The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Real Gospel
Scripture: Matthew 9:35
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I really like scriptures like this because you can do an entire message on just this scripture. Religion has told us the gospel is Jesus. Man has made the gospel, faith, healing, baptism and the Holy Ghost, inclusion (beware of this one), prosperity, season, harvest, miracle and I can go on and on. But what did Jesus say the Gospel was? Now that is a question. Look at what Jesus was doing in verse 35.
He was teaching first! So in other words, he was instructing people on how to live. And next He was preaching! Now what was He declaring (preaching) the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom! So the gospel is the Kingdom of God. It is not all of this other mess that we as mankind have tried to make it to be. The problem is, is when you do not understand something, you can’t explain it, so you go and make it something that you know about and then call it that. That was a lot but read it slowly and hopefully it will come to you. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the ONE TRUE Gospel! Everything else is an imitation and a fraud.
You have to read and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal things like this to you. The reason we have fallen for all these charismatic preachers is because it sounds good and we just do not want to read. The problem is, this is when satan uses them to keep you in darkness of the truth. Yes! He uses God’s own to hold God’s own in bondage. See, you have to spiritually discern these messengers and preachers today. Everyone does not have your life’s interest at heart. I thank God for our ministry, because we do not ask for money. Just your heart and spirit to be open to learning the truth about who you are and who God has called you to be. We strive to present the truth using the scriptures to show you in which way you are to live and in which ways your life needs to change. Be Blessed in the Word of God.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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