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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feast of Tabernacles: The Dry Season of the Saints

Households of Faith – Principals of the Governmental Structure of the Households
Today’s Focus: Feast of Tabernacles: The Dry Seasons of the Saints
Scripture: Leviticus 23:23-44

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I know many people believe that they will not have dry seasons in their walk with Christ and that is not true. There will be times where it seems He is not near when He is actually right there with you or He may not talk to you as frequently as He did before but all of this is a part of the maturing process. In the next set of messages we will look at the third feast which is Tabernacles. Now we covered Pentecost and the three feasts within it. We covered Pentecost and the aspects of it. We know that Passover is celebrated in the first month. Pentecost is celebrated in the third month. However, Tabernacles is celebrated in the seventh month. So there are no feasts celebrated in months four, five and six. These three months between Pentecost and Tabernacles is what I call the wilderness months.

Now the feast of tabernacles is also called the Season of our Joy, Feast of Booths, Feast of Ingathering, Feast of the Nations and Festival of Lights. Now you cannot enter into the feast of tabernacles until Passover and Pentecost are complete in your life. Now please keep in mind that the church still has leaven in it during these 3 wilderness months to Tabernacles. In this dry season you must go through trials to perfect what God has started within you. So let’s look at some things we must do to come into Tabernacles.

You must first learn to die to self. Self-denial is crucial because if you are to do the Will of the Father nothing about you can say self. You are to be a phantom, invisible so that the glory of God may been seen clearly in you and through you through the works that the Father has you to do. So self-denial is a absolute must in these dry months. Second, we must endure trials and tribulations you see the learn obedience and see the anointing and grace of God working on your behalf. During the feast of Tabernacles there is the Harvest of Oil and Grapes. In order to get the oil, olives are squeezed and pressed. In order to get wine, grapes are squeezed and pressed. The squeezing and pressing represent the trials that you will endure so that you may see the anointing (oil) and the grace (wine) of God working for you.

Dry Seasons are important because they teach you to manage what the Lord has already given you as well as allowing Him to purge more of the world out of you and mature you to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

In the next message, I want to immediately get into the three aspects of Tabernacles.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.