are dealing with the lost, show them how to live the Kingdom life, then introduce them to King Jesus. So, Jesus is clear that there are public issues and these are the Kingdom Parables and showing the lost Kingdom Culture and Living and there are Private “Family” Issues such as His death at Calvary, His burial and His Resurrection. Let me leave you with a thought about witnessing:
Jesus did not preach Himself to the multitudes!
So if Jesus did not preach Himself to the multitudes, then what are we supposed to be telling the lost? Matthew 10:7; Luke 4:43; Now if you took the time to read those scriptures then you will know what we should be preaching and declaring.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Death of Jesus: A Public Issue?
Scripture: Matthew 20:17-19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I know you are wondering, what’s up with the title? Well this is another subject that the church has totally misused and misunderstood for the past 1800 years. Ok, let’s look at the scriptures. Look at verse 17 because here is the key! Jesus took the twelve disciples apart (aside). So, what Jesus was about to say was not for the multitude to hear. Now look what he told them in verse 18 and 19. He described for them what was going to happen to him. His betrayal, death and resurrection. Now the next statement I am going to make, may shock you but you have to read it for yourself to understand:
Jesus did not tell the multitudes about His death, burial and resurrection!
He hinted to it in a small parable where he said “He will destroy this temple and raise it in three days”. So the next question is, What are we evangelizing and telling the multitudes? Is the death, burial and resurrection important? Yes, but have you noticed it really is not winning people to Christ by leaps and bounds. The reality is people really do not want Jesus and they do not want to hear about death, the cross, blood and resurrection. They want to know how to control their lives now! Funny, isn’t that exactly what Jesus showed us how to do with the Holy Spirit? He taught you how to live in the Kingdom and function on Earth with it and how to overcome and take control of your circumstances and not vice versa. The Kingdom gives you power, Religion takes it away. Now once they look at your life and ask how to I enter into the Kingdom of God, then you bring them to the door of the Kingdom, King Jesus. Now, you can introduce them to how he is the King and how He died on the cross to wash you clean and give you the Holy Spirit and everlasting life. See, Jesus had it right, we have utterly reversed what Jesus did. So in other words, Calvary is a private issue and not a public issue. Mel Gibson and the Passion of the Christ movie made it all wrong. They say and religion says, Jesus dying on the cross was his passion. No, No, No,! Read Matthew 3:11 and the words of John to see what the Passion of Christ is. Yes! Baptize you with the Holy Ghost! So the Passion of the Christ is to get the Holy Ghost back in you. There is a time and a place to talk about his death, burial and resurrection but according to Jesus, when we are dealing with the lost, show them how to live the Kingdom life, then introduce them to King Jesus. So, Jesus is clear that there are public issues and these are the Kingdom Parables and showing the lost Kingdom Culture and Living and there are Private “Family” Issues such as His death at Calvary, His burial and His Resurrection. Let me leave you with a thought about witnessing:
Jesus did not preach Himself to the multitudes!
So if Jesus did not preach Himself to the multitudes, then what are we supposed to be telling the lost? Matthew 10:7; Luke 4:43; Now if you took the time to read those scriptures then you will know what we should be preaching and declaring.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Commonwealth of the Kingdom
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Commonwealth of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here is another Kingdom parable where Jesus is explaining how the Kingdom of Heaven operates. Now this parable is unique because it shows a householder paying a penny for labourers to work in the vineyards. Now as time goes on others join in the work, even up until the evening hours. Now when it was time to get paid the ones that had been there the longest received the same amount as those who just started that evening. The ones, of course that started that morning were obviously upset because they felt they worked the hardest but the householder only promised a penny for their labor. Now here is the revelation, no matter what time you entered into the Kingdom of Heaven and received the Holy Ghost and started working the vineyard the reward is still the same for all that entered, eternal life. Now those of us that entered a long time ago feel as if those who entered recently do not know anything and they have to earn their way and this is a religious concept that oppresses the newcomer into the Kingdom. Regardless if you came into the Kingdom in the 1940’s or you came in yesterday, the reward is still the same.
The reason I entitled this message the Commonwealth of the Kingdom is because the wealth is common for all citizens. Every citizen has received according to the Will of God in order to build the Kingdom. Funny, the Holy Ghost within someone who is 80 years of age is the same Holy Ghost in a 30 year old and the same Holy Ghost in the 8 year old. The Holy Ghost operates the same in all of us, but it is up to us to listen and execute the Will of God to see the power. The Holy Ghost knows all truth and is the same yesterday, today and in the time to come. See because God is Holy the same gift He gave to Adam is the same gift he gave to Jesus and is the same gift He has given to us as an inheritance which is the Kingdom of God. No person in the Kingdom will receive greater than the other because the wealth is common, or the same, amongst all the citizens. Now you may say well Bro. Calvin, I am poorer than my other brother. But the problem is you are looking through your eyes and not the eyes of God. Ok, here is a promise: Matthew 5:3 – Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. See I told you, if you are poor in spirit then God knows what you need! You need the Kingdom, because once you come into the Kingdom, you inevitably become rich! How about that! Thank God for being just and fair and not like the people and leaders of this Earth who only look out for themselves and their pockets.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Commonwealth of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here is another Kingdom parable where Jesus is explaining how the Kingdom of Heaven operates. Now this parable is unique because it shows a householder paying a penny for labourers to work in the vineyards. Now as time goes on others join in the work, even up until the evening hours. Now when it was time to get paid the ones that had been there the longest received the same amount as those who just started that evening. The ones, of course that started that morning were obviously upset because they felt they worked the hardest but the householder only promised a penny for their labor. Now here is the revelation, no matter what time you entered into the Kingdom of Heaven and received the Holy Ghost and started working the vineyard the reward is still the same for all that entered, eternal life. Now those of us that entered a long time ago feel as if those who entered recently do not know anything and they have to earn their way and this is a religious concept that oppresses the newcomer into the Kingdom. Regardless if you came into the Kingdom in the 1940’s or you came in yesterday, the reward is still the same.
The reason I entitled this message the Commonwealth of the Kingdom is because the wealth is common for all citizens. Every citizen has received according to the Will of God in order to build the Kingdom. Funny, the Holy Ghost within someone who is 80 years of age is the same Holy Ghost in a 30 year old and the same Holy Ghost in the 8 year old. The Holy Ghost operates the same in all of us, but it is up to us to listen and execute the Will of God to see the power. The Holy Ghost knows all truth and is the same yesterday, today and in the time to come. See because God is Holy the same gift He gave to Adam is the same gift he gave to Jesus and is the same gift He has given to us as an inheritance which is the Kingdom of God. No person in the Kingdom will receive greater than the other because the wealth is common, or the same, amongst all the citizens. Now you may say well Bro. Calvin, I am poorer than my other brother. But the problem is you are looking through your eyes and not the eyes of God. Ok, here is a promise: Matthew 5:3 – Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. See I told you, if you are poor in spirit then God knows what you need! You need the Kingdom, because once you come into the Kingdom, you inevitably become rich! How about that! Thank God for being just and fair and not like the people and leaders of this Earth who only look out for themselves and their pockets.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Truth About Prosperity
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Truth about Prosperity
Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know all of our t.v. preachers love the message of prosperity but today, I pray you come to the truth about prosperity. Let’s look at the scriptures! Here we see a young rich ruler who had all these possessions and wanted to know how to have eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments and like a young ambitious person, he quickly said I have done all of this. Now it get’s good! Jesus then says, you will be perfect if you go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor and then you shall have treasure in heaven and then follow Him. Now this young man became sad when Jesus made that request. Why? Because he treasured those possessions and giving them away would mean they are no longer his. This is a worldly thought process. What leaves my hand is no longer mine! But in the Kingdom it is different. What leaves your hand allows Heaven to replace with more than you can imagine. So the KEY is to give! This leads into the next statement of Jesus, He said it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. He did not say a rich man could not enter, he said it was hard. He makes an analogy describing how hard by describing a camel trying to fit between the eye of a needle (a equipment used to hold camels to clean them).
See a rich person tends to treasure their things and worldly possessions, but if you are going to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be able to give up the things of the world because they are all temporary, all of your treasure is eternal. Now after all of this what about prosperity? Here is the revelation:
Anyone who comes into the Kingdom of God and lives in it, you inherently become prosperous!
In other words, prosperity is a natural by-product of Kingdom living. This is why the gospel of prosperity is so poisonous to the saints. The gospel of prosperity puts your heart and mind in the things of the world and the Gospel of the Kingdom naturally comes with prosperity and benefits of Kingdom living. This is why Jesus said it is “hard” for a rich man to enter. He did not say it was hard for a rich man to stay in the Kingdom. See once you taste Kingdom living and the prosperity it gives then you do not want anything else. God can move things in and out of your life and you do not worry but find joy in the fact that you do not worry about being prosperous but being righteous in the eye of the King. Because if you are righteous in the eyes of the King then you inherit prosperity. Prosperity is not monetary only! Prosperity is consistent growth in the Kingdom and having access to all that you need and receiving all the blessings that are rightfully yours through righteous living.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Truth about Prosperity
Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know all of our t.v. preachers love the message of prosperity but today, I pray you come to the truth about prosperity. Let’s look at the scriptures! Here we see a young rich ruler who had all these possessions and wanted to know how to have eternal life. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments and like a young ambitious person, he quickly said I have done all of this. Now it get’s good! Jesus then says, you will be perfect if you go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor and then you shall have treasure in heaven and then follow Him. Now this young man became sad when Jesus made that request. Why? Because he treasured those possessions and giving them away would mean they are no longer his. This is a worldly thought process. What leaves my hand is no longer mine! But in the Kingdom it is different. What leaves your hand allows Heaven to replace with more than you can imagine. So the KEY is to give! This leads into the next statement of Jesus, He said it is hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. He did not say a rich man could not enter, he said it was hard. He makes an analogy describing how hard by describing a camel trying to fit between the eye of a needle (a equipment used to hold camels to clean them).
See a rich person tends to treasure their things and worldly possessions, but if you are going to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be able to give up the things of the world because they are all temporary, all of your treasure is eternal. Now after all of this what about prosperity? Here is the revelation:
Anyone who comes into the Kingdom of God and lives in it, you inherently become prosperous!
