The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Beware of the Fruits
Scripture: Matthew 7:15-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know all of us have heard the phrase, “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is”. Well get ready for this message. What is the center and main thing that we should be focused on in worship service? Is it the choir? The ushers? The praise and worship dancers? No! It is actually the Word of God! The message! Now, many people move from church to church to go where they can hear a “good Word”, so they say! Some go because they are legitimately spiritually hungry and some because they do not like a straight forward in your face message of truth. Now, we can turn on t.v. and see many evangelist, pastors and bishops preaching many things. Sad I even see many preaching without a Bible. Some believe you should not mention sin. Some just hoop and holler and get you on an emotional high. Some just wanna make you feel good about yourself, regardless of the apparent sin you are living in. Then there is a few of us who present the truth, whether it is good or bad, and use the terms that God said to use to describe who we are today and who we should be also. So the question is what fruits are being presented to you, not just on Sunday but everyday. Is your leadership, one way on worship day and the rest of the week they are worldly people that do not resemble the person on Sunday?
Jesus says beware of false prophets and you will know them by their fruits. Ok! This will be a hard statement but truth is truth! There are so many people calling themselves prophets and prophetess and they have not prophesied nothing, let alone have not even heard the voice of God. There are some preachers, pastors and bishops that have not even heard from God, but because they can sing, it is alright. The citizens have just fallen head over heels for these false prophets and do not realize that prophesy is a spiritual gift, just like preaching, teaching and evangelizing. Do not all citizens have the Holy Ghost? Does not the Holy Ghost know all, even the truth about the future and end of days? Now, the gift of prophesy is still a part of the ministry but please beware there are people who do not care about God and they are ripping of the saints because they want to prophesy a car, or house or all these material things to excite you and make you feel good. Look back at the past prophets such as Isaiah, Hosea and Jeremiah and you tell me about all of the prosperity prophecies they prophesied. Ok, I hope you got the point! Beware of these people! If their lives and words are not living up to the Word of God then you know you need to change the station.
Finally look at verse 19! If they are not bearing good fruit then they are a corrupt tree. Fruit comes from a seed. A seed is planted and fertilized until the tree grows and bears fruit. If someone is presenting a corrupt fruit then there is a corrupt seed that has been planted in their mind and been fertilized to a point where the fruit is apparent and visible. And look what happens to a corrupt tree, it is cast into the fire and for those of you who do not know what the fire is, it is Hell. It is time to evaluate the seeds that you allow to be planted in your mind and the seeds you want to fertilize and which fruit you want to grow. Funny, you will know the fruit that people are fertilizing by their lives. Which tree are you today?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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