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Monday, March 23, 2009

A Promise Kept and a Nation Born

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: A Promised Kept and A Nation Born
Scripture: Matthew 14:1-13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here we see Herod has John the Baptist in prison. John the Baptist sent word to Jesus about His imprisonment and asked if He was the Christ. Of course Jesus sent word that He was the one that he (John) has been speaking of. So while in prison Herodias daughter danced and pleased Herod and Herod made an oath that anything she wanted she could have. Now being instructed of her mother, she asked for John the Baptist head in a charger. Herod was sad but because He made a promise, He had to keep it. So John the Baptist was beheaded and his head was put in a charger and delivered as promised. Now look at this, Herod was sad to do it, but He did because he made a promise. Now how many of us made a promise to God that they would get closer to to Him and do right, but do not? If Herod being evil still can keep his word, why can’t we?

Now, I know you are asking why didn’t Jesus save John the Baptist? After all He was the Messiah and can save all, so why not John? John the Baptist was the last prophet who had one foot in the Old Testament. So, if John the Baptist lived on, then we could not receive the Holy Spirit to live in us because he was the last person to have the Holy Spirit come upon him and leave. So, Jesus did not save John the Baptist because He was holding us as a nation back. So what satan and Herod meant with that sword to John the Baptist head for evil, they released a nation like never before, A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation! Hallelujah!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.