In other words, prosperity is a natural by-product of Kingdom living. This is why the gospel of prosperity is so poisonous to the saints. The gospel of prosperity puts your heart and mind in the things of the world and the Gospel of the Kingdom naturally comes with prosperity and benefits of Kingdom living. This is why Jesus said it is “hard” for a rich man to enter. He did not say it was hard for a rich man to stay in the Kingdom. See once you taste Kingdom living and the prosperity it gives then you do not want anything else. God can move things in and out of your life and you do not worry but find joy in the fact that you do not worry about being prosperous but being righteous in the eye of the King. Because if you are righteous in the eyes of the King then you inherit prosperity. Prosperity is not monetary only! Prosperity is consistent growth in the Kingdom and having access to all that you need and receiving all the blessings that are rightfully yours through righteous living.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Provision of Celibacy
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom Provision of Celibacy
Scripture: Matthew 19:11-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now of course we stress celibacy till marriage. But there are some who have vowed to be celibate for life. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. Some have done it for the sake of the Kingdom of God. If so, fine. But let’s look at what happens when you combine religion with this. Now many of us have heard of the Catholic church scandal where the priest was molesting the little boys and of course we know this is a tip of probably what has been going on. We know the Catholic church has hid and shifted these molesters around to save face. Now, these priests have vowed to be celibate to their calling. But when natural desires and yearning for a WOMAN starts to become very strong, to prevent from committing fornication, it is best to loose yourself of that religion and be with the one God has called you to be with. See what has happened is because their religion has such a stronghold of them they go even further in sin and molest not girls, but boys. They are committing homosexual acts against these children who are so confused now because they do not know whether to tell their parents that father so-and-so has molested them because they fear the parents will not believe them.
If you are going to be celibate, be celibate! If not, get married! It really comes down to those two options. Regardless of your reasons, whatever you do, just be righteous. This is why Jesus did not spend a lot of time on this issue. Just be righteous.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom Provision of Celibacy
Scripture: Matthew 19:11-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now of course we stress celibacy till marriage. But there are some who have vowed to be celibate for life. Now, there is nothing wrong with that. Some have done it for the sake of the Kingdom of God. If so, fine. But let’s look at what happens when you combine religion with this. Now many of us have heard of the Catholic church scandal where the priest was molesting the little boys and of course we know this is a tip of probably what has been going on. We know the Catholic church has hid and shifted these molesters around to save face. Now, these priests have vowed to be celibate to their calling. But when natural desires and yearning for a WOMAN starts to become very strong, to prevent from committing fornication, it is best to loose yourself of that religion and be with the one God has called you to be with. See what has happened is because their religion has such a stronghold of them they go even further in sin and molest not girls, but boys. They are committing homosexual acts against these children who are so confused now because they do not know whether to tell their parents that father so-and-so has molested them because they fear the parents will not believe them.
If you are going to be celibate, be celibate! If not, get married! It really comes down to those two options. Regardless of your reasons, whatever you do, just be righteous. This is why Jesus did not spend a lot of time on this issue. Just be righteous.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Provisions of Divorce
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 3
Kingdom Provisions of Divorce
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2; Romans 5:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As bitter and hurtful separation and divorce is, God has made a provision for it because of the hardness of man’s heart and for the sake of peace. Look at Matthew 19:8. Jesus is explaining to the Pharisees that the reason for divorce was established because of the hardness of man’s heart. Now look at what Jesus says after that, “But from the beginning it was not so”. So in the beginning there was no divorce. So we are the reason, our hearts are the reason for the institution of divorce. But like a great Father, God makes a way to restore peace in the lives of His children. Jesus states one of the conditions of divorce and Paul, under the Holy Spirit, wrote about others in 1 Corinthians 7.
In these times, especially in the United States the divorce rate is well over 50%. Financial difficulties, children, lack of respect in the relationship, lack of love and most of all a lack of God, has lead to the increased divorce rate. It is so easy for the parents to get lost in the bitterness of a divorce and forget about the children and how they are affected, but God gives us this provision for the sake of peace. Has it been overly used? Possibly? For some, people got married for all the wrong reasons and now in these hard times the relationship is being put to the fire to see if it can stand the heat. Funny, the one person who gave the most advice on marriage and divorce was someone who was never married, Paul! Now, word to the wise, just because someone has not been married or been married long does not mean they do not know about relationships. If they are filled with the Holy Ghost and are being led by the Holy Ghost, it does not matter if they have never had a relationship because the Holy Spirit, knows all, guides and teaches all in truth! I encourage all to read 1 Corinthians 7 and remember, no marriage is going to be without some rainy days. But it is the anticipation of the sunshine that we should look forward to.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 3
Kingdom Provisions of Divorce
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2; Romans 5:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As bitter and hurtful separation and divorce is, God has made a provision for it because of the hardness of man’s heart and for the sake of peace. Look at Matthew 19:8. Jesus is explaining to the Pharisees that the reason for divorce was established because of the hardness of man’s heart. Now look at what Jesus says after that, “But from the beginning it was not so”. So in the beginning there was no divorce. So we are the reason, our hearts are the reason for the institution of divorce. But like a great Father, God makes a way to restore peace in the lives of His children. Jesus states one of the conditions of divorce and Paul, under the Holy Spirit, wrote about others in 1 Corinthians 7.
In these times, especially in the United States the divorce rate is well over 50%. Financial difficulties, children, lack of respect in the relationship, lack of love and most of all a lack of God, has lead to the increased divorce rate. It is so easy for the parents to get lost in the bitterness of a divorce and forget about the children and how they are affected, but God gives us this provision for the sake of peace. Has it been overly used? Possibly? For some, people got married for all the wrong reasons and now in these hard times the relationship is being put to the fire to see if it can stand the heat. Funny, the one person who gave the most advice on marriage and divorce was someone who was never married, Paul! Now, word to the wise, just because someone has not been married or been married long does not mean they do not know about relationships. If they are filled with the Holy Ghost and are being led by the Holy Ghost, it does not matter if they have never had a relationship because the Holy Spirit, knows all, guides and teaches all in truth! I encourage all to read 1 Corinthians 7 and remember, no marriage is going to be without some rainy days. But it is the anticipation of the sunshine that we should look forward to.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Kingdom Prinicipals of Marriages
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 2
Principals of Kingdom-Based Marriages
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let’s look at what Jesus says about marriage and then we will look back and show the consistency from the beginning in the Garden. Let’s look at Matthew 19:4-6! When you read this, first, Jesus is quoting scripture because He says, “have you read..?” Now let’s get to the meat of this:
1st Kingdom Principal of a Marriage – Marriage is between a Man and a Woman
Jesus clearly states it in this scripture that in the beginning he made them male and female. Now let’s go back to Genesis 1:27-28! In the 28th verse it says God blessed “THEM”. So God blessed male and female to be fruitful and multiply under the union of God. Now here is where we clash with the social issue of homosexual marriage. Now we as Ambassadors of Christ, do not have to think about this subject, read what God said marriage is and who it is between and leave it at that. If they have a problem with that, then they need to take it up with Him. In the U.S., why in so many of our churches are we scared to discuss openly about the spirit of homosexuality that is gripping our churches and corrupting our children and adults? The only way you deal with a spirit like that is to use the Word and present the Word in truth but remember, they are still your brothers and sisters and you should love them, but not the spirit within. Here is a revelation, no homosexual is truly happy the way they are! Being with the same sex is a constant battle to prove to the world that they are happy and the Bible says that happiness, love, joy and peace are found in the Holy Ghost!
Finally, homosexuals cannot procreate! Please pay attention to this!! The spirit of homosexuality is an Antichrist spirit. Why? Two homosexuals cannot have sex and produce a baby. God created, physically, for sex to be between a male and a female under the union of God. Since God is a creator, His children must be able to procreate. Two homosexuals cannot be fruitful and multiply the earth. The human race would fail to exist if Adam was homosexual, think about it. So for homosexuals to use the phrase “God says we should love everyone” as a means to justify their actions. But if you are in His image and His likeness and God said He blessed male and female and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply then you can’t justify marriage to no other way than between a male and female. So any other way, you will be cursed and we can refer to many scriptures pertaining to such.
2nd Kingdom Principal – The Two Become One
When God joined two people together, no longer are you joined to your mother and father but cleave to your spouse. You no longer are 2 individuals but 1 flesh. The husband tends to the wife’s needs and vice versa. So what God has joined together! Now that is the key! This has to be a reciprocating relationship. Marriage is not a selfish institution and God did not create us to be selfish. But created us to be loving, forgiving, understanding, merciful, sacrificing and giving to name a few. Everyone here has needs and God has charged both the man and the woman in the scriptures to what their role is. So when you took your vows to the Lord that you would do these things till death do you part, you made that pact with the Lord. Now later on we will discuss divorce and the terms where God ordains the separation of a marriage.
The Lord has led me to say this to those of you who have gone through a separation or divorce. No matter how bitter it was. No matter whose fault it was. Is it worth messing up your righteousness with God? The Bible says if you do not forgive then the Father will not forgive you. He has taken you through the fire and brought you through the valleys of life all to show you that you have to loose yourself from the bitterness and pride. That is holding your soul captive from really going to the next level. Everything in your life maybe ok in your eyes, but in His eyes are they? It is hard to preach to the children forgiveness if we are not willing to do it ourselves. Search within yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the importance of forgiving that other spouse. The Bible also says, “Do not let the sun go down on thy wrath” and you know many times that the sun has set on a day but God had mercy on you to see another so you can get another chance to say “I am sorry”. Remember Pride and Bitterness are not fruits of the Holy Spirit and if you profess to be a citizen of the Kingdom it is better to be forgiven and set free of the burden than carry it to the grave or say, I never got a chance because God gave you many.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 2
Principals of Kingdom-Based Marriages
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let’s look at what Jesus says about marriage and then we will look back and show the consistency from the beginning in the Garden. Let’s look at Matthew 19:4-6! When you read this, first, Jesus is quoting scripture because He says, “have you read..?” Now let’s get to the meat of this:
1st Kingdom Principal of a Marriage – Marriage is between a Man and a Woman
Jesus clearly states it in this scripture that in the beginning he made them male and female. Now let’s go back to Genesis 1:27-28! In the 28th verse it says God blessed “THEM”. So God blessed male and female to be fruitful and multiply under the union of God. Now here is where we clash with the social issue of homosexual marriage. Now we as Ambassadors of Christ, do not have to think about this subject, read what God said marriage is and who it is between and leave it at that. If they have a problem with that, then they need to take it up with Him. In the U.S., why in so many of our churches are we scared to discuss openly about the spirit of homosexuality that is gripping our churches and corrupting our children and adults? The only way you deal with a spirit like that is to use the Word and present the Word in truth but remember, they are still your brothers and sisters and you should love them, but not the spirit within. Here is a revelation, no homosexual is truly happy the way they are! Being with the same sex is a constant battle to prove to the world that they are happy and the Bible says that happiness, love, joy and peace are found in the Holy Ghost!
