Today’s Focus: Judging
Scripture: Matthew 7:1-8
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now after showing them and explaining to the multitude about seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, He then lead off with Judge not lest you be judged. In other words, the same way you judge others is the same standard you will be judged by. Then Jesus goes on to say make sure your got your house in order before you go around trying to clean somebody elses. I like sharing my own testimony because I have nothing to hide but hopefully it will help someone else along the way. When I heard my calling from God to the ministry, God told me that I needed to get my life in order. So the fornication and the excessive drinking and the shacking had to stop because in order to be able to speak to God’s people, His messenger had to be right position with Him! Great example is Paul and the Demascus Experience! Paul was on his way to kill the disciples and believers of Jesus until God knocked him off his horse, blinded him and then had Annanias to come a lay hands on Him and through the power of the Holy Spirit, lift His blinded eyes, become saved and preach the gospel of the Kingdom. So here we have a man who was killing the followers of Christ then becoming one! But Paul had to get His life in order. Everything he was before accepting Jesus as Lord is completely different now.
I had to go through the lifestyle change and the mental transformation (Romans 12:1,2) before I could go before God’s people and preach His Holy Word. So many times we profess we are children of the King but we do not act like it and the words out of your mouth are not that of a citizen of the Kingdom. When you rebuke something, you rebuke it in love and usually the one’s it is convicting are the ones that respond the most harshly. But can we say Jesus says let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. So right is right and wrong is wrong! There is not in between. Make sure before you go out and spread truth and correction that you are in order and your life is the same.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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