Today’s Focus: Call to Discipleship:
Part 2: Persecutions and Commitment to Truth
Scripture: Matthew 10:16-42
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know it is a lot to read but we take time for everything else, I know we can take time for God!. Let me forewarn you right now. As a disciple of Christ you will get persecution because they persecuted Him. Now I can tell you personally the persecution usually start from within the family, so do not get discouraged. The truth has a funny way of bringing out evil sprits because they even know the truth about Christ and the power He possesses. But Jesus said back in the Matthew 5:10:
10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
So many of the prophets and disciples were falsely accused and killed in the name of Jesus! But we have to get to a point where we do not fear man, but fear and love God and step out on the promises of His Word.
Many people will call you radical and crazy because Christ went against the norm back in biblical Israel and if you look at today’s world you know if you truly follow Christ then you will without a doubt be against what society calls the norm. In this walk we must also keep in mind that Christ is the Head of man so we should never get above Christ just because we know a little scriptures because in this lifetime we will never learn all of God’s mysteries. However, when Christ returns, all will be revealed. Every deception, lie and unknown thing will be revealed unto us. Live to learn as much as you can so that you can effectively fight the enemy daily. Does that mean since all will be revealed when Christ returns, then we do not have to read the Bible? Of course not! Revelation 13:16 states:
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads
This let’s us know if we are not careful the devil will CAUSE you to worship him and take his mark. So staying in the Word of God and living it daily is the only way to help keep you from falling into the trap that satan is setting for mankind.
Finally, are you bold enough to stand up for Christ in the midst of trouble and death. One thing I love about God’s Word, is that when you become a part of it, it becomes a part of you and you have a passion and yearning for so much more wisdom and knowledge and reading daily it becomes an addiction and it is one that I suggest everyone gets hooked on. Despite what Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims or Buddhist say, you proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior and do not move off the foundation. If you read the ministry of Christ, it makes perfect sense why Christ had to come and redeem mankind and thank Him for doing so. It is time to deny this world and live for the Kingdom of God. Doing this will cost you your so-called friends, family members and the life you thought you may have. However, the reward will be great and all I want the Father to say to me is “Servant Well Done”.
Our Father’s Messenger, Min. Calvin Calhoun
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