Today’s Focus: Motives
Scripture: Matthew 8:19-20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As Jesus was going around performing these miracles, people began to follow Him and want to be healed and devils cast out and all the power to be shown. But there were some that Jesus knew who want to follow Him that had alterative motives. Look at this scribe, He says Master, I will follow you wherever you go. But look at Jesus response. He basically says, I have nothing to give you. See some people were coming and trying to follow Jesus to get things! They have their own reasons and not the Will of God on their mind and Jesus had to let this scribe know, I don’t even have a place to lay my head. So the question is Why are You Following Jesus?
I follow King Jesus because I want the Will of God and His Kingdom to continue to infiltrate the World and destroy the kingdom of Satan. I know I can do nothing of myself but through the power of God, and allowing God to use this vessel to do His wonders, I can see God and His power everyday and glorify Him and worship Him knowing that one day, the Son of God, Jesus is coming back for the final showdown and I look forward to serving and worshipping the Almighty even into eternal life. I can personally care less about the things of this World. I know that the King supplies all of my needs and all of my desires and even if He does not fulfill all of my desires, I know He can and I know He knows what is best for me.
So what is your motive for following Jesus Christ?
Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.
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