The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religion vs. The Kingdom Pt. 3
Put on the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 11:30
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this final installment we see the scripture vs. 30, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Get ready to be blessed. The yoke Jesus is carrying is the Kingdom of God. Jesus is carrying it for you and He wants to give you the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom you ask?
The Kingdom of God is the governing influence of God’s rulership over a territory impacting it with His Will and His Purpose!
The territory on Earth that God wants to impact is not physical land! It is the hearts of man. So, Jesus is bringing a government back to Earth and wants to give it to you so you can function and live in it and lighten your burdens.
This leads me to the last half, “my burden is light”. When you live in the Kingdom, the citizens are not burden down. Why? Because all of the citizens cares are cast on the King. It is a government issue! Think Kingdom, Not republic, Not Democracy, Not Dictatorship, Not Communism, Not Socialism. Every issue of the citizens is a governmental issue. Your bills are a government problem! When someone offends you or commits a crime against you , then you have the authority to call the police of the Kingdom (Angels) and have them deal with the problem. I know many of you do not believe it but, that explains why you are tired and fighting so much and wondering why the world is against you and you do not have peace in your life. The time is now, come into the Kingdom and give your burdens to the King and live a life where you can control your circumstances and your problems because every Kingdom citizen knows they can cast their cares upon the King and He will take care of all of their concerns!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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