Today’s Focus: The Temptation of Jesus Christ
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know many of you have read this story, but in seeking God for wisdom and understanding, He opened up this set of scriptures to me like never before. First, let’s understand that Jesus endured temptation just like us. The sin is not the temptation, but yielding to it. Temptation will come throughout your life, but you have been given power from on High to overcome all temptation because that is what Jesus did. Now Satan knew who Jesus truly was. He knew that He was the Son of God. He knew that if he could just get him to succumb to one of the temptations then God’s program to re-instate us would be over. Let’s look at the scriptures:
1. The Temptation of the Bread –Deuteronomy 8:3
Because Jesus was fasting, Satan figured well I will get Him with what He may want the most right now, food! So, he tempts Jesus to use His power to turn the stones to bread. But look at how Jesus replies! He uses the law to fight back against Satan. So, knowledge of God’s Word is paramount in fighting temptation. Jesus knew that His food which was spiritual was the Word of God. Is that your food today? Or are you spiritually malnourished and anorexic? Check you spiritual diet today!
2. The Temptation of Jesus concerning the Angels
This is a very unique temptation because if you do not read this carefully, you will fall into the trap. Satan asked Jesus to cast himself down. Now look at what satan says next! “For it is written”. Satan is quoting scriptures to Jesus. Now if you read the rest you see that satan is quoting that the angels have been given charge concerning thee. Here is the trick!
1. Satan can quote this because He was in the Army of the Kingdom of God. He was an Angel.
2. Satan knows scriptures.
Here is the part if you did not read it carefully. Satan asked Jesus to jump. So the act of jumping is an intentional act. If you should fall the angels have been given charge to keep you. Not if you jump! There is an intentional act and an unintentional act. See how subtle the change was but it made all the difference. Now Jesus in His response, quotes Kingdom law to satan. Are you seeing a picture yet about how to deal with satan.
3. The Temptation of Jesus Concerning the Kingdoms of the World
Now this was also unique where Satan actually used the truth to try make Jesus fall. Satan knew that the authority over earth had been given unto him by Adam when He sinned in the Garden. So now Satan goes after the obvious. He tempts Jesus to worship and bow down to him and he will give him the kingdoms of the world. Now look at Jesus response! He quotes Kingdom law again and then tell satan to get behind Him. What a powerful statement. Sad that many of us do not realize we have the power to cast the devil out of the earth because he is actually not legal here on Earth (We will visit this later, stay tuned).
Now look at the last verse which is verse 11. After fasting and praying and casting satan away, angels came and ministered to him. Now if you look at all of the temptations, it was very consistent from both ends. Satan used knowledge and scripture to try to get Jesus to fall, but Jesus knew scripture and had knowledge of the truth and all He did was quote the law back to satan. So is it safe to say that, the most important weapon you can have against satan is the Word of God. The Word of God and the Knowledge of the Kingdom is the one thing that satan fears. So I suggest we start getting wise and understanding God’s Word so we can be prepared for the attacks of the enemy.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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