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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Asking of the Kingdom

Today’s Focus: Asking of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Getting things and our needs met from Heaven is actually very simple but you can not think naturally or in the order of the world. When you want something in this world, you work to get it and you save to get it and you sacrifice to get it, but the Kingdom of God is slightly different. Look at the words of Jesus in verse 7! Getting things and your needs met are solely dependent on your love and desire to know God. Ok! For example, Matthew 6:33 starts by saying “But seek ye first….”. The key word is seek! Then the ending of that verse is that if you seek the Kingdom and His righteousness then all of these things shall be added unto you. Addition is dependent on your willingness to seek. And the only way you can seek is with all of your heart and have fire and desire to want to know God and obey His commandments and study His Word! This is where the rubber hits the road and the difference between religion and the Kingdom of God. In verse 7 it says Ask, Seek, Knock and all of these words are action words and not just words you speak because they sound good. If you do that then you are wasting your time. So, you having needs and desiring things from the Kingdom depends on you, your actions and your heart towards God. Jesus then goes on to show you, even being evil, give good gifts to your children. How much do you think God, your Father will give to you? Finally, verse 12! What is known as the golden rule! So, if you want to be respected and trusted, then you must give respect and show that you are true to your word. Funny, God is the exact same way with us. If we want forgiveness from Him then we have to forgive. If we want gifts and riches from Heaven, then we have to give on Earth! I know this sounds simple and practical and the reality is, that it is. You have to be willing to position yourself and determine that you want to be under Lord Jesus’ rule and obey the commandments with all your heart. So the next time you think about popping off or snapping at someone, think about how you would want to be treated, then make the decision. Listen and think first, act second!

Abba’s Son, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.