Today’s Focus: The Calling
Scripture: Matthew 4:18-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know in this world of mega-ministries and churches popping up all over the place there is a great chance you will run into someone who is not teaching and preaching sound doctrine nor preaching anything about the Kingdom of God. Now one thing we will not do is question someone’s calling, however if there is a message that is not scripturally sound we will let you know and bring it to light. Now, I will tell you that everyone who is in “ministry” was not called into ministry. See, here is a fundamental picture. When Jesus saw Simon and Andrew, they were busy doing their regular job as fishermen. Jesus then came unto them and said “Follow me and I will make you fisher’s of men”. Now were the disciples looking for Him or was He looking for them? What has happened to God calling you to do something? Many people go into ministry and God did not call them to do anything. Look at the next statement, “I will make you..” So Jesus will teach you how to fish for men. So many of these ministers, preachers and bishops have gone out into ministry based on what man thinks and not what God assigned. Yes, they may be naturally profitable to have a mega-ministry but what is the message they are sending into the world. Is it God’s message from the Bible. If they do not talk or use the word sin, and we were called sinners by God, what are they talking about. If they accept homosexuality and gay marriage, what are they talking about. If all they talk about is being prosperous by teaching you how to get a car, house and money, what are they talking about! They are wasting your time and time is the one currency you can’t get back. Their lives should mimic the lifestyle Jesus lived. Yes, all of us have come short, but there should be a level of dedication and love for the people of God and their lives mimic their words. Let me leave you with this thought:
“One of the devil’s greatest plans is not to get you to do something that is bad, but to get you to do something that is good but not right” You can do something good but if it is not right then you are wasting your time and energy. Get you assignment from God and not from man.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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