Finally, homosexuals cannot procreate! Please pay attention to this!! The spirit of homosexuality is an Antichrist spirit. Why? Two homosexuals cannot have sex and produce a baby. God created, physically, for sex to be between a male and a female under the union of God. Since God is a creator, His children must be able to procreate. Two homosexuals cannot be fruitful and multiply the earth. The human race would fail to exist if Adam was homosexual, think about it. So for homosexuals to use the phrase “God says we should love everyone” as a means to justify their actions. But if you are in His image and His likeness and God said He blessed male and female and told THEM to be fruitful and multiply then you can’t justify marriage to no other way than between a male and female. So any other way, you will be cursed and we can refer to many scriptures pertaining to such.
2nd Kingdom Principal – The Two Become One
When God joined two people together, no longer are you joined to your mother and father but cleave to your spouse. You no longer are 2 individuals but 1 flesh. The husband tends to the wife’s needs and vice versa. So what God has joined together! Now that is the key! This has to be a reciprocating relationship. Marriage is not a selfish institution and God did not create us to be selfish. But created us to be loving, forgiving, understanding, merciful, sacrificing and giving to name a few. Everyone here has needs and God has charged both the man and the woman in the scriptures to what their role is. So when you took your vows to the Lord that you would do these things till death do you part, you made that pact with the Lord. Now later on we will discuss divorce and the terms where God ordains the separation of a marriage.
The Lord has led me to say this to those of you who have gone through a separation or divorce. No matter how bitter it was. No matter whose fault it was. Is it worth messing up your righteousness with God? The Bible says if you do not forgive then the Father will not forgive you. He has taken you through the fire and brought you through the valleys of life all to show you that you have to loose yourself from the bitterness and pride. That is holding your soul captive from really going to the next level. Everything in your life maybe ok in your eyes, but in His eyes are they? It is hard to preach to the children forgiveness if we are not willing to do it ourselves. Search within yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the importance of forgiving that other spouse. The Bible also says, “Do not let the sun go down on thy wrath” and you know many times that the sun has set on a day but God had mercy on you to see another so you can get another chance to say “I am sorry”. Remember Pride and Bitterness are not fruits of the Holy Spirit and if you profess to be a citizen of the Kingdom it is better to be forgiven and set free of the burden than carry it to the grave or say, I never got a chance because God gave you many.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Foundation of Relationships
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 1
Foundation of Relationships
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Over the next couple of days we will be discussing this very important topic for all citizens, young and adults. Today we will discuss the foundation of relationships, then marriage itself, then we will wrap up with divorce. I know many will have questions and the Lord has answers. Please feel free to send any questions or feedback on these important topics.
Foundation of Relationships
So many people say their relationships are founded on love and trust and the reality is, it is more founded on material lust, sex and emotional need. In order to get to the marriage we must understand what makes it up and what sustains it. First, a marriage is a relationship. What is a relationship and what is its foundation? Well, the first relationship on Earth was between Adam and God. This was a father/son relationship. This relationship was the most important because it was the relationship to establish the order of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth through the children on God. The way Adam showed love to God was by obedience to the commandments God set for him in Genesis 2. Same way we should show love to our parents and please them is through obedience, especially if they are following the Word of God.
1. So the first thing before you even think about marriage with another person is getting your relationship with God established and in order. This ensures that you are not looking for the mate but you are preparing yourself for your assignment and to receive FROM GOD your mate.
The goal here is to know what God wants you to do for Him because your assignment and your mate’s assignment shall work together to help build the Kingdom of God. But this starts as an individual first and your relationship with God. This is where many of our relationships and marriages are breaking up. Yes, some are financial but if we really get down to the real problems, you will see a problem in their personal relationship with God and where God did not fill emotional voids, we filled them with that person. When that person lets us down then we are further torn down than before.
So, if you do not have a personal relationship with God then you lend yourself to picking the wrong mate and feeling the consequences of such actions, which then carry over to the children and now we start having these generational curses that are passed down to our children because of our actions. The only person that needs to validate who you are is God because no matter what man says, what He sees is all that matters. Now that is the love of a Father!
So, to have this foundational relationship with God, you have to put your opinions and your beliefs aside and hear His Voice and read His Word and do as He has instructed us to do. This is a Kingdom Principal – Your Opinion Does Not Matter. When you speak what you think then you lend yourself to arguments, but when you state what the King has mandated then you refer the person with questions to the King! Much easier. The only way in these times that we are going to survive and experience true Kingdom life and Kingdom relationships then we have to have a relationship with the King!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Relationships, Marriage and Divorce According to the Kingdom pt 1
Foundation of Relationships
Series Scriptures: Matthew 19:1-12; 1 Corinthians 7; Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Over the next couple of days we will be discussing this very important topic for all citizens, young and adults. Today we will discuss the foundation of relationships, then marriage itself, then we will wrap up with divorce. I know many will have questions and the Lord has answers. Please feel free to send any questions or feedback on these important topics.
Foundation of Relationships
So many people say their relationships are founded on love and trust and the reality is, it is more founded on material lust, sex and emotional need. In order to get to the marriage we must understand what makes it up and what sustains it. First, a marriage is a relationship. What is a relationship and what is its foundation? Well, the first relationship on Earth was between Adam and God. This was a father/son relationship. This relationship was the most important because it was the relationship to establish the order of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth through the children on God. The way Adam showed love to God was by obedience to the commandments God set for him in Genesis 2. Same way we should show love to our parents and please them is through obedience, especially if they are following the Word of God.
1. So the first thing before you even think about marriage with another person is getting your relationship with God established and in order. This ensures that you are not looking for the mate but you are preparing yourself for your assignment and to receive FROM GOD your mate.
The goal here is to know what God wants you to do for Him because your assignment and your mate’s assignment shall work together to help build the Kingdom of God. But this starts as an individual first and your relationship with God. This is where many of our relationships and marriages are breaking up. Yes, some are financial but if we really get down to the real problems, you will see a problem in their personal relationship with God and where God did not fill emotional voids, we filled them with that person. When that person lets us down then we are further torn down than before.
So, if you do not have a personal relationship with God then you lend yourself to picking the wrong mate and feeling the consequences of such actions, which then carry over to the children and now we start having these generational curses that are passed down to our children because of our actions. The only person that needs to validate who you are is God because no matter what man says, what He sees is all that matters. Now that is the love of a Father!
So, to have this foundational relationship with God, you have to put your opinions and your beliefs aside and hear His Voice and read His Word and do as He has instructed us to do. This is a Kingdom Principal – Your Opinion Does Not Matter. When you speak what you think then you lend yourself to arguments, but when you state what the King has mandated then you refer the person with questions to the King! Much easier. The only way in these times that we are going to survive and experience true Kingdom life and Kingdom relationships then we have to have a relationship with the King!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Power of One
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of One
Scripture: Matthew 18:11-14
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scripture Jesus states He is come to save that which was lost. Now He goes into a parable of the sheep and how God rejoices over the one sheep that was found than the 99 that are already with him.
Sometimes in ministry we get caught up in numbers and the number of people that come to Christ in our various church establishments. Do not get me wrong, it is good to see so many people come to Christ. Coming from a small church in Tallahassee, Florida in the United States (This ministry is global gotta be specific) when one person comes it is a joyous time and Heaven rejoices also. I know we have some people from small churches on this ministry and some large churches. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the lost and then introduce them to King Jesus. I would love to have 15 lost souls coming to Christ every Sunday, but I just pray that the Word of God continues to draw whom He pleases to Him. I have learned this, really as of late, when I preach the Kingdom of God, I have seen more of a response from people who are lost and I have watched the Lord prick their hearts to come to Him. They may not have come that day, but just the fact that the Word of God is all they needed to turn their lives to the Lord further confirms that we as the body of Christ and citizens of the Kingdom need to stop trying to win members to our churches with gimmicks. If you use a gimmick to win them, you have to use a gimmick to keep them. All Jesus needs for us to do is lift Him up in our lifestyle and our testimony and He will draw that lost sheep back to the fold. He will go and get them! Let us continue to lift up the name of Jesus, not just on Sunday, but everyday so that the ones who do not know the light of the World and the Bread of Life may come to know Him through your lifestyle as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Let’s keep working together and forcefully advancing the Kingdom of God and preaching the Kingdom to all the nations as a witness so our Lord can comeback and raise us up in immortality. Now if that did not excite you, I do not know what will!!!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Power of One
Scripture: Matthew 18:11-14
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scripture Jesus states He is come to save that which was lost. Now He goes into a parable of the sheep and how God rejoices over the one sheep that was found than the 99 that are already with him.
