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Monday, March 23, 2009

Kingdom Dominion and Authority

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Kingdom Dominion and Authority
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33; Genesis 1:26

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I did my first sermon it was called “Answering the Call” and it was based off of these scriptures. But, as I was seeking the Kingdom and asking God to reveal to me everything about the Kingdom, He showed me in this scripture the authority and dominion that was given to Adam in the Garden. Let me show you!

In verse 24 where it is stated that the winds were contrary and the ship was in the midst of the sea being tossed represents us and our lives when trouble arises and we get pushed and tossed around a little. The question is what do you do? Now before we answer or see what our options are let’s look at verse 25. We see Jesus walking on the sea toward the ship and the disciples saw him walking on the sea and they were troubled and cried out for fear. Now Jesus seeing they are scared calls out to them and tell them “Be of good cheer it is I; be not afraid” (vs 27). So now Jesus is trying to re-assure them that they are ok because He is there in the midst of a contrary wind and sea. Now you have two options in this situation:
1. Stay in the boat and continue to be afraid and fearful and let the contrary winds continue to blow and toss you all around?
2. You can get out of the boat and walk on top of the contrary sea and exercise the dominion over the situation.
Now which one are you?
Thank God for Peter! He always just jumped out there and said what He was thinking and was bold about it. So when we continue reading, Peter ask Jesus bid him to come out on the water with Him and all Jesus said was “Come”. Now, I could only imagine all the other disciples looking at Peter and saying “What are You Doing?” But, Peter believed He could do what Jesus was doing! Peter had faith that he could walk on the water. Now as we continue to read we see that when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, He began to sink! Why? Because authority and dominion was only in Jesus Christ because He at the time was the only one who had the Holy Ghost in Him and living in Him. Peter’s faith allowed Him to walk on the water, Peter’s doubt caused him to sink! So your faith in the midst of trials and tribulations will keep you on top of a situation through the power of God. Your doubt will cause you to sink in your troubles. Now, Jesus knows we worry and we lose focus just like Peter, but I like what Peter said, simply “Lord, save me”. He did not go into some 20 minute religious prayer. He simply said Lord save me. And look what the Bible said Jesus did in verse 31. IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him. Now, Jesus warns you about what causes you to sink in this verse. Doubt! Now when Jesus got in the boat the winds ceased because He brought them out of their situation. Jesus exercised Kingdom dominion over the situation (boisterous wind and sea) and showed the disciples that through faith you can overcome the world’s situations. Now I am going to show you the opposing forces in this story and the Lord just showed this to me!!

Perfect Love CASTS OUT fear this is just like Jesus casts out satan.
Faith overcomes situations and circumstances and frees you, Doubt suppresses you and keeps you prisoner to the situation

I pray that you realize the person God sees in you, overcomes the world’s situation and exercises dominion over circumstances.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

A Kingdom Feast

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: A Kingdom Feast
Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have read this story a million times but Jesus is showing us how the Kingdom works. For example, what we see with our eyes may not be what God sees with His! Ok, there are two fish, five loaves of bread and over five thousand people. In the natural world and our eyes, that is not enough by any stretch of the imagination but to God this is more than enough. If you read verse 19, it says He looked up to Heaven and blessed the food. When Jesus did this, this opened a door from Heaven to Earth for God to pour out what he sees as more than enough. Now, you may think that sounds crazy but that is because you have not read the Bible. Can we say that Jesus was the first person to learn how to effectively split the atom J. Now let me show you how good God is, if you look at verse 20, it says and they all ate and were filled and took up 12 baskets full of fragments. Now the only way that 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread feed five thousand is that someone from another realm come in and give more. Because of Jesus’ faith, He showed the disciples how to control this circumstance. You have to believe there is more than you can see in this world. Our Father has the entire world in His hand and owns everything. So he can give, subtract, multiply and divide so as man gives Him the authority on Earth to do so and that is what Jesus did. Here is a small example! I had some people come over to the house for dinner and I saw the food and said to myself at first this is not enough for everyone but then the Lord brought these scripture to my remembrance and I put the situation in the Lord’s hands and after the party we had more than enough to give food away to some students. When faced with a situation that looks larger than you, look to the person inside of you and say “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the World”. Now that is power!!!!! Do you possess the power to overcome the world’s situations?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

