Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
I know this is hard but like the last e-mail it is not impossible. Jesus tells us why we should love our enemies. Look at verse 45! That you may be the children of the Father in heaven. Now if you do not love your enemies then clearly Jesus is saying that you are not a child of God! Now the next statement by Jesus! He (God) makes the sun rise and the rain fall on the just and unjust. Ok! This may seem unfair but we know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. So yes we will have some time period where it seems like we may struggle but we know through the power of the Holy Spirit we will overcome. Struggles are there to strengthen you and your faith. When you love your enemies, you develop a patience and when your enemies see you not responding and see you controlling the circumstance through love and patience and that heaps coals of fire on their head and you stay cool as a cucumber. What a picture! But you have to practice it and learn how to do it. One thing we have a problem as a group of believers is that we are so quick to speak and not quick to listen and that will, many times, prevent a situation from escalating.Jesus then goes on to say what good is it to love those which love you because even the publicans and sinners do that. In addition, what good is it to only salute those who you know only because the publicans and sinners do that. Now this is a funny situation. Question! Do you speak to those who you do not even know? Whether it be hello or ask how are you doing? The point is, is to speak to those who you do not know because you never know if it will lend itself to a ministry time and a time to witness. Finally, Jesus ends with be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father….. Now Jesus knows that you will not be perfect, but you should strive with your heart to be that way. See, God cares about the heart! The perfection comes from the desire of the heart to do the right thing.
Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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