Sometimes in ministry we get caught up in numbers and the number of people that come to Christ in our various church establishments. Do not get me wrong, it is good to see so many people come to Christ. Coming from a small church in Tallahassee, Florida in the United States (This ministry is global gotta be specific) when one person comes it is a joyous time and Heaven rejoices also. I know we have some people from small churches on this ministry and some large churches. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the lost and then introduce them to King Jesus. I would love to have 15 lost souls coming to Christ every Sunday, but I just pray that the Word of God continues to draw whom He pleases to Him. I have learned this, really as of late, when I preach the Kingdom of God, I have seen more of a response from people who are lost and I have watched the Lord prick their hearts to come to Him. They may not have come that day, but just the fact that the Word of God is all they needed to turn their lives to the Lord further confirms that we as the body of Christ and citizens of the Kingdom need to stop trying to win members to our churches with gimmicks. If you use a gimmick to win them, you have to use a gimmick to keep them. All Jesus needs for us to do is lift Him up in our lifestyle and our testimony and He will draw that lost sheep back to the fold. He will go and get them! Let us continue to lift up the name of Jesus, not just on Sunday, but everyday so that the ones who do not know the light of the World and the Bread of Life may come to know Him through your lifestyle as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Let’s keep working together and forcefully advancing the Kingdom of God and preaching the Kingdom to all the nations as a witness so our Lord can comeback and raise us up in immortality. Now if that did not excite you, I do not know what will!!!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Watch Out for the Children!
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Watch Out for the Children!
Scripture: Matthew 18:6-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this message may serve more as a warning to those of us who are saved who cause our brothers to sin or be offended. Now I know through the course of life we will run into people that we will not agree with. But it is our responsibility in order to stay in righteousness to make sure we leave that person in peace, even asking for forgiveness. As you read the scripture, Jesus is saying it is better for you to hang yourself than to offend a child of God. Jesus then goes on to describe it is more important for you to be concerned with staying in righteousness and ensuring your entrance into the Kingdom than your pride and arrogance and being cast into hell! That is harsh but it is truth! Now here is the good part for some and the warning for others.
The Warning (verse 10)
Beware of the children of God because if you offend one of them then the angels of Heaven are going to deal with you. Why? Because they are sent to minister (serve) those who are the heirs of salvation (Hebrew 1:14). Have you read what the Angels or the Army of the Lord does? I suggest you read Revelation at some point and after reading Revelation, then determine whether you want to offend a child of God!
The Blessing (verse 10)
As a child of God you have Angels watching over you who are responsible to keep you in all of God’s ways. There are numerous scriptures about this Army of the Kingdom and their role. But the comforting fact is the Angels work for the heirs of salvation which is mankind and the citizens of the Kingdom on Earth. They do not work for you once you die! So, keep in mind when people come to persecute you and say all manner of evil against you, keep in mind you have Angels watching over you and serving you!
Kingdom Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Watch Out for the Children!
Scripture: Matthew 18:6-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this message may serve more as a warning to those of us who are saved who cause our brothers to sin or be offended. Now I know through the course of life we will run into people that we will not agree with. But it is our responsibility in order to stay in righteousness to make sure we leave that person in peace, even asking for forgiveness. As you read the scripture, Jesus is saying it is better for you to hang yourself than to offend a child of God. Jesus then goes on to describe it is more important for you to be concerned with staying in righteousness and ensuring your entrance into the Kingdom than your pride and arrogance and being cast into hell! That is harsh but it is truth! Now here is the good part for some and the warning for others.
The Warning (verse 10)
Beware of the children of God because if you offend one of them then the angels of Heaven are going to deal with you. Why? Because they are sent to minister (serve) those who are the heirs of salvation (Hebrew 1:14). Have you read what the Angels or the Army of the Lord does? I suggest you read Revelation at some point and after reading Revelation, then determine whether you want to offend a child of God!
The Blessing (verse 10)
As a child of God you have Angels watching over you who are responsible to keep you in all of God’s ways. There are numerous scriptures about this Army of the Kingdom and their role. But the comforting fact is the Angels work for the heirs of salvation which is mankind and the citizens of the Kingdom on Earth. They do not work for you once you die! So, keep in mind when people come to persecute you and say all manner of evil against you, keep in mind you have Angels watching over you and serving you!
Kingdom Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Are You A Child?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Are You a Little Child?
Scripture: Matthew 18:1-4; Romans 12:2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here the disciples ask Jesus, who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God? And Jesus pulls to Him a little child and states (paraphrasing), except you be converted and become like this little child, then you will not enter the Kingdom. This is a very loaded statement and it has 2 parts: Conversion and Entering so let’s deal with both to get an understanding of how and why little children will enter into the Kingdom. First, the conversion.
Conversion happens in the mind. Read Romans 12:2! When you accepted Christ, for many of us not much changed about our actions and our standard of living. We seem to backslide and still do the same things we used to do and the problem is that even though you are saved, your mind has not been converted. This is why Jesus came and His first words to the multitude was REPENT, or change our mind! To enter into this Kingdom, the mind that you currently have will not work, only the mind of Christ will allow you to function in the Kingdom. So, just as you are saved spiritually, you have to be converted in the mind also and that is a choice you have to make. Now let’s look at entering.
When Jesus said you will not enter into the Kingdom, He was talking about exploring. So unless you be converted and become like little children then you will not be able to explore the Kingdom of God. Now how do you become this child so you can explore the Kingdom. Well you have think like a child, for example:
1. A child is solely dependent on their parents for survival
2. A child never worries about needs being met because they know the parents will take care of them
3. A child’s mind is like a sponge and willing to learn any and everything you expose them to.
4. A child’s attitude is to love and do what it takes to please their parents
You have to become like this child to God and when you do, He will show you and explain to you how to explore and experience Kingdom lifestyle! You cannot use the same mind you had before you were saved, only the mind of Christ can reveal to you the secrets of the Kingdom. Have you become that little child yet? If not Abba is waiting……..
Kingdom Ambassador, Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Are You a Little Child?
Scripture: Matthew 18:1-4; Romans 12:2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here the disciples ask Jesus, who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God? And Jesus pulls to Him a little child and states (paraphrasing), except you be converted and become like this little child, then you will not enter the Kingdom. This is a very loaded statement and it has 2 parts: Conversion and Entering so let’s deal with both to get an understanding of how and why little children will enter into the Kingdom. First, the conversion.
Conversion happens in the mind. Read Romans 12:2! When you accepted Christ, for many of us not much changed about our actions and our standard of living. We seem to backslide and still do the same things we used to do and the problem is that even though you are saved, your mind has not been converted. This is why Jesus came and His first words to the multitude was REPENT, or change our mind! To enter into this Kingdom, the mind that you currently have will not work, only the mind of Christ will allow you to function in the Kingdom. So, just as you are saved spiritually, you have to be converted in the mind also and that is a choice you have to make. Now let’s look at entering.
When Jesus said you will not enter into the Kingdom, He was talking about exploring. So unless you be converted and become like little children then you will not be able to explore the Kingdom of God. Now how do you become this child so you can explore the Kingdom. Well you have think like a child, for example:
1. A child is solely dependent on their parents for survival
2. A child never worries about needs being met because they know the parents will take care of them
3. A child’s mind is like a sponge and willing to learn any and everything you expose them to.
4. A child’s attitude is to love and do what it takes to please their parents
You have to become like this child to God and when you do, He will show you and explain to you how to explore and experience Kingdom lifestyle! You cannot use the same mind you had before you were saved, only the mind of Christ can reveal to you the secrets of the Kingdom. Have you become that little child yet? If not Abba is waiting……..
Kingdom Ambassador, Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Power of Kingdom Provision
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Power of Kingdom Provision
Scripture: Matthew 17:24-27
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this story here we have Jesus and the disciples coming into Capernaum and being questioned whether their master (Jesus) pays tribute. Tribute is taxes. Peter then answers yes and then runs to Jesus. Before Peter could get a word out Jesus asks him what are you thinking about and who do the kings of the Earth take tribute from and Peter says strangers. Now, Jesus like always makes a way out of no way. Now, based off of the story Jesus did not (naturally) have the money to pay the taxes but He switched Kingdoms to the Kingdom of God and in that Kingdom, He had more than enough and because of Jesus faith, a way was made. Now here is where it is funny.
He basically tells Peter to go fishing and the first fish you catch go and take the money out of that fish’s mouth and there will be enough for you (Peter) and me (Jesus). Now here is a question:
Do you believe that a fish can bring you your rent payment?
Ok, if you do not, then you can stop reading here! But if you do, then keep the faith and watch God perform a miracle for you. See what we forget is that God owns everything and He knows His creation and controls them. Much like the birds bringing Elijah food, I know God can bring me a check by donkey to pay my mortgage off. See the King, for His name’s sake (reputation), has to take care of His citizens, because His true citizens are a reflection of Him. Are you a true citizen of the Kingdom? Are your provisions being met by God?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Power of Kingdom Provision
Scripture: Matthew 17:24-27
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this story here we have Jesus and the disciples coming into Capernaum and being questioned whether their master (Jesus) pays tribute. Tribute is taxes. Peter then answers yes and then runs to Jesus. Before Peter could get a word out Jesus asks him what are you thinking about and who do the kings of the Earth take tribute from and Peter says strangers. Now, Jesus like always makes a way out of no way. Now, based off of the story Jesus did not (naturally) have the money to pay the taxes but He switched Kingdoms to the Kingdom of God and in that Kingdom, He had more than enough and because of Jesus faith, a way was made. Now here is where it is funny.
He basically tells Peter to go fishing and the first fish you catch go and take the money out of that fish’s mouth and there will be enough for you (Peter) and me (Jesus). Now here is a question:
Do you believe that a fish can bring you your rent payment?
