Today’s Focus: The Elite of the Earth: Home First
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This will be a 2-part email. This is an inspiring statement but none the less very challenging for Abba’s children to follow and understand. In order to be elite or salt of the earth, it starts at home. Let’s get right to the problem and how do we solve it. Here are the questions you need to answer if you are a parent who wants their child to represent Christ and all that He stands for.
1. Have you taught your children how to pray?
2. Do you pray with your children morning and night?
3. Do you read Bible stories to your child?
4. Do you sit down and read the Bible yourself?
5. Do you make your child explain Bible scriptures and stories to you?
6. Do you go with your children to Sunday School? (Not drop off and leave)
7. Do you go with your children to Bible Study? (Not drop off and leave)
8. Do you go with your child to Worship Services? (Not drop off and leave)
9. Do you use the Bible to discipline your children when they do wrong?
10. If you look at your life now, can you say that my children see Christ in me?
Now we all have fallen short, but we have to establish a foundation for our children and ourselves. How can we expect our children to get anything out of Sunday School if we are not there neither. How can we expect our children to change their life over to God and we have not. We are teaching our children to be spiritually bi-polar. Be one-way on Sunday and be like the world on Monday thru Saturday. Sad many of us are like the world even on Sunday in church. So the question I pose to all the parents is:
What are your Priorities and are you setting a Christ-like example for your children to follow?
To our youth, I know you may have liked the above part but all of us are accountable for our own actions. When you know better you do better. So if you are the salt or elite of the Earth then you should be able to answer these questions.
1. Do I read my Bible at least 2 times a week? (Really it should be everyday)
2. Do I pray daily to God?
3. Do I obey my elders regardless if they are my family?
4. Do I go to church and try to learn something about God?
5. When I go to school, the same way I act in church and “praise the Lord”, I do at school?
6. Do I spend more time listening to music and t.v. than I do reading my Bible?
7. Do I dress appropriately for church or am I a distraction by the way I dress?
8. Are the words that come out of my mouth acceptable to Christ?
Now you have to answer the question: What are your priorities?
So in our 1st part in this email series about being the Elite we have to get it right at home, first. The church can not fix all of your problems, it starts at home with the family. If you can not answer those questions with a resounding yes then you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Who is first? God or Man?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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