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Household of Calhoun

Friday, February 6, 2009

God's Primary Interest: The Kingdom

Today’s Focus: God’s Primary Interest: The Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 6:31-34

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus leads off by re-emphasizing not to worry about food, water or clothing. Now look at what Jesus calls the people that do that, the Gentiles. Now I do not know about you but I am not no pagan. So worrying about those things cause you to be like a pagan. Now look at what Jesus says: For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things. In other words, do not pray for things! Now here comes what your priority in life is and funny it has always been that from the beginning.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.”

In other words seek God’s rulership in your life and stay in position with Him and everything else He will give to you. Beautiful!! Now we have a huge problem! As simple as that sounds religion and satan is driving doubt and insecurity right through this scripture. See, if you understand this scripture you can govern yourself and be the thorn in satan’s side everyday. But because of the way of the world and the way satan is influencing the church. This scripture gets lost but this is what our primary focus in life to do and ensure all of our needs and desires are met.

Finally, in verse 34 Jesus states not to worry about tomorrow. See when we worry, we worry long term and worry about tomorrow more than anything, but Jesus says don’t do it. Let me pose a thought!

Tommorrow never comes so why worry about it when today is always here!

Decide today to impact Earth with God’s Will. We will do an extensive breakdown of verse 33 later on a special set of emails. So, seek the Kingdom and stay in position and watch God add everything you ever need.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.