A Promise Kept and a Nation Born

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: A Promised Kept and A Nation Born
Scripture: Matthew 14:1-13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here we see Herod has John the Baptist in prison. John the Baptist sent word to Jesus about His imprisonment and asked if He was the Christ. Of course Jesus sent word that He was the one that he (John) has been speaking of. So while in prison Herodias daughter danced and pleased Herod and Herod made an oath that anything she wanted she could have. Now being instructed of her mother, she asked for John the Baptist head in a charger. Herod was sad but because He made a promise, He had to keep it. So John the Baptist was beheaded and his head was put in a charger and delivered as promised. Now look at this, Herod was sad to do it, but He did because he made a promise. Now how many of us made a promise to God that they would get closer to to Him and do right, but do not? If Herod being evil still can keep his word, why can’t we?

Now, I know you are asking why didn’t Jesus save John the Baptist? After all He was the Messiah and can save all, so why not John? John the Baptist was the last prophet who had one foot in the Old Testament. So, if John the Baptist lived on, then we could not receive the Holy Spirit to live in us because he was the last person to have the Holy Spirit come upon him and leave. So, Jesus did not save John the Baptist because He was holding us as a nation back. So what satan and Herod meant with that sword to John the Baptist head for evil, they released a nation like never before, A Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation! Hallelujah!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Home Not-So-Sweet Home

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Home Not-So-Sweet Home
Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58; Isaiah 6:8

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know that you are wondering about the title of this message but Jesus is warning you about the problems the saints will have when they choose to follow Him. Let me show you this!

Here is Jesus, the Messiah, the prophecies speak of Him and everything that was prophesied to that point, He had fulfilled. But, because He came from Mary and He was the son of a carpenter, His own people could not accept that He was the Messiah. Was it because of the way He dressed? Was it because He did not look like a powerful military King sent to overthrow the roman government? Here, Jesus through the power of God, has performed all these miracles and exercised the dominion that the Father gave Him and yet they still did not believe. The people at home and home can be a church family as well as your immediate family, are some of the first people who may not accept you for who God says you are. Yes, they have grown up with you and they THINK they know you, but only God knows who you are. Would you rather be who God called you to be or live up to what man thinks you should be?

Sometimes, it will require us to move away from familiar territory and go into the unknown for the power of God to be made manifest in our lives. For the lack of unbelief at home, you may be required by God to go to an unknown land where danger is and where you may not even be accepted. But are you willing to go? The Lord showed me the scripture in Isaiah 6:8 – I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Can you say what the prophet Isaiah said, Here am I; send me!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Desiring Knowledge

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Desiring Knowledge
Scripture: Matthew 13:52-53

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this Kingdom parable we see Jesus explaining that the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder which bringeth forth out of His treasure things new and old. What is unique about this is that when you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God then the Holy Spirit, through your desiring, seeking and wanting to know the Word of God, He will reveal the truth about the things old, which you had in your memory and reveal to you new things. Here is a good example, I have a lot of young people call me old (haha) for my age. I am 30 years young and getting younger. But the reason they call me old is because they say I am wise beyond my years. It is not because I am old, per say, but because when you desire to know the truth about the Kingdom of God, wisdom, knowledge and understanding is given to those citizens who wants to know. The wisdom, knowledge and most of all, understanding that is given is food for my spirit and continues to drive me to want to know more.

Here is a small revelation if you have not been seeking the Word of God, when you start, the Lord will show you in every way your life is wrong first, then reveal to you what you continue to want to know. Why does He do that? You must first come into the realization that the way you have been living is wrong and where it is wrong. Depending on your heart and your desire to still want to know and repent after that, then the Lord moves forward from there. When I started my journey, I had to give up so much for this journey, it cost me friends, family got upset with me, I had to deny the lifestyle I was living to go the way the Lord has called me. Was it initially difficult, yes but the reward since has been wonderful. The reality is if you do not want to know then God hides it from you. But if you want to know , He will reveal it to you. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the things of old and new when you come into the Kingdom and seek His righteousness.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

It's the Kingdom or Nothing at All!

