Today’s Focus: Call to Discipleship: Part 1: The Mission
Scripture: Matthew 10:1-15
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The phone is ringing and it is God on the line! He has said today is the beginning of the rest of your life and you have now been called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ! You have been wondering around and wondering what my purpose in life is and today we are going to start you on your journey. We pray that you read each scripture over the next 2 days and ask God to show you His way and what He would have you to do for Him.
Your Mission as a Disciple of Christ:
Go out into the World and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and allow the Word to convert lost souls unto Christ! But here is a catch, you also have to live it because there are going to be people who remember you as a sinner and call you a hypocrite because you have turned your life over to Christ. All you need is Christ on this journey. He will surround you with Godly people to assist you while on this journey. The Gospel is free to all and we are to never charge anyone for it because it was freely given unto us. Beware there are those who will not even try to hear you about the Gospel, however do not get discouraged because there is always someone out there that wants to hear it and needs to hear it. For those who choose not to hear, judgment day is coming and God will handle that. This is your official call to turn from the way of the world and turn to Christ and allow Him to lead your life.
Abba’s Ambassador, Minister Calvin Calhoun
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