The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Understanding the Baptism of Jesus and it’s Significance
Scripture: Matthew 3:16, 17; John 3:34; Colossians 1:19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now to many people and maybe some of you, this is a very simple picture, but let’s look at this dynamic and powerful picture. Look who you have at this wonderful baptism: God the Father, The Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Now here is a very important piece of information about Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit.
First when we look at John 3:34, we see that Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost without measure. If you search the Gospels, all 4 of them, while Jesus was on Earth, there is no documentation of the Holy Spirit being anywhere else but in Jesus. Now, Jesus did give the disciples some power and authority to cast out devils and heal people but they did not receive the Holy Spirit to live in them while Jesus was on Earth.
Now, Jesus had to be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost to show us how this Kingdom life is supposed to go. So now God has a man named Jesus on Earth with the Holy Spirit living in Him. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Seems like God is getting exactly what He wanted like the very beginning with Adam.
Finally, the baptism of Jesus was the introduction of the Governor of the Kingdom, The Holy Spirit back to Earth. It is the job of the Governor to relay the mind of the King to the Ambassadors and the Ambassadors relay it to those people of the Kingdom and of the foreign land. This is how The Kingdom of God’s influence is brought to Earth.
I told you to get ready because the Gospels are about to open up to those who want to know. I have been so blessed to have heard God on these issues and it is very exciting to learn the secrets of the Kingdom. I pray that you are going to be blessed just as I was and still am. I am currently in the Gospel According to John seeking God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We are really going to explore the Gospels and make sure we get a great foundation about who Jesus was and His assignment on Earth.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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