Today’s Focus: Kingdom First
Scripture: Matthew 8:21,22
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know when people read these two scriptures they think Jesus was very insensitive. Now let me show you this. We know of the 12 disciples Jesus chose. But look it says another of His disciples. Many people chose to follow Christ and made themselves disciples or students of Christ. So one of these disciples asked if they can first go bury their father. Now, when you use the word first, that means priority and Jesus had to set this disciple straight. Nothing comes before the Kingdom and its business. Not even the death of a loved one. Now here is a revelation!
Why worry about a temporary situation. Death is a temporary circumstance to Jesus. Jesus says that He is the resurrection. So He knows that his disciple’s father’s death was a temporary circumstance that can and will be solved by Him. So, even death should not come before the Kingdom and God’s Will. Sounds insensitive, but the reality is Jesus is saying if you are going to follow Him and live in the Kingdom you must keep the Kingdom first and foremost in your life. Temporary situations and circumstances will come but they should not deter you from doing the Will of God first.
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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