The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Understanding Your Importance and Power
Scripture: Matthew 11:11-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let’s get right into this because it is loaded and we have to cover it all.
Verse 11a – Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist
Now, Jesus says this for a reason. John was the prophet that got to actually see the King and introduce the King and the Kingdom on Earth. All the other prophets could only speak about the coming of the King and the Kingdom, but John got to introduce, see and touch the King. But John, while He was on Earth, never got into the Kingdom. He saw the King and baptized Him and saw the coming of the Holy Spirit, but John did not receive the Holy Spirit to come and live in Him. Which leads to the other half of the scripture.
Verse 11b – Notwithstanding he that is the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.
Loaded statement. Jesus is saying the one who is least in the Kingdom is greater than John. Huh, you say? From John and before no one received the Holy Spirit to live in them. Adam had it until He sinned and from Genesis to John, the Kingdom was not on Earth. The Holy Spirit would come upon people and the prophets and then leave because there was no one able at the time to be a good enough sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind. So all the vessels from Adam after the fall to John were not inhabitable for the Holy Spirit. That is where Jesus comes in as a perfect sacrifice and because of His blood shed on the cross, our sins are able to be washed away and now our temple (body) is now available and habitable for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live and not leave. How about that! So anyone after John that accepts Jesus as Lord and believes that God has raised Him from the dead can now receive the Holy Spirit to come and live in them. So you marvel at Moses and the water, Samson and His strength, David killing a Goliath and Jesus is saying you are greater than them all because you have the Holy Spirit living in you and can execute the Will of the Father as God’s Kingdom on Earth again. They all dreamed about having who you have living in you. You are special so act like it.
Verse 12
There is a takeover going on and only those who have been taken over by the Holy Spirit knows it. The Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully advancing and when it comes under pressure then you can really see the power of the Kingdom. The fight is not for land, but for hearts. This is the spiritual battle going on and anyone who is in the Kingdom and living the Kingdom life knows how hard it is out there to preach against the fake gospels that all of these prominent preachers and bishops are preaching on t.v. Then you have to contend with Satan himself and his angels. But we know we have victory on our side and I suggest you get wise and get a very good understanding of the Kingdom because in this time of Antichrists, false teachers, preachers and bishops, you have to know the Word for yourself.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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