Today’s Focus: The Meek
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16
Supp. Scripture: Genesis 1:26; Revelation 21:1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The definition of meek is humble in spirit or manner. Now we see that Jesus says “Blessed are the meek..” so blessed are the humble in spirit. But look at the next part: “for they shall inherit the earth”. Please understand this is where religion and Kingdom divides itself. Inheritance is something that is yours. Do you see anywhere in this scripture where Jesus says you will inherit Heaven? No! That is what religion has told you. Religion has told you that Heaven is where I want to go to and that’s it and God is saying no it is not. So who are you going to believe, people or God. Ok, let me show you something! Why do you think that Jesus is saying only the meek shall inherit the earth? Let’s look back at the beginning and see what got us where we are today. The desire of the flesh, the pride of life and disobedience. That about sums up what happened in the Garden and God is saying never again. So, if you are humble in spirit and that means you must submit your spirit from your ways to His ways and impact the Earth with His will and not yours. You must become submissive to the Will of God. This is a very hard thing for religious “Christians” to do because the world has shaped their view and decisions about the world that they operate under emotion and not righteousness. It is so easy for us to get caught up in man exalting us when we do something that they think is good. But approval for us comes from Heaven and headquarters, The Kingdom of God.
God gave Earth to His children to have dominion and bring the governing influence or rulership of the Kingdom of God in Heaven to Earth. Is it good to go to Heaven after you die? Yes, of course, but you can’t rule anything there because God has that all taken care of. You ultimate assignment was to have dominion and rule on Earth (Genesis 1:26). So, you can’t do it in Heaven! God has guaranteed you will not stay in Heaven! Is that a shock to you, because if it is this is why! Because there will be a Resurrection! God has made provisions for your body! Here is another beautiful revelation, look at Revelation 21:1,2! Now if we are to stay in Heaven, why did John see a New Heaven and a New Earth coming down. Funny, everything that we need and desire comes down from Heaven and religious people want to consistently go up! God is trying to get His children to impact Earth, not get His children to impact Heaven.
So only those who are going to submit themselves to the Will of God will inherit the Earth. Are you meek and willing?
Abba’s Minister,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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