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: It’s the Kingdom or Nothing at All
Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we look at these two Kingdom Parables we see the Kingdom is first like a treasure hid in the field and when found by a man he sells all he has for that treasure. Then the Kingdom of Heaven is describes as a pearl that a merchant finds and sells all he had for that one pearl. Ok, seems simple but are you that man or that merchant? See are you willing to give up all in this world and be a citizen of the Kingdom and submit yourselves the King’s rulership? Are you willing to forsake your dreams and what you want to do, to do the Will of the Father for the Kingdom? In the Kingdom, it is all in or all out. You cannot and God will not let you be two-faced in His Kingdom because He is Holy and has integrity and so shall His citizens and children. Funny, here is another perspective. The merchant who found the pearl and the man who found the treasure forsook all they had for this one thing. Why? Because everything they needed and desired was in that pearl and that treasure. In other words, all you need is in the Kingdom!!! You do not have to search for the things of this world. In the Kingdom, they will search for you!!! Now that is easy living. So are you willing to give up all, family, house, car, to be a citizen of the Kingdom? Now let me clarify for those who may question the last statement. When I mean give up the things, I am talking about ownership and allowing the Lord to move those things from you in order to bless you with others. See when you own something or stake claim to it, God cannot move it easily from you, so you cannot easily get things from God. But if you do not take ownership in those things, when God says give, you give to whomever and then God blesses you because you unlocked a door in Heaven (Kingdom Key-Giving) and now God pours out a blessing upon you.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Parable of the Leaven

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Parable of the Leaven
Scripture: Matthew 13:33

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus illustrates to us how the Kingdom is like leaven in meal. One thing about leaven it spreads and expands until it overtakes the meal that it is in. Such is the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is going to grow and grow and keep growing until it overtakes the Earth. The Kingdom is forcefully advancing right now on Earth and the only ones who know it are the ones that have been taken over. As a part of the take-over, I see the Kingdom message and the Kingdom of Heaven advancing itself through this world of false religions and teachings. I rather be a part of a Kingdom and government that has no end! This Kingdom was the first and will be the last and only Kingdom. The question now is where is your citizenship? Are you a citizen of the Kingdom of God or a citizen of the kingdom of darkness. You are either or. Become a part of the take-over today and watch the advancement of the Kingdom in your life and know Heaven is on Earth and taking back territories and changing lives.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Parable of the Mustard Seed

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Scripture: Matthew 13:31-32; Isaiah 9:7

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have all heard the phrase “have faith the size of a mustard seed”. But look how Jesus correlates the Kingdom of God to this mustard seed. Even though it is the smallest of seeds, it becomes the largest of the herbs. So even though The Kingdom of God was on earth for a time and when mankind sinned and lost the Kingdom all the other kingdoms of the world grew in number and became large, but at some point they all fell and some utterly destroyed but the Kingdom of God starts out as this little seed in your heart when you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and as you grow and allow God to nurture and fertilize the seed within, you began to grow then you become like this large herb that can help others along the way. Such is the Kingdom of God. In addition, the Kingdom of God never stops growing unlike other kingdoms of the Earth (Isaiah 9:7). So have the faith of a mustard seed, but continue to nurture and fertilize that seed within with the Word of God and watch your faith grow thru every test and trial that comes your way! Be Blessed and Keep the Faith!

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Parable of the Wheat and Tares

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, Jesus is preaching to the multitudes another Kingdom parable. This parable is unique because it describes wheat as the children of God and tares as the children of satan. Now as you read you see that the enemy (vs 25) came and sowed tares (weeds) amongst the wheat (children of God). Now as the fruit began to show the tares showed amongst the wheat. So now when the servants of the householder realize there are tares amongst the wheat they asked if they can go uproot and take out the tares from amongst the wheat. In other words, go and destroy the children of satan. But look at the Lord’s answer. He says No! Because in the process that you try to uproot the tare, you may uproot a wheat also. So even though all may not receive the Kingdom Of God on Earth the Lord of the Harvest will deal with the children of satan personally Himself. Jesus said, let them grow together until the harvest, or until He returns. Now here is where it gets good. At the time of harvest, the Lord will say to the reapers, gather together first the tares and bind them in bundles and burn them and gather the wheat into His barn. So the wheat will be saved and the tares shall burn in the eternal fire. But let me ask a question. Who are the reapers? Let’s look at Revelation 14:18-19! So the reapers are the Angels. When you read through Revelations you we see a large scope of what the Angels do and the power the Lord gave to them. That should make you feel secure because they have been given responsibility over you to keep you in all His ways. They are the Army or Security Force of the Kingdom of God. So surround yourself in a Godly environment and watch the fruits of the Spirit manifest themselves in your life.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Good Seed, Good Environment

