Today’s Focus: Balancing Love and Discernment
Scripture: Matthew 7:6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I came upon this scripture, I had some problems initially discerning what Jesus was talking about. But after studying and asking God for understanding this is what He revealed to me.
Jesus wants us to give to the poor and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all nations. But, Jesus also knows that not everyone will receive it. Some will take it and blaspheme and ridicule the messenger and the message itself. Have you ever tried to talk about the Gospel to someone and then they tried to use the exact same scripture against you to make fun of you and persecute you. I know it has happened to me. But look at the said scripture because here is a case that you have to have spiritual discernment about people and who God tells you to give the gospel to.
In this scripture, Jesus is saying do not give what is holy or cast your pearls to the dogs and swine respectively. Because of the hardness of some people’s hearts to the gospel, so will never get it and some maybe confused. It is best to leave those there for the King to bring some understanding when He comes back. Are we commanded to love our enemies and those who despitefully use us? Yes! But Jesus is saying don’t let that blind you to the point where you cannot spiritually discern to evil motives within men in how they will receive the message about the precious gift of the gospel of the Kingdom.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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