The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Truth about Parables
Scripture: Matthew 13:10-17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We will return to the parable of the sower but first we need to understand the purpose of the parables. Why did Jesus speak in parables? Many religious people say the parables were simple stories to help describe and explain something to the people so they can understand. I have heard they are simple stories that even a simple person can understand. But Jesus describes it a little different. A parable is a story that is meant to hide the truth and understanding from those who do not want to know. So why would Jesus want to hide the truth? Well because you have to want to know, you have to desire and seek the truth and the only people around Jesus that qualified and wanted to know the meaning of the parables were the disciples. That is why after many of the parables the disciples would ask Jesus to explain and He would. Now to prove the above statements about parables let’s look at the scriptures.
Jesus starts about by answering the disciples questions about parables in verse 11 by using these words, “For it is given unto you to know the MYSTERIES of the Kingdom of Heaven”. So what is a mystery? A mysteries is a problem that is not solved until someone comes and seek the answer to solve it. So, unless you want to know or desire to know the mysteries of the Kingdom, they will not be revealed to you. So, God blinds you from what you do not want to know. So these parables are like little maps in order to help those who want to understand how to find their way. Look at verse 13. Jesus says He speaks to them because seeing they see not and hearing they hear not, NEITHER do they understand. See the application of the parable comes when you get the understanding. Of course in the next scripture Jesus quotes scriptures and prophecies that are fulfilled then Jesus explains why the people will not understand. He first states their hearts are waxed gross or hard and their ears are hard of hearing and they are blind. Now He gives the answer on how this can be resolved. Lest at any time they shall see with their eyes and understand with their heart and should be converted and I (Jesus) shall heal them. So in other words, it depends on you! You have to want Jesus, you have to want to see the truth and hear the truth and allow the Spirit to give you the understanding.
Now look at the last set of scriptures, but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear. Blessed are those who hear and see the truth and desire to know the truth. Are you one of those people?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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