Today’s Focus: God’s Treasure
Scripture: Matthew 6:19:24; Matthew 3:11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
First, we all understand that God owns Heaven and Earth! Second we know that He gave Earth to His children to maintain the standards He set in Heaven so that Heaven and Earth can be mirror images. But, we know after the Garden, that has been damaged. So everything on the Earth, God owns. Now, in this scripture Jesus says we should lay up ourselves treasures in Heaven. Now, when we look at treasures, Jesus knows that people love their possessions. They “treasure” them! In other words, they are their most prized possessions on Earth. But this is a problem! And Jesus clearly states why in verse 21! That is where your heart is! Very clearly stated and to expound, if someone tried to take that treasured possession that person will defend it with their life. If someone took it, they would do everything they could to get it back because that is what means the most to them. Now, this is not just for unsaved people but for the citizens of the Kingdom especially. God just revealed this to me! Do you know what your most treasured possession is? Hmm! It is the Holy Spirit! Now let’s see why that is.
1. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot know God’s Will and bring the Kingdom’s impact to Earth.
2. Jesus brought back to Earth the Kingdom of Heaven and scripturally He came to give us someone. The Holy Spirit - Matthew 3:11
So the one thing that you should treasure the most is the Holy Spirit! What you view as important is what your heart is locked into (vs. 22-23). So when you do the Will of God then you can impact the Earth with the Kingdom and watch blessings abound around you that you cannot contain. But, when you treasure the things of the world then, you set yourself up for disappointment, despair, heartache, depression and all these other diseases because all of the things of this world will pass away and once you die, you can’t take them with you anyway. Look at this real quickly! Since God owns everything, none of it is actually yours! Stay with me please! When you stake ownership to something then it is yours and that’s it! You hoard it and you become selfish over that one thing. But when you understand that you do not own anything, when God says give it up, you are more apt to give it up and then He will continue to bless you with more than you can handle because He knows you do not stake ownership in the things of this world. So the car I drive is Kingdom of God’s property! The house that I live in is Kingdom of God’s property. The mortgage on the house is God’s mortgage and He pays the bill! See, it pays not to stake ownership in nothing so that you do not get attached to those things and not be able to give them up when God requires us to. Are you willing to give up your possessions, if God calls you to? Where does is your heart at? Heaven or Earth
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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