The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower pt 2 – Religious Church People
Scripture: Matthew 13:5-6; 20-21
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This parable describes many people who come to church for all the wrong reasons. They come to church for an emotional high so when they hear the Word it gives them joy but for a while and when persecution and strife rise in their life the Word is burned up and does not work for them. The same Word that can save them and is the solution to their problem is the same Word when trouble arises, they do not turn to it.
When we go to church, unless we have a heart-felt desire and a yearning to not just hear the Word but have a desire to learn it and live it, then our worship is in vain. Because after that service, you have to go out into the trying world and live in it. You need the Word to be grounded deep inside you and when trouble arises, you allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the Word that was sown into your heart.
Go to the church with the intention to leave their different than you came and impact your life with the very Word you just learned. I believe this, it has been said in many churches every message is not for you and I believe that is the biggest lie that can be told. The Word of God is for everyone but you have to position yourself to hear the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding. Remember, unless you want God and seek Him with all of your heart, then He hides from you? Have you seen the power of God today?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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