Today’s Focus: Adultery
Scripture: Matthew 5:27-32
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, Jesus as we can see is not leaving any stone unturned. He is covering the Mosaic law (the laws that were given to Moses by God) and re-enforcing them but Jesus says something I think we need to clear up in the body of Christ. This is a common statement:
It is ok to look, but not ok to touch!
Now, the word look in this statement is another word for lust because you know that is what you are doing. And we all know that we should not touch anything that is not ours. But Jesus deals with lusting. So you actually sin when you do the above statement. Now further in the scripture Jesus says to pluck your eye out and cut your hand off. He was not meaning to do that literally! Let’s not be crazy! Let me show you this and God just revealed it to me at this moment of typing. Back in the Garden, it was the lusting of power and of the eyes and touching of the hands that lead to the fall in the Garden. As a result we were condemned to death because of their actions. Jesus is saying do not let your lusts cause you to condemn yourself to death and hell! It is better for you to avoid those things that are causing or tempting you to go against God! Now, let’s look at adultery
This is a very sad situation but all throughout television our children, as well as our adults are being shown marriage as just a fad and marriage is a sacred institution God ordained from the beginning. Adultery is when a husband or a wife lusts after another person. Noticed I did not say touch. Why? Because under lust, looking and touching are the same according to Jesus. Adultery is one of the leading causes with finances of divorce. Did you know from the beginning there was no divorce but because of the hardness of man’s heart God made a provision for divorce, but this should be our last option. If you look at the divorce rates in the U.S., it is over 50% which is devastating because many of our children are being raised in single family homes and our men are becoming effeminate (more like women). Not all are but most are. Marriage is between a man and a woman (Genesis 1:26-28) and that’s it! I do not care what man thinks or says, our King says marriage is between man and woman and I, and neither should none of you, ever debate that! Be very careful who you hang around because if they are lusting after the world, they will try to suck you in and get you to commit the very sin Jesus does not want us to commit!
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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