Ok, if you do not, then you can stop reading here! But if you do, then keep the faith and watch God perform a miracle for you. See what we forget is that God owns everything and He knows His creation and controls them. Much like the birds bringing Elijah food, I know God can bring me a check by donkey to pay my mortgage off. See the King, for His name’s sake (reputation), has to take care of His citizens, because His true citizens are a reflection of Him. Are you a true citizen of the Kingdom? Are your provisions being met by God?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Power of Faith
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of Faith
Scripture: Matthew 17:14-21; Hebrew 11:1,6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this story we see a man possessed of a devil and the disciples could not cure him and Jesus gets a little upset because after all he has shown to them they still do not know how to use the power. Now look what Jesus called them in verse 17, O FAITHLESS and perverse generation! So it is through the power of faith can this power be made manifest. As you further read the disciples asked Jesus why would the devil not come out when they tried and Jesus gave them a great answer and it is found in verse 20, Jesus says “Because of your unbelief”. Now Jesus makes a reassurance and a powerful statement in the latter part of verse 20. He says “nothing shall be impossible unto you”. Look at that again! Jesus said nothing shall be impossible. So, through your faith in Christ all things are possible. Many Christians really do not believe in people being possessed of a devil or evil spirit. Satan uses this unbelief to continue to degrade the children of God by using their bodies through their minds to do ungodly things. For many of us the only thing we have heard about devils is through the process of a exorcism, or the Catholic church, and/or only a priest can do this. This is the perverted thought process of casting out devils. Think about this, if the only person on earth that can cast out a devil is a catholic priest we are in so much trouble. And they question themselves when to do it? But look at who Jesus gave the power to do such an act. He gave it to His disciples! Are we not disciples of Christ? Now understand not all of us have that gift, that is power that is given from God but the key is that we have to be in a position to use it when God calls upon us. See this comes down to reading the Bible for yourself. Through Moses faith, God parted the Sea. Through David’s faith, Goliath was defeated. Through the centurion’s faith, his servant was healed by Jesus. Through Jesus faith, five thousand was fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. So, faith is a key that unlocks Heaven’s doors to allow Heaven to interfere on Earth through the children of God.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Power of Faith
Scripture: Matthew 17:14-21; Hebrew 11:1,6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this story we see a man possessed of a devil and the disciples could not cure him and Jesus gets a little upset because after all he has shown to them they still do not know how to use the power. Now look what Jesus called them in verse 17, O FAITHLESS and perverse generation! So it is through the power of faith can this power be made manifest. As you further read the disciples asked Jesus why would the devil not come out when they tried and Jesus gave them a great answer and it is found in verse 20, Jesus says “Because of your unbelief”. Now Jesus makes a reassurance and a powerful statement in the latter part of verse 20. He says “nothing shall be impossible unto you”. Look at that again! Jesus said nothing shall be impossible. So, through your faith in Christ all things are possible. Many Christians really do not believe in people being possessed of a devil or evil spirit. Satan uses this unbelief to continue to degrade the children of God by using their bodies through their minds to do ungodly things. For many of us the only thing we have heard about devils is through the process of a exorcism, or the Catholic church, and/or only a priest can do this. This is the perverted thought process of casting out devils. Think about this, if the only person on earth that can cast out a devil is a catholic priest we are in so much trouble. And they question themselves when to do it? But look at who Jesus gave the power to do such an act. He gave it to His disciples! Are we not disciples of Christ? Now understand not all of us have that gift, that is power that is given from God but the key is that we have to be in a position to use it when God calls upon us. See this comes down to reading the Bible for yourself. Through Moses faith, God parted the Sea. Through David’s faith, Goliath was defeated. Through the centurion’s faith, his servant was healed by Jesus. Through Jesus faith, five thousand was fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. So, faith is a key that unlocks Heaven’s doors to allow Heaven to interfere on Earth through the children of God.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Is It Worth It?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Is it Worth It?
Scripture: Matthew 16:24-28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
How many of you would love to be a millionaire, have 2 to 3 houses, a private jet, and a million dollar salary and that’s it. Well I know that seems wonderful but is it worth eternal damnation. Ok! Now, we can look at all of these celebrities, athletes and even many of these televangelists on t.v. and say I wish I had everything they had. You even ask the question: Why do some of the vilest people get all the riches? Well the answer is because they are supposed to because that is what they are chasing, prosperity. Now here you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, a King, Priest, Ambassador and son of God with the Army of Heaven at your call and protection and eternal life. Now I do not know about you, but that second list is a lot better than the first. Why? Let’s look at the scriptures to see why.
First, if you are going to follow Christ and come under His Lordship, you have to deny yourself. Now this includes your worldly possessions! Ok, God owns everything but He does not want you to put your possessions before him and His assignment for you. See when you do not stake ownership in the things of the world then God can shift things in and out of your hands freely and continuously bless you. But when you hoard and stake ownership then God can not open the doors of Heaven because your greed has closed the door. Now, look at what Jesus says about the person who gains the whole world, he shall lose his soul. Now what is more important, money, house, car or soul? See your soul can either live forever or be cast into eternal hell. We all have to make a choice, God or the World? Which one is yours?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Is it Worth It?
Scripture: Matthew 16:24-28
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
How many of you would love to be a millionaire, have 2 to 3 houses, a private jet, and a million dollar salary and that’s it. Well I know that seems wonderful but is it worth eternal damnation. Ok! Now, we can look at all of these celebrities, athletes and even many of these televangelists on t.v. and say I wish I had everything they had. You even ask the question: Why do some of the vilest people get all the riches? Well the answer is because they are supposed to because that is what they are chasing, prosperity. Now here you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God, a King, Priest, Ambassador and son of God with the Army of Heaven at your call and protection and eternal life. Now I do not know about you, but that second list is a lot better than the first. Why? Let’s look at the scriptures to see why.
First, if you are going to follow Christ and come under His Lordship, you have to deny yourself. Now this includes your worldly possessions! Ok, God owns everything but He does not want you to put your possessions before him and His assignment for you. See when you do not stake ownership in the things of the world then God can shift things in and out of your hands freely and continuously bless you. But when you hoard and stake ownership then God can not open the doors of Heaven because your greed has closed the door. Now, look at what Jesus says about the person who gains the whole world, he shall lose his soul. Now what is more important, money, house, car or soul? See your soul can either live forever or be cast into eternal hell. We all have to make a choice, God or the World? Which one is yours?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
Scripture: Matthew 16:16-18; Romans 10:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, in this scripture we will look at verse 18 as our topic of discussion but need to refer back to the other verses for context. Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you say I am?” and Peter answered “You Are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Now in verse 18 Jesus goes on to say “Upon this rock I will build my church”. Now we have to break this statement up to get a broad view of what Jesus meant. First, let’s deal with the rock.
The rock Jesus is talking about is Peter’s statement or confession that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Look at Romans 10:9! You have to confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved. So when you make this confession you become a citizen of the Kingdom and become a part of the Assembly of God and that leads me to the word Church!
The word church means assembly. It is not a religious word. It is a political word. So now when you read this scripture you can substitute the word church for assembly. So upon this rock I will build my assembly! An assembly as many of us know from the political world is a group of people who were elected or selected to carry out governmental duties. So in our country, the Kingdom of God we were selected into the secret cabinet to learn and execute the mind of our King to the Earth and continue to colonize the Earth with Kingdom citizenship. So, Jesus was not talking about a physical building when He made that statement, He was talking about His political group that will represent Him in the Earth. I know we have religious denominations that say “we are the true church”. As a wake up call the church is all those who have accepted Christ as Lord and have citizenship in the Kingdom of God. In addition, they do the Will of the Father in Heaven and impact Earth with God’s Will. So regardless if you are baptist, pentacostal, church of God of prophecy, whatever. If your physical church, is a Bible believing, Christ-raised from the dead believing, Jesus is Lord and the Son of the Living God believing, Holy Ghost believing and filled, Kingdom of God preaching church then you are fine. Let not our denominations divide us because in 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul tells the church at Corinth to be of one mind and of course that is in Christ Jesus!
I pray this has helped someone to understand what the rock and the church is. In order to understand Jesus you must have the mind and the heart of Jesus and that is found in the Holy Spirit and it is only through the Holy Spirit that the truth of what has been said will be revealed. May God Continue to Bless You!
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven
Scripture: Matthew 16:16-18; Romans 10:9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, in this scripture we will look at verse 18 as our topic of discussion but need to refer back to the other verses for context. Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you say I am?” and Peter answered “You Are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Now in verse 18 Jesus goes on to say “Upon this rock I will build my church”. Now we have to break this statement up to get a broad view of what Jesus meant. First, let’s deal with the rock.
The rock Jesus is talking about is Peter’s statement or confession that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Look at Romans 10:9! You have to confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved. So when you make this confession you become a citizen of the Kingdom and become a part of the Assembly of God and that leads me to the word Church!
The word church means assembly. It is not a religious word. It is a political word. So now when you read this scripture you can substitute the word church for assembly. So upon this rock I will build my assembly! An assembly as many of us know from the political world is a group of people who were elected or selected to carry out governmental duties. So in our country, the Kingdom of God we were selected into the secret cabinet to learn and execute the mind of our King to the Earth and continue to colonize the Earth with Kingdom citizenship. So, Jesus was not talking about a physical building when He made that statement, He was talking about His political group that will represent Him in the Earth. I know we have religious denominations that say “we are the true church”. As a wake up call the church is all those who have accepted Christ as Lord and have citizenship in the Kingdom of God. In addition, they do the Will of the Father in Heaven and impact Earth with God’s Will. So regardless if you are baptist, pentacostal, church of God of prophecy, whatever. If your physical church, is a Bible believing, Christ-raised from the dead believing, Jesus is Lord and the Son of the Living God believing, Holy Ghost believing and filled, Kingdom of God preaching church then you are fine. Let not our denominations divide us because in 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul tells the church at Corinth to be of one mind and of course that is in Christ Jesus!
I pray this has helped someone to understand what the rock and the church is. In order to understand Jesus you must have the mind and the heart of Jesus and that is found in the Holy Spirit and it is only through the Holy Spirit that the truth of what has been said will be revealed. May God Continue to Bless You!
