The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religion vs. The Kingdom pt 1
The Promise of Rest
Scripture: Matthew 11:27-30
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a lot of information which we will separate into 3 different messages. Today we will talk about the Promise of Rest. Jesus said come unto me all ye that labour. Let’s start there. Labour is work. Can we say that many of us work our fingers and our heads off and still have nothing to show for it. How about we work so much that we do not have time for God because we have to make a living. Subsequently when things go wrong, we try to turn to God and when He does not answer on our time we get further depressed. Here is a revelation! You job is not for you to make a living. It is for you to use your talents and bring the Kingdom’s impact into your workplace. How about this also! Your salary does not truly meet all your needs in addition, you are worth more than your job can pay you. I hope you know that! Now, look at what Jesus said, Come unto me! Now look at the other half of the scripture:
Jesus says those who are heavy laden. Those who are oppressed, depressed, tired, burden-down. Let me add those who are religious! We understand what that feels like to be the first list, but to be religious is killing us. Jesus never brought a religion to Earth. Religion is man’s attempt to search for God. So, you live up to man’s expectations. You pray 7 times a day, go to mass everyday, try to escape your problems by praying to go to heaven. Some people strap bombs to themselves and kill innocent civilians in order to go to heaven. Some even burn down mosques and kill people in the name of Jesus. How religious! Can we even say, Heaven is causing more problems on Earth than Earth itself. But if you come to Jesus and follow His example, then you are promised rest. But if you don’t you will just be some religious person searching for someone who has already came down and found you. You will continue to be lead by man and not by God. You will continue to go to church and bible study and worship service for all the wrong reasons like, “because I am supposed to.”
Then there are those of us who are Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God who are working for the King and enjoying life. Whenever we have a problem we give it over to the King and the Army of the Kingdom. Rest is defined as peace and relief from stress. How many of you want that? If you do, it is time to switch governments and get your rights back as a citizen of the Kingdom of God.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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