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Good Seed, Good Environment
Scripture: Matthew 13:23

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know this is a small scripture but out of the last 3 messages we see what happens to those who receive the Word and it does not grow in them but land in unfruitful environments. But look at this scripture! Those who received seed into the good ground is he that not only hear the Word but understands it. Now you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you do not know how to apply it and use it (understanding) then the knowledge is useless. Many people come to church and hear the Word but do not understand it. But those who do bear forth good fruit and you can see the fruit multiply in their lives. If you want to receive the Word and understand it, you have to position yourself with God in order to allow the Holy Spirit to talk to you and give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the truth. If you hang around unfruitful people then you will be unfruitful. But if you hang around fruitful people (true citizens of the Kingdom) then if you desire to be like them then the seed that was planted in them shall be planted in you and then your faith, desire and seeking will let God know that you want to be cultivated, fertilized and nourished so that that seed now brings forth fruits that are pleasing to the King and His Kingdom. To our young people over the world, get with someone who knows about the Kingdom of God. When everything else is failing, the Kingdom of God will continue to stand and grow (Isaiah 9:7). But if you hang around people who don’t know God, do not want to know God and do not care for God, then what do you think you are going to begin to do? If you stay in an ungodly environment long enough, you become ungodly. So surround yourself with Godly counsel and people who do not just say they love the Lord but they show it in their lives. Even though I said this to the younger generation, same goes for the adults also. Surround yourself in an environment to breeds and feeds the Word of God and then watch your fruits grow and your light shine before men to let them know that Christ lives in you.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Deception of Reality

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower Part 3 – The Deception of Reality
Scripture: Matthew 13:22

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let me lead off with some questions:
Do you believe in Heaven?
Do you believe that the Bible is the Constitution of the Kingdom of God and God’s Infallible Word?
Do you believe that the Heaven is more real than the visible world?

You have to be able to answer those questions for yourself because these are foundational questions to the Kingdom. Now the Word that falls upon the thorns shows that the cares of the world and deception of the world, choke the Word out of that person. This type of person has a cracked foundation or none at all. They hear the Word but because of what is going on in their life, they cannot understand it, let alone receive it. See, someone who is so occupied with this world and the things of this world find it hard to concentrate on the things that are most important which is the Will of God and the Kingdom. Good example right here! We have no problem getting up to go to work at 6am every weekday morning, regardless of the weather, to go make that money but when it is time to go to worship service or bible study we make excuses like this: I am too tired! It is my only 2 days off and I deserve to rest! It’s too cold to go to church! Let me ask you something, “Who gave you that job?” The same that gave, is the same that can take away and in this economy we know we do not want to get to that point. So do not allow the visible world and its cares to override the Kingdom and the power it gives you to control the visible world. The way that Heaven impacts Earth is through the children of God! His Will is done. Now do not go and do something stupid and say that I or this ministry told you that this world is not real. The point being made is that God gives you power, through the Holy Spirit to have dominion, or exercise royal power to control your circumstances and not your circumstances controlling you. Who would you rather follow, the will of man or the Will of God?

Here is something to think about: Where did everything that was made originate from?

However you answer that question, determines your thought process on whether you think that the Invisible World, Heaven is more real than the Visible World.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Religious Church People

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower pt 2 – Religious Church People
Scripture: Matthew 13:5-6; 20-21

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This parable describes many people who come to church for all the wrong reasons. They come to church for an emotional high so when they hear the Word it gives them joy but for a while and when persecution and strife rise in their life the Word is burned up and does not work for them. The same Word that can save them and is the solution to their problem is the same Word when trouble arises, they do not turn to it.

When we go to church, unless we have a heart-felt desire and a yearning to not just hear the Word but have a desire to learn it and live it, then our worship is in vain. Because after that service, you have to go out into the trying world and live in it. You need the Word to be grounded deep inside you and when trouble arises, you allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance the Word that was sown into your heart.