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The next two to three messages are going to be very important to read so don’t miss them. Jesus first ask, who do men say that I am? And as you read the scripture men say that Jesus was one of the prophets. Now, Jesus is trying to make a very fundamental point. After performing all these miracles, some still do not believe that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. So if men are saying this about me (Jesus), I wonder what my disciples say about me? See, all the people who are your friends and say they are with you, may not be with you for all the right reasons. So, Christ ask the disciples who do you say I am? All of us have to speak for ourselves to this question. You have to know Jesus for yourself. This is why we are going through the 4 Gospels so when people ask you who is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can use you and speak words like no other to describe the Son of the Living God!! I actually got ahead of myself so let me back up. In verse 17, look who revealed Peter’s answer from verse 16. Not flesh and blood, so Peter did not know that from himself! He received this revelation from God the Father. So only the Spirit can reveal things of the Spirit. Flesh and blood do not know spiritual things. This is why when people ask you who is Jesus, you do not have to speak, let the Holy Spirit speak through you. Because, no better person than the Holy Spirit can describe the Son of God. So if Jesus asked you, “Who do you say that I am?” What would you say?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The next two to three messages are going to be very important to read so don’t miss them. Jesus first ask, who do men say that I am? And as you read the scripture men say that Jesus was one of the prophets. Now, Jesus is trying to make a very fundamental point. After performing all these miracles, some still do not believe that He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. So if men are saying this about me (Jesus), I wonder what my disciples say about me? See, all the people who are your friends and say they are with you, may not be with you for all the right reasons. So, Christ ask the disciples who do you say I am? All of us have to speak for ourselves to this question. You have to know Jesus for yourself. This is why we are going through the 4 Gospels so when people ask you who is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can use you and speak words like no other to describe the Son of the Living God!! I actually got ahead of myself so let me back up. In verse 17, look who revealed Peter’s answer from verse 16. Not flesh and blood, so Peter did not know that from himself! He received this revelation from God the Father. So only the Spirit can reveal things of the Spirit. Flesh and blood do not know spiritual things. This is why when people ask you who is Jesus, you do not have to speak, let the Holy Spirit speak through you. Because, no better person than the Holy Spirit can describe the Son of God. So if Jesus asked you, “Who do you say that I am?” What would you say?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
The Bread of Life Versus the Religious Leaders
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Bread of Life versus the Religious Leaders
Scripture: Matthew 16:6-12; Romans 10:9; 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures Jesus is telling the disciples to beware of the “leaven” of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Now in a previous message we saw the leaven being described as yeast in meal that eventually spreads and takes over. Now Jesus was not talking about bread but the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Well you ask, why would you be careful of the religious leaders who know the scriptures? Because they used the scriptures to control people. Ok? Religion controls you, the Kingdom gives you self-government (Galatians 5:22-23). We will talk about 2 of the doctrines that are being spread every Sunday on t.v. channels such as TBN, The Word Network, Daystar and BET by prominent mega-churches and their bishops, pastors and preachers. I know this might cost me members but truth is truth and the charge that I have been given is not to just preach the word in season and out of season but also to rebuke. If you did not know about these people, I suggest you do your research and know for yourself.
Doctrine of Prosperity, Season and Breakthrough
The gospel of prosperity is taking over more and more because of the outsourcing of our emotional needs to feel good about ourselves and the reality is, if you just deal with your spiritual nature then your emotional nature will come under control. A pastor in Texas who has the largest church membership in the United States stated on a Fox News interview that he loves encouraging people and he preaches a positive message every Sunday. He also states he does not like to use the word sin because of its negative connotation and we need to encourage one another in these times. Ok! Can we agree that God will not bless a sinful lifestyle? Can we also agree that God blesses the righteous? So in order to get someone to be blessed, you have to deal with the sin they were in. Jesus said He called “sinners to repentance”. So if Jesus calls us a sinner then it is obvious we have to deal with sin first and become righteous in order for God to open the windows of Heaven for us. Citizens, prosperity comes naturally as a citizen of the Kingdom! Prosperity is not monetary only! These prominent bishops and preachers are millionaires and there congregations are maybe majority 50,000 dollar households. These people are searching for the truth and trying to find a way in the midst of turmoil to control their circumstances and they are not being taught what God told Him to preach. You ask how do I know what God told him to preach? Because what Jesus message was, is also our message. They are living off of the backs of the congregations they serve and do not preach the Kingdom and do not teach how to live in the Kingdom or its principles. But they preach this prosperity message that encourages you but when you get out into the world the message does not work! Why is there such a disconnect between the pastor and the congregation. I am sorry but if you get mad at this is probably because it is the truth and you put your faith in the man and not in THE MAN, JESUS! Jesus rebuked the religious leaders and told the disciples to beware of their doctrine. I urge every person to read 2 Timothy 4:1-5, this is the responsibility of the pastor and/or bishop of your church. Do you have itching ears and are they preaching sound doctrine?
Doctrine of Inclusion
This doctrine is being spread at a very rapid rate in the United States and I am telling you, if you are a follower of this pastor then you stand the chance of not entering into the Kingdom of God! Carlton Pearson is the founder of the “gospel of inclusion” and basically in a small sentence, it states that you do not have to confess Jesus as Lord and that God raised Him from the dead (conflicts with Romans 10:9) because all will be saved anyway. This bishop is going around preaching this message and forwarding the homosexual agenda in churches in America. I know we have a lot of pastors on this ministry, do not allow this guy or anyone who believes in Him to grace your pulpit and address your congregation. I have heard of pastors who have done so and because Carlton Pearson said it, it goes! In less than 1 hour, he has converted whole churches to his doctrine. Go look Him up citizens! Jesus is warning us to beware of the doctrines. If the message they preach are not scripturally based, then what are they talking about? A show on t.v. that is slowing pushing His agenda and his return to power is BET’s “Exalted”. Read about his bio on the BET website and what he believes. Nothing about the Kingdom of God! If the Kingdom of God is not first then what matters?
Now, I know many others who are on t.v. preaching their doctrine and what they believe and not what Jesus has told them to preach, the Kingdom of God! Not everyone followed Jesus after He called the Pharisees and Sadducees to the carpet about what they are teaching the people. Here is something to think about!
Did Jesus out live the people who He was serving and ministering to? In other words, did Jesus material and natural lifestyle exalt Him higher than the people so that they feel that they could not touch him or speak to him? Of course not! Whoever wanted to speak to Jesus all they had to do was come to Him, they did not have to go through 5 assistant ministers, 25 deacons and 4 secretaries just to speak to their shepherd. Do you have access to your pastor? Is your pastor unreachable because He is so famous in the world? Is your pastor too busy to talk to you? Jesus never was, so should we?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Bread of Life versus the Religious Leaders
Scripture: Matthew 16:6-12; Romans 10:9; 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures Jesus is telling the disciples to beware of the “leaven” of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Now in a previous message we saw the leaven being described as yeast in meal that eventually spreads and takes over. Now Jesus was not talking about bread but the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Well you ask, why would you be careful of the religious leaders who know the scriptures? Because they used the scriptures to control people. Ok? Religion controls you, the Kingdom gives you self-government (Galatians 5:22-23). We will talk about 2 of the doctrines that are being spread every Sunday on t.v. channels such as TBN, The Word Network, Daystar and BET by prominent mega-churches and their bishops, pastors and preachers. I know this might cost me members but truth is truth and the charge that I have been given is not to just preach the word in season and out of season but also to rebuke. If you did not know about these people, I suggest you do your research and know for yourself.
Doctrine of Prosperity, Season and Breakthrough
The gospel of prosperity is taking over more and more because of the outsourcing of our emotional needs to feel good about ourselves and the reality is, if you just deal with your spiritual nature then your emotional nature will come under control. A pastor in Texas who has the largest church membership in the United States stated on a Fox News interview that he loves encouraging people and he preaches a positive message every Sunday. He also states he does not like to use the word sin because of its negative connotation and we need to encourage one another in these times. Ok! Can we agree that God will not bless a sinful lifestyle? Can we also agree that God blesses the righteous? So in order to get someone to be blessed, you have to deal with the sin they were in. Jesus said He called “sinners to repentance”. So if Jesus calls us a sinner then it is obvious we have to deal with sin first and become righteous in order for God to open the windows of Heaven for us. Citizens, prosperity comes naturally as a citizen of the Kingdom! Prosperity is not monetary only! These prominent bishops and preachers are millionaires and there congregations are maybe majority 50,000 dollar households. These people are searching for the truth and trying to find a way in the midst of turmoil to control their circumstances and they are not being taught what God told Him to preach. You ask how do I know what God told him to preach? Because what Jesus message was, is also our message. They are living off of the backs of the congregations they serve and do not preach the Kingdom and do not teach how to live in the Kingdom or its principles. But they preach this prosperity message that encourages you but when you get out into the world the message does not work! Why is there such a disconnect between the pastor and the congregation. I am sorry but if you get mad at this is probably because it is the truth and you put your faith in the man and not in THE MAN, JESUS! Jesus rebuked the religious leaders and told the disciples to beware of their doctrine. I urge every person to read 2 Timothy 4:1-5, this is the responsibility of the pastor and/or bishop of your church. Do you have itching ears and are they preaching sound doctrine?
Doctrine of Inclusion
This doctrine is being spread at a very rapid rate in the United States and I am telling you, if you are a follower of this pastor then you stand the chance of not entering into the Kingdom of God! Carlton Pearson is the founder of the “gospel of inclusion” and basically in a small sentence, it states that you do not have to confess Jesus as Lord and that God raised Him from the dead (conflicts with Romans 10:9) because all will be saved anyway. This bishop is going around preaching this message and forwarding the homosexual agenda in churches in America. I know we have a lot of pastors on this ministry, do not allow this guy or anyone who believes in Him to grace your pulpit and address your congregation. I have heard of pastors who have done so and because Carlton Pearson said it, it goes! In less than 1 hour, he has converted whole churches to his doctrine. Go look Him up citizens! Jesus is warning us to beware of the doctrines. If the message they preach are not scripturally based, then what are they talking about? A show on t.v. that is slowing pushing His agenda and his return to power is BET’s “Exalted”. Read about his bio on the BET website and what he believes. Nothing about the Kingdom of God! If the Kingdom of God is not first then what matters?
Now, I know many others who are on t.v. preaching their doctrine and what they believe and not what Jesus has told them to preach, the Kingdom of God! Not everyone followed Jesus after He called the Pharisees and Sadducees to the carpet about what they are teaching the people. Here is something to think about!
