The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: It’s the Kingdom or Nothing at All
Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we look at these two Kingdom Parables we see the Kingdom is first like a treasure hid in the field and when found by a man he sells all he has for that treasure. Then the Kingdom of Heaven is describes as a pearl that a merchant finds and sells all he had for that one pearl. Ok, seems simple but are you that man or that merchant? See are you willing to give up all in this world and be a citizen of the Kingdom and submit yourselves the King’s rulership? Are you willing to forsake your dreams and what you want to do, to do the Will of the Father for the Kingdom? In the Kingdom, it is all in or all out. You cannot and God will not let you be two-faced in His Kingdom because He is Holy and has integrity and so shall His citizens and children. Funny, here is another perspective. The merchant who found the pearl and the man who found the treasure forsook all they had for this one thing. Why? Because everything they needed and desired was in that pearl and that treasure. In other words, all you need is in the Kingdom!!! You do not have to search for the things of this world. In the Kingdom, they will search for you!!! Now that is easy living. So are you willing to give up all, family, house, car, to be a citizen of the Kingdom? Now let me clarify for those who may question the last statement. When I mean give up the things, I am talking about ownership and allowing the Lord to move those things from you in order to bless you with others. See when you own something or stake claim to it, God cannot move it easily from you, so you cannot easily get things from God. But if you do not take ownership in those things, when God says give, you give to whomever and then God blesses you because you unlocked a door in Heaven (Kingdom Key-Giving) and now God pours out a blessing upon you.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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