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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today’s Focus: Righteousness
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a very important scripture, especially for those of us who are saved. First, hunger and thirst are natural situations in our life. We naturally get hungry and naturally get thirsty. Did you know that the spirit is the exact same way. Many citizens are malnourished and anoxeric and their spirit is starving for the Word of God. The sad thing is and God just revealed this to me and you know if I am talking to you. You sit in church and wonder how can I learn or know like my pastor? Or how can I learn or know what my deacon or even my brother or sister knows? How can I become knowledgeable about the Word and God and put it into action? That is your spirit desiring what you need. But what happens is that satan and his fiery darts of doubt come into your mind and doubt that you can do it and when you become discouraged, you lose interest then satan wins. Now, satan knows that knowledge of the Kingdom will destroy him and he will have no power over you, but the key to that power is knowledge. So the Word of God is knowledge and the only way that you get understanding of how to make it work for you is that God reveals it to you. See everything we have discussed over the past month has been about establishing a relationship and not a religion with God. God is more impressed with the relationship than the religion. He wants to be known more as Father or Abba then Lord and God. See as a child we already know our parents rule over us, but it is that intimate relationship with your parents that reveal the understanding and reasoning into why they do the things they do.

I hear the terms living holy all the time and for those of us we try to define what it is and when God revealed to me what it means to be holy, it was very simple. Here it is:

When you live righteously or live to be in right position with God then holiness is a by-product or a result of righteous living!

Let me tell you this and I have been asked this question: Do you type every e-mail everyday? I responded yes and the only reason I can do this is because I seek the Kingdom daily and I am still learning and I have a natural hunger and thirst for wisdom, knowledge and understanding from God. This requires me to do it daily but when I do not read, I feel I have cheated God. Never take for granted everyday God gives you on this earth. Hunger and thirst for the knowledge of the Kingdom and God has promised you will be filled and trust me I know for a fact He will fulfill His promise. There is so much I can talk about, but I am committed to showing you what God showed me through the Gospels to understand about our Lord and Savior and Our Big Brother, Jesus.

Abba’s Son,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.