Did Jesus out live the people who He was serving and ministering to? In other words, did Jesus material and natural lifestyle exalt Him higher than the people so that they feel that they could not touch him or speak to him? Of course not! Whoever wanted to speak to Jesus all they had to do was come to Him, they did not have to go through 5 assistant ministers, 25 deacons and 4 secretaries just to speak to their shepherd. Do you have access to your pastor? Is your pastor unreachable because He is so famous in the world? Is your pastor too busy to talk to you? Jesus never was, so should we?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sign of the Times: Part 2
Today’s Focus: Sign of the Times Part 2
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14-16; 19-22 then go to Isaiah 54:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
If you read the scriptures above, now you have the answers to yesterday’s questions. Regardless of what mess we are in or what situations we surround ourselves in, isn’t it wonderful to have a God that gives us an answer and a way out. Many times the way out is not the way we think we should go because it is not the “norm”. But, when has God ever acted or conformed to the “norm” of this world. So, His answers are to benefit not just our physical but most of all or spiritual. Sometimes the answer is just moving away from the situation and all the time it is consulting God for the answer and when He does, we need to respond and conform. Yes, this is perilous times but if you are alive and breathing right now and are able to read this, it is not late to change your life and get on the narrow path with the few that are on it.
To My Teenage Mothers:
Regardless of what people have told you that your baby is a result of your sin and your baby is a mistake, here is the truth and give it to every person that has told you that. “The devil cannot give life, so the devil did not make you pregnant. Every child is a blessing from the Lord and if God did not see you fit to handle and rear this child up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, then He would not have given you the new baby you have or the baby you are carrying” The child belongs to God and is from God. You just keep praying and rearing your child up by the Bible to love the Lord.” Your happiness is no longer primary in your life but the life God has given you to rear is the most important person and responsibility you have. This is the truth not just from this ministry but from God Himself!
To My Single Parent Households
I know it is a constant struggle to me mom or dad, but God never wanted you to be both. He knew the decisions you would make and God has made a provision to ensure that your child will be successful not only in man’s world but in the building of God’s Kingdom. If you are a mom, let God be the Father and let Him surround you with Godly men as an example to your child of how to be a man. If you are a Father, allow God to send you Godly women to help rear and nurture your child. When you allow God to be God, and you follow His lead, you will always have success in whatever you do and that includes rearing children. No one ever said it would not come with hard times, but God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. So, keep your head up and keep your faith in the Almighty God who is the only one that can guarantee your deliverance from every situation.
To My Fellow Ministers, Preachers, Pastors and Bishops
I know I am new to all of this, but God is slowly showing me how different we have to be in order to be effective in being the God-appointed leaders of His people. We have to be 100% committed to this Gospel of the Kingdom and we cannot compromise in order to try to win souls for the kingdom. Jesus said “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”. Let Jesus do the drawing, it is nothing that we have done or can do without Christ. Stay submissive to Christ and allow Him to lead you. I have learned that the Gospel of the Kingdom will not always make people happy, but it will save their lives and we have been called to preach the entire gospel in truth, rightly dividing the Word of God. In James 3, it is said that we are held to a higher standard and will be judged by a higher standard because we have been entrusted to preach the Word of God to those who may not know it. If we mislead or fail to properly spread the Gospel of the Kingdom then we will be held accountable for those misled souls. We know there are many controversial issues plaguing the body of Christ and these are sensitive subjects, but we have been instructed to ensure we are in God’s order and are following His lead. I have learned that it feels so good to be used by God to reach His people. Stay in the position to be used at all times and allow God to use your body and use your tongue to speak life unto is people who are suffering under sin.
Obedience is the Way!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14-16; 19-22 then go to Isaiah 54:13-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
If you read the scriptures above, now you have the answers to yesterday’s questions. Regardless of what mess we are in or what situations we surround ourselves in, isn’t it wonderful to have a God that gives us an answer and a way out. Many times the way out is not the way we think we should go because it is not the “norm”. But, when has God ever acted or conformed to the “norm” of this world. So, His answers are to benefit not just our physical but most of all or spiritual. Sometimes the answer is just moving away from the situation and all the time it is consulting God for the answer and when He does, we need to respond and conform. Yes, this is perilous times but if you are alive and breathing right now and are able to read this, it is not late to change your life and get on the narrow path with the few that are on it.
To My Teenage Mothers:
Regardless of what people have told you that your baby is a result of your sin and your baby is a mistake, here is the truth and give it to every person that has told you that. “The devil cannot give life, so the devil did not make you pregnant. Every child is a blessing from the Lord and if God did not see you fit to handle and rear this child up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, then He would not have given you the new baby you have or the baby you are carrying” The child belongs to God and is from God. You just keep praying and rearing your child up by the Bible to love the Lord.” Your happiness is no longer primary in your life but the life God has given you to rear is the most important person and responsibility you have. This is the truth not just from this ministry but from God Himself!
To My Single Parent Households
I know it is a constant struggle to me mom or dad, but God never wanted you to be both. He knew the decisions you would make and God has made a provision to ensure that your child will be successful not only in man’s world but in the building of God’s Kingdom. If you are a mom, let God be the Father and let Him surround you with Godly men as an example to your child of how to be a man. If you are a Father, allow God to send you Godly women to help rear and nurture your child. When you allow God to be God, and you follow His lead, you will always have success in whatever you do and that includes rearing children. No one ever said it would not come with hard times, but God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. So, keep your head up and keep your faith in the Almighty God who is the only one that can guarantee your deliverance from every situation.
To My Fellow Ministers, Preachers, Pastors and Bishops
I know I am new to all of this, but God is slowly showing me how different we have to be in order to be effective in being the God-appointed leaders of His people. We have to be 100% committed to this Gospel of the Kingdom and we cannot compromise in order to try to win souls for the kingdom. Jesus said “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”. Let Jesus do the drawing, it is nothing that we have done or can do without Christ. Stay submissive to Christ and allow Him to lead you. I have learned that the Gospel of the Kingdom will not always make people happy, but it will save their lives and we have been called to preach the entire gospel in truth, rightly dividing the Word of God. In James 3, it is said that we are held to a higher standard and will be judged by a higher standard because we have been entrusted to preach the Word of God to those who may not know it. If we mislead or fail to properly spread the Gospel of the Kingdom then we will be held accountable for those misled souls. We know there are many controversial issues plaguing the body of Christ and these are sensitive subjects, but we have been instructed to ensure we are in God’s order and are following His lead. I have learned that it feels so good to be used by God to reach His people. Stay in the position to be used at all times and allow God to use your body and use your tongue to speak life unto is people who are suffering under sin.
Obedience is the Way!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Sign of the Times: Part 1
Today’s Focus: Sign of the Times Part 1
Scripture: Matthew 16:1-12; Isaiah 3:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures, we see that the Pharisees and Sadducees are asking Jesus to show them some signs from Heaven. But Jesus tells them how they are hypocrites because they can discern the sky but cannot discern the times. What is about to be said is reality. These are the times we are living in and if you have read the scriptures, the prophets prophesied these things to come in these days. These prophesies from Isaiah which happened over 2000 years ago and today it is truly manifesting itself. Once you have read these scriptures try to answer these questions.
1. Where are the Heads-of-Households?
2. Where are the God-appointed Leaders of the Churches?
3. Why does it seem that man is no longer the head of woman?
4. Why are the children running the house and not the parents?
I have asked some people these questions and the answer I seem to get is “The men have just gone astray so the women have to be mother and father and lead in the churches.” If you look at Isaiah 3:12 and just take that verse only you will understand why things are the way they are. We are out of order and have strayed from the path of the Lord. First, God has His order and we have to deal with that order and stick to it. He maintained His order throughout the Bible. God is the Head of Christ, Christ is the Head of Man, Man is the Head of Woman (1 Corinthians 11:3 paraphrased). Even from the garden, that order never changed. What changed was us! Adam erred because he followed Eve. God always makes provisions when people have gone astray, but, He still maintains His order. The church which should be the light and the beacon on the hill and set the example for what Christ wants from His people is out-of-order. It is time for us to get back in His order because the Lord is coming back and the first place He is going to clean out is His church. Isaiah 3:12 says it all, when you are being lead by the wrong people you will err. Pray that God sends you and surrounds you with Godly Leadership, leadership that is appointed by God and not by man. Stay in your lane!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Scripture: Matthew 16:1-12; Isaiah 3:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:3
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In these scriptures, we see that the Pharisees and Sadducees are asking Jesus to show them some signs from Heaven. But Jesus tells them how they are hypocrites because they can discern the sky but cannot discern the times. What is about to be said is reality. These are the times we are living in and if you have read the scriptures, the prophets prophesied these things to come in these days. These prophesies from Isaiah which happened over 2000 years ago and today it is truly manifesting itself. Once you have read these scriptures try to answer these questions.
1. Where are the Heads-of-Households?
2. Where are the God-appointed Leaders of the Churches?
3. Why does it seem that man is no longer the head of woman?
4. Why are the children running the house and not the parents?
I have asked some people these questions and the answer I seem to get is “The men have just gone astray so the women have to be mother and father and lead in the churches.” If you look at Isaiah 3:12 and just take that verse only you will understand why things are the way they are. We are out of order and have strayed from the path of the Lord. First, God has His order and we have to deal with that order and stick to it. He maintained His order throughout the Bible. God is the Head of Christ, Christ is the Head of Man, Man is the Head of Woman (1 Corinthians 11:3 paraphrased). Even from the garden, that order never changed. What changed was us! Adam erred because he followed Eve. God always makes provisions when people have gone astray, but, He still maintains His order. The church which should be the light and the beacon on the hill and set the example for what Christ wants from His people is out-of-order. It is time for us to get back in His order because the Lord is coming back and the first place He is going to clean out is His church. Isaiah 3:12 says it all, when you are being lead by the wrong people you will err. Pray that God sends you and surrounds you with Godly Leadership, leadership that is appointed by God and not by man. Stay in your lane!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Matter of the Heart: Part 2
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: Matter of the Heart pt 2
Scripture: Matthew 15:10-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus is explaining how, what goes in a man does not defile him, but what comes out of his mouth does. Ok! This makes sense then. Since the Kingdom of God on Earth is a matter of the heart, the words that come out of your mouth tells us the kingdom that is most in your heart. On Earth there are 2 spiritual kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness (satan). Now if you truly love God and you know He abides in you, then the words that come out of your mouth should be those of a citizen of the Kingdom of God. All you have to do is look at verse 18-19 and you can see the things that can come out of our mouths.
