Today’s Focus: The Elite of the Earth: The Church
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this email dealing with being the Elite of the Earth we will deal with how we are to be the Elite on the Earth in the Church. Now we have discussed that learning how to be elite starts at home first, then how we continue to learn in God’s House and now we can take our status to the world to impact and have dominion on the Earth. Now, remember being Elite means being righteous and living under the government of the Kingdom of God and King Jesus. When you understand who you are you begin to think the same way and then you are able to bring the impact of God’s government on the Earth. Being a leader and a example of a Kingdom citizen is the most important thing you can do to further the Kingdom of God. See, when the lost see you living a life of love, peace, meekness, temperance (fruits of the Spirit) then they want to know how and then that is your chance to introduce them to the Kingdom first and the King second!
When you sin, you lose the flavor that makes you elite. Thank God for Jesus, so that we can now connect back to the Government and ask for forgiveness. You should be a vessel of light for those who are in darkness about the Kingdom. Their souls are crying out for the power they lost from the Garden and all you have to be is a vessel and live the Kingdom life and the Spirit of God will shine through and draw people to Christ.
Do not think that you are just a sinner saved by grace. You are more than that and Jesus said you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. So be that! You can’t be that being a heathen Monday thru Saturday and thinking you can turn it on and off on Sunday.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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