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Monday, March 23, 2009

Parable of the Wheat and Tares

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, Jesus is preaching to the multitudes another Kingdom parable. This parable is unique because it describes wheat as the children of God and tares as the children of satan. Now as you read you see that the enemy (vs 25) came and sowed tares (weeds) amongst the wheat (children of God). Now as the fruit began to show the tares showed amongst the wheat. So now when the servants of the householder realize there are tares amongst the wheat they asked if they can go uproot and take out the tares from amongst the wheat. In other words, go and destroy the children of satan. But look at the Lord’s answer. He says No! Because in the process that you try to uproot the tare, you may uproot a wheat also. So even though all may not receive the Kingdom Of God on Earth the Lord of the Harvest will deal with the children of satan personally Himself. Jesus said, let them grow together until the harvest, or until He returns. Now here is where it gets good. At the time of harvest, the Lord will say to the reapers, gather together first the tares and bind them in bundles and burn them and gather the wheat into His barn. So the wheat will be saved and the tares shall burn in the eternal fire. But let me ask a question. Who are the reapers? Let’s look at Revelation 14:18-19! So the reapers are the Angels. When you read through Revelations you we see a large scope of what the Angels do and the power the Lord gave to them. That should make you feel secure because they have been given responsibility over you to keep you in all His ways. They are the Army or Security Force of the Kingdom of God. So surround yourself in a Godly environment and watch the fruits of the Spirit manifest themselves in your life.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.