Go to the church with the intention to leave their different than you came and impact your life with the very Word you just learned. I believe this, it has been said in many churches every message is not for you and I believe that is the biggest lie that can be told. The Word of God is for everyone but you have to position yourself to hear the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to give you understanding. Remember, unless you want God and seek Him with all of your heart, then He hides from you? Have you seen the power of God today?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The True Message Satan Hates

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Parable of the Sower pt 1 – The True Message Satan Hates
Scripture: Matthew 13:4,19

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We are going to break this parable down slowly and pray that we get a understanding of exactly what Jesus was trying to explain to the multitude. Look at the first set of scriptures.

19-When any one heareth the word of the Kingdom, and understand it not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received the seed by the way side.

Let’s bust up religion right here! Satan does not care about your preaching on faith, baptism, born again, prosperity, healing, miracle, season, harvest and breakthrough. That does not make satan do anything. It does not even phase him. But look at what Jesus says what makes satan move. The word of the Kingdom! So anytime and I know Satan is following this, you hear the message of the Kingdom, satan does not even wait for you to try to understand, he doesn’t send his angels, he comes personally to snatch the word of the Kingdom out of your heart before you understand. I had some mormons come to my house a couple of days ago spreading
Their message about the gospel of Jesus Christ. First of course I had to correct them about what the gospel is then second I showed them in the Word what will bring about the coming of Christ. It is not preaching prosperity, healing, miracle, or season or even your church doctrine (religious people). It is the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom to every nation. Can we conclusively say based off of the last few statements that this is the reason Christ has not come back because His church, or assembly, has not got the message right themselves? And they are spreading their own message instead of the message He told us to spread. Satan hates the message of the Kingdom because it gives the power to the people and He wants to keep you in religion where religion controls you and you surrender power to the pulpit. I have met some wonderful people and pastors who preach the Kingdom and I can tell you when you understand Kingdom, then reading the Bible becomes ten times easier because now your mind is converted to understanding what God originally established on Earth, a Kingdom.

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Truth About Parables

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Truth about Parables
Scripture: Matthew 13:10-17

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We will return to the parable of the sower but first we need to understand the purpose of the parables. Why did Jesus speak in parables? Many religious people say the parables were simple stories to help describe and explain something to the people so they can understand. I have heard they are simple stories that even a simple person can understand. But Jesus describes it a little different. A parable is a story that is meant to hide the truth and understanding from those who do not want to know. So why would Jesus want to hide the truth? Well because you have to want to know, you have to desire and seek the truth and the only people around Jesus that qualified and wanted to know the meaning of the parables were the disciples. That is why after many of the parables the disciples would ask Jesus to explain and He would. Now to prove the above statements about parables let’s look at the scriptures.

Jesus starts about by answering the disciples questions about parables in verse 11 by using these words, “For it is given unto you to know the MYSTERIES of the Kingdom of Heaven”. So what is a mystery? A mysteries is a problem that is not solved until someone comes and seek the answer to solve it. So, unless you want to know or desire to know the mysteries of the Kingdom, they will not be revealed to you. So, God blinds you from what you do not want to know. So these parables are like little maps in order to help those who want to understand how to find their way. Look at verse 13. Jesus says He speaks to them because seeing they see not and hearing they hear not, NEITHER do they understand. See the application of the parable comes when you get the understanding. Of course in the next scripture Jesus quotes scriptures and prophecies that are fulfilled then Jesus explains why the people will not understand. He first states their hearts are waxed gross or hard and their ears are hard of hearing and they are blind. Now He gives the answer on how this can be resolved. Lest at any time they shall see with their eyes and understand with their heart and should be converted and I (Jesus) shall heal them. So in other words, it depends on you! You have to want Jesus, you have to want to see the truth and hear the truth and allow the Spirit to give you the understanding.

Now look at the last set of scriptures, but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear. Blessed are those who hear and see the truth and desire to know the truth. Are you one of those people?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Blasphemy - The Forgotten Sin of the Saints

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Blasphemy – The Forgotten Sin of the Saints
Scripture: Matthew 12:31-32

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know many leaders of the churches do not deal with this word but we best deal with it and have an understanding of what it is because Jesus says that blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is UNFORGIVABLE! First, we need to know what blasphemy is because I can tell you, some of you and many of your children are speaking blasphemy through songs and music and do not even know it. Let’s define blasphemy:
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines blasphemy as:
1 a: the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God b: the act of claiming the attributes of deity

So, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence. Now read the scripture very very carefully, whoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man (Jesus) it shall be forgiven. So in other words, Jesus knew that people would talk about Him, betray and speak all manner of evil against Him. But when you speak against the Holy Ghost it will not be forgiven in this life nor in the world to come. So many of these Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock-n-Roll and other various artists have blasphemous lyrics that no citizen should every speak, let alone sing. Satan knows he cannot get you to worship him directly but if he can CAUSE you to do it, that is just as good. Let me give you an example, I let a young man hear the lyrics of one of his favorite artist where the artist says these words in his song “middle finger to the Lord”. Now he heard these words from the exact song of the artist, but because he liked his artist so much, he could not let go of the artist even though he committed blasphemy. Many of our children and some of our adults are in this exact situation. We make excuses for these artists who curse the Lord and commit blasphemy and because we like their beat, we can’t say enough is enough and stop listening to them. Sometimes we need to cut the beat off and read the lyrics and see just what these people are up to.

The people who make a mockery of the church and a mockery of our Lord and the Holy Ghost should not be getting your money nor your ear. Keep in mind the unforgiveable sin comes from the tongue. I urge you to be very careful of what you say and who you allow in your head through your ears. Blasphemy and it’s punishment is very real and if you do not want to burn in the eternal flames then I suggest we start rebuking the people, the industry and the artist that are influencing and speaking this blasphemous and unholy words into our lives.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Jesus or Satan

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Jesus or Satan? Your Choice
Scripture: Matthew 12:24-30

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Simple question but one many citizens have not made their decision in their heart. I know you are saying this is easy, I choose Jesus. But do you? What does your life reflect right now? Do you read your Constitution daily and seek God’s Kingdom in your life? Let’s look at the scriptures.

Jesus is confronting the Pharisees about the power in which Jesus was given to cast our devils. The Pharisees claim He cast out devils by Beelzebub or Satan. Look at Jesus response in verse 27! If Jesus cast out devils by the power of Beelzebub then who do your children cast them out by? So the same power that Jesus cast out devils is the same power we have given to do so through the power of the Father! Better said in verse 28. Now verse 29! Jesus is talking about binding the power and authority satan was given by mankind. And in doing so, He (Jesus) will give the power and authority back to the children of God so that they can help destroy the kingdom of darkness (satan).

Jesus finishes this up by clearly making the challenge, “He that is not with me is against me.” It is a matter of not just words, but of the heart. Who are you with based on your heart and your actions right now?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Put on the Kingdom

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religion vs. The Kingdom Pt. 3
Put on the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 11:30

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this final installment we see the scripture vs. 30, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Get ready to be blessed. The yoke Jesus is carrying is the Kingdom of God. Jesus is carrying it for you and He wants to give you the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom you ask?

The Kingdom of God is the governing influence of God’s rulership over a territory impacting it with His Will and His Purpose!

The territory on Earth that God wants to impact is not physical land! It is the hearts of man. So, Jesus is bringing a government back to Earth and wants to give it to you so you can function and live in it and lighten your burdens.

This leads me to the last half, “my burden is light”. When you live in the Kingdom, the citizens are not burden down. Why? Because all of the citizens cares are cast on the King. It is a government issue! Think Kingdom, Not republic, Not Democracy, Not Dictatorship, Not Communism, Not Socialism. Every issue of the citizens is a governmental issue. Your bills are a government problem! When someone offends you or commits a crime against you , then you have the authority to call the police of the Kingdom (Angels) and have them deal with the problem. I know many of you do not believe it but, that explains why you are tired and fighting so much and wondering why the world is against you and you do not have peace in your life. The time is now, come into the Kingdom and give your burdens to the King and live a life where you can control your circumstances and your problems because every Kingdom citizen knows they can cast their cares upon the King and He will take care of all of their concerns!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Yoke

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religion vs. The Kingdom pt 2
The Yoke
Scripture: Matthew 11:29; Isaiah 9:6-7; Galatians 5:22,23

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Please pay attention because here is the exact scripture where we separate religion from the Kingdom. Jesus says, take my yoke upon you. So we first have to define yoke. We know that a yoke is what oxen used to carry the load in the fields. But also, a yoke was something humans wore to carry something for someone else. Please stay with me it gets good. So it is apparent that Jesus was carrying something for you. The question is what is it? Is it a religion? Is it a denomination? Let’s go to Isaiah 9:6 for the answer. Now read it……Ok, what was Jesus carrying on His shoulder for you. That’s right a government! So stop saying we are a part of a religion. We are citizens of the Kingdom (Government) of God. Now look in Isaiah verse 7 and read..Look at what His government will do. It will grow and so will peace. So there is peace in the government of God. I told you. So why did Jesus come?