We have to be cautious because the things that can come out of our mouth can cause us to sin against God. By our mere thoughts we sin. If you curse and are a liar then you do not represent the Kingdom of God , even if you have the Holy Ghost! If you hang around people who do speak the language of the Kingdom of God then you take on the environment you are in. In other words, you hang around people who curse, then you began to curse. If you hang around people who gossip, then you become a gossiper. If you hang around a liar, then you become a liar. So it is important to learn the language of the Kingdom of God!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: Matter of the Heart pt 2
Scripture: Matthew 15:10-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus is explaining how, what goes in a man does not defile him, but what comes out of his mouth does. Ok! This makes sense then. Since the Kingdom of God on Earth is a matter of the heart, the words that come out of your mouth tells us the kingdom that is most in your heart. On Earth there are 2 spiritual kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness (satan). Now if you truly love God and you know He abides in you, then the words that come out of your mouth should be those of a citizen of the Kingdom of God. All you have to do is look at verse 18-19 and you can see the things that can come out of our mouths.
We have to be cautious because the things that can come out of our mouth can cause us to sin against God. By our mere thoughts we sin. If you curse and are a liar then you do not represent the Kingdom of God , even if you have the Holy Ghost! If you hang around people who do speak the language of the Kingdom of God then you take on the environment you are in. In other words, you hang around people who curse, then you began to curse. If you hang around people who gossip, then you become a gossiper. If you hang around a liar, then you become a liar. So it is important to learn the language of the Kingdom of God!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
A Matter of the Heart: Part 1
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: A Matter of the Heart pt 1
Scripture: Matthew 15:7-9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
God has consistently showed me and told me that His Kingdom is about a matter of man’s heart. What is in your heart is what counts because what is there will manifest itself in your actions. Let’s look at this scripture because I have to say that these scriptures tell us how most of the religious Christians act.
First, Jesus calls the Pharisees (religious leaders) hypocrites and then He tells them how they are hypocrites. Please pay attention! He said these words “The people draw nigh unto me (Jesus) with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, BUT their heart is far from me”. These people were giving God a lot of lip service and no real service at all. How many church folk do we know who shout Hallelujah, say Amen, say “I love you Lord” but on Monday through Friday, they curse, spread gossip about their fellow brothers and sisters, raise hell on the job…and the list goes on. But during worship service they are like saints. Jesus calls those who do that HYPOCRITES! Are you one of those who do that? Does your actions reflect that of Father God? Are the words that come out of your mouth, those of life and not death?
Finally, Jesus says their worship is in vain! How would you have wasted your life thinking you gave worship to God and being told it is all in vain because your heart did not mean it because your life never changed to mimic the words of God! Now look at what Jesus says they are teaching, for doctrines the commandments of men. See everyone wants to give their interpretation of the scriptures and their opinions. But when you inject your opinion, you change the Word of God to your word. And we know that is an offense to God. Do not get your picture of God’s Word from man, get it from God himself. If someone is teaching the Word of God, you should be able to follow along in the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to discern truth from a lie. But so many have made church an emotional experience so we go where the pastor is very charismatic and theatrical and encouraging but never preaching the true Word of God! So you fall in love with the doctrine of that person because you never heard the true doctrine of the Kingdom. So the question is where is your heart? Is it on the Kingdom of God? Or is it on a religion and trying to just get by?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Kingdom: A Matter of the Heart pt 1
Scripture: Matthew 15:7-9
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
God has consistently showed me and told me that His Kingdom is about a matter of man’s heart. What is in your heart is what counts because what is there will manifest itself in your actions. Let’s look at this scripture because I have to say that these scriptures tell us how most of the religious Christians act.
First, Jesus calls the Pharisees (religious leaders) hypocrites and then He tells them how they are hypocrites. Please pay attention! He said these words “The people draw nigh unto me (Jesus) with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips, BUT their heart is far from me”. These people were giving God a lot of lip service and no real service at all. How many church folk do we know who shout Hallelujah, say Amen, say “I love you Lord” but on Monday through Friday, they curse, spread gossip about their fellow brothers and sisters, raise hell on the job…and the list goes on. But during worship service they are like saints. Jesus calls those who do that HYPOCRITES! Are you one of those who do that? Does your actions reflect that of Father God? Are the words that come out of your mouth, those of life and not death?
Finally, Jesus says their worship is in vain! How would you have wasted your life thinking you gave worship to God and being told it is all in vain because your heart did not mean it because your life never changed to mimic the words of God! Now look at what Jesus says they are teaching, for doctrines the commandments of men. See everyone wants to give their interpretation of the scriptures and their opinions. But when you inject your opinion, you change the Word of God to your word. And we know that is an offense to God. Do not get your picture of God’s Word from man, get it from God himself. If someone is teaching the Word of God, you should be able to follow along in the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to discern truth from a lie. But so many have made church an emotional experience so we go where the pastor is very charismatic and theatrical and encouraging but never preaching the true Word of God! So you fall in love with the doctrine of that person because you never heard the true doctrine of the Kingdom. So the question is where is your heart? Is it on the Kingdom of God? Or is it on a religion and trying to just get by?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Threat of Religous Tradition
The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Threat of Religious Traditions
Scripture: Matthew 15:1-6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As you read the scriptures, you see the Pharisees came to Jesus and questioned him about transgressing the tradition of the elders because the disciples did not wash their hands when they ate bread. Now you have to understand, Jesus dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees very directly, but even to them, He spoke in parables. But Jesus answered a question with a question. Look what He asked them:
Why Do You Also Transgress the Commandment of God by your Tradition?
So, Jesus gives them the tradition they have that transgresses against the Law of God. Sad to say it was the Commandment of Honour thy Father and thy Mother! Now, you are wondering what traditions might we be doing that transgresses God’s Law! Please pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you in what I am about to tell you.
One of the most important holidays we celebrate is the Resurrection of Christ, better known as Easter. Now, Resurrection Day has been reduced to a paganistic tradition of Easter bunnies and Easter Eggs. Now nowhere in scripture do we see the Easter bunny or Easter egg. So where did this tradition come from and what does it mean? Can we all agree that the Law of God states “Thou shalt not have any other god before thee”. So when we introduce our children to “Easter” what is the first thing we do:
1. Easter basket
2. Easter egg hunt
3. Easter Bunny
4. Easter Clothes
5. Easter Speech
6. Explain what the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ mean.
Now based off what I know, the majority is the first five. Now you know more people show up to Easter service than any service throughout the year. Now they all come in their easter suits and want to participate in the easter play, that they did not even go to rehearsal for, then they sit on the back row so they can be the first ones out for the easter egg hunt. Now with all of this, explain to me how any child will remotely think about Easter being Resurrection Day! Our traditions have transgressed against God because we have put all the things of Easter before God and the reason for the holiday! So when you ask your kids about Easter what do they tell you? Because what they tell you is what you taught them or what you allowed someone else to teach them!
Now this one is simple, Halloween! 1 Thessalonians 5:22 sums it up, Abstain from all appearance of evil! What is sad is that we allow our children to participate and dress-up in these demonic costumes and let them pretend to be someone that they are not. It is already sad that they have an identity crisis with God already and now we let them pretend to be a zombie or some mystical creature? What about them being Kings, Priests, Ambassadors and Sons of God? We are to be sanctified or set apart. We should not be participating in everything the world does. The world needs to be participating in everything we do as citizens of the Kingdom.
We as the church and the body of Christ need to examine these traditions we have in the body. If it does not line up with the Word of God, then we should not be participating in these festivities.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
Today’s Focus: The Threat of Religious Traditions
Scripture: Matthew 15:1-6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As you read the scriptures, you see the Pharisees came to Jesus and questioned him about transgressing the tradition of the elders because the disciples did not wash their hands when they ate bread. Now you have to understand, Jesus dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees very directly, but even to them, He spoke in parables. But Jesus answered a question with a question. Look what He asked them:
Why Do You Also Transgress the Commandment of God by your Tradition?
So, Jesus gives them the tradition they have that transgresses against the Law of God. Sad to say it was the Commandment of Honour thy Father and thy Mother! Now, you are wondering what traditions might we be doing that transgresses God’s Law! Please pray and let the Holy Spirit lead you in what I am about to tell you.
One of the most important holidays we celebrate is the Resurrection of Christ, better known as Easter. Now, Resurrection Day has been reduced to a paganistic tradition of Easter bunnies and Easter Eggs. Now nowhere in scripture do we see the Easter bunny or Easter egg. So where did this tradition come from and what does it mean? Can we all agree that the Law of God states “Thou shalt not have any other god before thee”. So when we introduce our children to “Easter” what is the first thing we do:
1. Easter basket
2. Easter egg hunt
3. Easter Bunny
4. Easter Clothes
5. Easter Speech
6. Explain what the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ mean.
Now based off what I know, the majority is the first five. Now you know more people show up to Easter service than any service throughout the year. Now they all come in their easter suits and want to participate in the easter play, that they did not even go to rehearsal for, then they sit on the back row so they can be the first ones out for the easter egg hunt. Now with all of this, explain to me how any child will remotely think about Easter being Resurrection Day! Our traditions have transgressed against God because we have put all the things of Easter before God and the reason for the holiday! So when you ask your kids about Easter what do they tell you? Because what they tell you is what you taught them or what you allowed someone else to teach them!
Now this one is simple, Halloween! 1 Thessalonians 5:22 sums it up, Abstain from all appearance of evil! What is sad is that we allow our children to participate and dress-up in these demonic costumes and let them pretend to be someone that they are not. It is already sad that they have an identity crisis with God already and now we let them pretend to be a zombie or some mystical creature? What about them being Kings, Priests, Ambassadors and Sons of God? We are to be sanctified or set apart. We should not be participating in everything the world does. The world needs to be participating in everything we do as citizens of the Kingdom.
We as the church and the body of Christ need to examine these traditions we have in the body. If it does not line up with the Word of God, then we should not be participating in these festivities.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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