The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Good Seed, Good Environment
Scripture: Matthew 13:23
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know this is a small scripture but out of the last 3 messages we see what happens to those who receive the Word and it does not grow in them but land in unfruitful environments. But look at this scripture! Those who received seed into the good ground is he that not only hear the Word but understands it. Now you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you do not know how to apply it and use it (understanding) then the knowledge is useless. Many people come to church and hear the Word but do not understand it. But those who do bear forth good fruit and you can see the fruit multiply in their lives. If you want to receive the Word and understand it, you have to position yourself with God in order to allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you and give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the truth. If you hang around unfruitful people then you will be unfruitful. But if you hang around fruitful people (true citizens of the Kingdom) then if you desire to be like them then the seed that was planted in them shall be planted in you and then your faith, desire and seeking will let God know that you want to be cultivated, fertilized and nourished so that that seed now brings forth fruits that are pleasing to the King and His Kingdom. To our young people over the world, get with someone who knows about the Kingdom of God. When everything else is failing, the Kingdom of God will continue to stand and grow (Isaiah 9:7). But if you hang around people who don’t know God, do not want to know God and do not care for God, then what do you think you are going to begin to do? If you stay in an ungodly environment long enough, you become ungodly. So surround yourself with Godly counsel and people who do not just say they love the Lord but they show it in their lives. Even though I said this to the younger generation, same goes for the adults also. Surround yourself in an environment to breeds and feeds the Word of God and then watch your fruits grow and your light shine before men to let them know that Christ lives in you.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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