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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rendering Good

Today’s Focus: Rendering Good
Scripture: Matthew 5:38-42

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now I know many of us have problems with this scripture right here. Now we have heard of an eye for an eye but look how Jesus wants us to respond.
1. When someone smites you, turn the other cheek
2. When someone sues you, give them what they want
3. When someone asks you to go a mile, go two
4. When someone asks you or borrow something from you, do not turn them away

Kingdom Key #2 - Give

To live in the Kingdom of Heaven you must do the opposite of what you naturally would do in those situations. You do not render evil with evil! You render good instead of evil. See the power of God can always overcome the power of darkness and Satan. So many times we want to react to situations instead of letting God give us direction. The problem we have is we are so quick to say “that could not be me”. But if you are a Kingdom Citizen and you claim to be a son of God, then that is what you should do. Jesus did things that we may consider unreasonable but not impossible!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.