He came to bring a government!!! Now look at the character of the King and the Kingdom. Jesus says for He is meek (humble) and lowly. Jesus did not come to Earth with a silver spoon, long flowing white robe with jewels and diamonds. He came as a humble and lowly servant of the Father. Funny, meekness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22.23). This is the attitude and characteristics we should have as Ambassadors of Christ.

Finally, Jesus says if you put on my yoke (The Kingdom of God) then you will find rest for your soul. Now I do not know about you but Jesus was not talking about rest in Heaven. He is talking about rest on Earth, now, present-day. If you are stressed out and tired of the way your life is. Let me suggest you switch over to a government that provides rest and not stress, The Kingdom of God.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Promise of Rest

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religion vs. The Kingdom pt 1
The Promise of Rest
Scripture: Matthew 11:27-30

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a lot of information which we will separate into 3 different messages. Today we will talk about the Promise of Rest. Jesus said come unto me all ye that labour. Let’s start there. Labour is work. Can we say that many of us work our fingers and our heads off and still have nothing to show for it. How about we work so much that we do not have time for God because we have to make a living. Subsequently when things go wrong, we try to turn to God and when He does not answer on our time we get further depressed. Here is a revelation! You job is not for you to make a living. It is for you to use your talents and bring the Kingdom’s impact into your workplace. How about this also! Your salary does not truly meet all your needs in addition, you are worth more than your job can pay you. I hope you know that! Now, look at what Jesus said, Come unto me! Now look at the other half of the scripture:

Jesus says those who are heavy laden. Those who are oppressed, depressed, tired, burden-down. Let me add those who are religious! We understand what that feels like to be the first list, but to be religious is killing us. Jesus never brought a religion to Earth. Religion is man’s attempt to search for God. So, you live up to man’s expectations. You pray 7 times a day, go to mass everyday, try to escape your problems by praying to go to heaven. Some people strap bombs to themselves and kill innocent civilians in order to go to heaven. Some even burn down mosques and kill people in the name of Jesus. How religious! Can we even say, Heaven is causing more problems on Earth than Earth itself. But if you come to Jesus and follow His example, then you are promised rest. But if you don’t you will just be some religious person searching for someone who has already came down and found you. You will continue to be lead by man and not by God. You will continue to go to church and bible study and worship service for all the wrong reasons like, “because I am supposed to.”

Then there are those of us who are Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God who are working for the King and enjoying life. Whenever we have a problem we give it over to the King and the Army of the Kingdom. Rest is defined as peace and relief from stress. How many of you want that? If you do, it is time to switch governments and get your rights back as a citizen of the Kingdom of God.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Understanding Your Importance and Power

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Understanding Your Importance and Power
Scripture: Matthew 11:11-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Let’s get right into this because it is loaded and we have to cover it all.

Verse 11a – Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist
Now, Jesus says this for a reason. John was the prophet that got to actually see the King and introduce the King and the Kingdom on Earth. All the other prophets could only speak about the coming of the King and the Kingdom, but John got to introduce, see and touch the King. But John, while He was on Earth, never got into the Kingdom. He saw the King and baptized Him and saw the coming of the Holy Spirit, but John did not receive the Holy Spirit to come and live in Him. Which leads to the other half of the scripture.

Verse 11b – Notwithstanding he that is the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.
Loaded statement. Jesus is saying the one who is least in the Kingdom is greater than John. Huh, you say? From John and before no one received the Holy Spirit to live in them. Adam had it until He sinned and from Genesis to John, the Kingdom was not on Earth. The Holy Spirit would come upon people and the prophets and then leave because there was no one able at the time to be a good enough sacrifice to atone for the sins of mankind. So all the vessels from Adam after the fall to John were not inhabitable for the Holy Spirit. That is where Jesus comes in as a perfect sacrifice and because of His blood shed on the cross, our sins are able to be washed away and now our temple (body) is now available and habitable for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live and not leave. How about that! So anyone after John that accepts Jesus as Lord and believes that God has raised Him from the dead can now receive the Holy Spirit to come and live in them. So you marvel at Moses and the water, Samson and His strength, David killing a Goliath and Jesus is saying you are greater than them all because you have the Holy Spirit living in you and can execute the Will of the Father as God’s Kingdom on Earth again. They all dreamed about having who you have living in you. You are special so act like it.

