The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Instructions on Prayer pt 1
Scripture: Matthew 6:5-8
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The next 2 messages will be the most important aspect of Kingdom life on Earth. Communication with the government in Heaven and that is called prayer. Prayer is the way you give God permission to intervene on Earth from Heaven. I know that last statement may have confused you but very quickly let’s explain. The entire universe (Heaven and Earth) belong to God. He owns it! Now, the Earth he leased to His children to maintain it and uphold the standards He has set. So because He gave authority over Earth to His children and He is Holy, then He must have permission from His children to intervene on Earth. That is why the scripture says man should pray without ceasing because prayer is giving God permission to intervene. So if you want God to keep intervening you better keep on praying. Now about prayer!
First order! We are instructed not to be like the hypocrites and pray for a show to the world. Ok! Praying in a worship service is not what Jesus is talking about if it is done sincerely and from the heart. But what He is saying is not to pray for a show! See when you do it for a show then your prayer is null and void and the reward you were seeking from men is given to you. But look at how Jesus says we should communicate with the government. In secret! Because the Father is in secret then you should come to Him in secret and He will bless you openly. When you are at work, you do not have to go hide and pray! You can go into the closet of your mind and pray and no one ever has to know and then when God makes things happen then you know who it made it happen! Now the next statement is going to send you for a loop!
You should never pray for things!
I will go into more detail about this statement in the next email but look at verses 7 and 8. See we think if we hold a long prayer with many words, we think that we will be heard and God will answer but look at what Jesus calls that “vain repetitions”. The reason why you do not pray for things is because of verse 8. God knows what things you have need of before you ask Him. So it is pointless to pray for things when He knows what you need. You are wasting your time and His. So in the next message we are going to see what are we to exactly pray for. See when you know how to pray then you can get God to work for you in the exact place that you are in. Lord give me a house or a car or a man or a woman is a wasted prayer!
So what are you supposed to ask for? Stay Tuned
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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