The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower pt 1 – The True Message Satan Hates
Scripture: Matthew 13:4,19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We are going to break this parable down slowly and pray that we get a understanding of exactly what Jesus was trying to explain to the multitude. Look at the first set of scriptures.
19-When any one heareth the word of the Kingdom, and understand it not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received the seed by the way side.
Let’s bust up religion right here! Satan does not care about your preaching on faith, baptism, born again, prosperity, healing, miracle, season, harvest and breakthrough. That does not make satan do anything. It does not even phase him. But look at what Jesus says what makes satan move. The word of the Kingdom! So anytime and I know Satan is following this, you hear the message of the Kingdom, satan does not even wait for you to try to understand, he doesn’t send his angels, he comes personally to snatch the word of the Kingdom out of your heart before you understand. I had some mormons come to my house a couple of days ago spreading
Their message about the gospel of Jesus Christ. First of course I had to correct them about what the gospel is then second I showed them in the Word what will bring about the coming of Christ. It is not preaching prosperity, healing, miracle, or season or even your church doctrine (religious people). It is the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom to every nation. Can we conclusively say based off of the last few statements that this is the reason Christ has not come back because His church, or assembly, has not got the message right themselves? And they are spreading their own message instead of the message He told us to spread. Satan hates the message of the Kingdom because it gives the power to the people and He wants to keep you in religion where religion controls you and you surrender power to the pulpit. I have met some wonderful people and pastors who preach the Kingdom and I can tell you when you understand Kingdom, then reading the Bible becomes ten times easier because now your mind is converted to understanding what God originally established on Earth, a Kingdom.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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