Verse 12
There is a takeover going on and only those who have been taken over by the Holy Spirit knows it. The Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully advancing and when it comes under pressure then you can really see the power of the Kingdom. The fight is not for land, but for hearts. This is the spiritual battle going on and anyone who is in the Kingdom and living the Kingdom life knows how hard it is out there to preach against the fake gospels that all of these prominent preachers and bishops are preaching on t.v. Then you have to contend with Satan himself and his angels. But we know we have victory on our side and I suggest you get wise and get a very good understanding of the Kingdom because in this time of Antichrists, false teachers, preachers and bishops, you have to know the Word for yourself.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Kingdom Key - Giving

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Kingdom Key #3 - Giving
Scripture: Matthew 10:41-42; Matthew 16:19

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Giving is one of the most difficult Keys of the Kingdom for the citizens to use. In this World we are kept by our possessions and God is saying I own everything so let it go. Now you have to remember this scripture to understand how the Key works, Matthew 16:19. So in order for God to loose something from Heaven to Earth, you have to loose something on Earth. Now this is good. How many of you, if someone walked up to you today and said, “hey, I like that coat, I wish I had one” and the Holy Spirit said “give them your coat”, would you? Now the only way you will know the voice of the Holy Spirit is that you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. When you give to others, God gives to you. Now look at the scripture because this is a very unique situation.

Now if a man or woman of God comes in your presence and you receive that person and give that person even something as a small drink of water, God will give unto you. Now does that mean we only give to the man or woman of God to get things from God? No! Because the poor will always be with us and it is our calling to give and help others along the way. Now if you give to someone with the intent of trying to get something back then your giving is in vain. But also be careful who you are trying to get from. If you give to a crook then you get a crook’s reward. Giving should be from the heart to start with and when you give silently, God blesses you openly. Giving is not just material things. It is also service and time. Even though you may not have money, just giving of your service and time will unlock Heaven’s door and allow God to over-run you with blessings.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Power of the Sword

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of the Sword
Scripture: Matthew 10:34-39; Ephesians 6:17

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
After reading this set of scriptures, one may question is Jesus a warmonger? Well if you read it naturally then yes. But since this is a spiritual book, then the Holy Spirit must reveal to you the meaning of the statement. Let’s deal with this one verse at a time.

Verse 34 – The Sword
Now if you read it carefully, Jesus says I come not to SEND peace, but a sword. So what is Jesus sending. He is sending the Word of God. Now look at what the Word of God is going to do.

Verse 35-36 – The Word affects the Family
Now the Spirit just revealed this to me. Look at who and what order these members of the family will be set apart. A Son against His Father, A Daughter against her Mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Notice it is the younger against the older member. Why is that? As time progresses and our children learn the true Word of God, many adults will find it hard to accept the truth from a child because they are stuck in their ways in believing they are wrong. It is nothing like a child telling an adult, what you are doing is wrong. We have to be careful to always be in a position to hear the Holy Spirit because He will not only come from the oldest person but also the youngest. If we think we are always right as adults then when the truth comes, if it comes from a child, we are too stubborn to hear it and we miss out. Now look at verse 36 very powerful. The foes of that man (person) shall be they of his own household. Now I do not know about many of you but some of us can testify to that. It is not meant to call them evil or anything it is because the people closest to you think they know you and when you give your life over the Christ and that new creature comes out of you, they are the first to find it hard to believe. So that is where Jesus is coming from and keep in mind, it was His own people and family that had a hard time accepting Him for who He was.

Verse 37 – God First
You must love the Father first. God is first and foremost, even above our earthly parents. Now our earthly parents have been given charge over us, but God is head over all and what He says is paramount and most important

Verse 38-39 – The Choice
Finally, Jesus is laying it out on the line. You will either take up your life as assigned by God with all of its benefits and troubles that will come because you are a child of God and follow Christ or you will die and not have the right to eternal life. Very straight forward. You have to deny the life you want to live and live the life God has called you to live for the Kingdom and when you do that, you will gain your life, not just in abundance in this world, but also eternal life in the World to come.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.