Today’s Focus: Judgment and Forgiveness
Scripture: Matthew 5:21-26
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Today we will discuss one of the “Keys of the Kingdom”. Now when we look at these scriptures we see that Jesus is quoting law from the Old Testament and stating the result of such actions. So before we do anything we need to think about the consequences of what is going to be done. Judgment is real and will happen because God promised us that. But look at verse 23! Before you bring your gift to the altar before God, you need to line up first. So if there is any offense you have committed against your brother or sister then you need to clear that up first! So the first step in petitioning God for anything, you must first line up and make sure all offenses or grudges against your fellow brother or sister is cleared up!
Kingdom Key #1 – Forgiveness
If you do not clear up those offenses then you stand under judgment and you know who runs the prison, warden satan. That is why Jesus says you will be able to come out once that is cleared up! I like verse 25! Jesus says agree quickly lest your adversary delivers you to the judge then the officer then to prison. So clear those little spats that you have up quickly so it does not mess with your righteousness with God!
At His Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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