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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Call to Discipleship - Persecution

Today’s Focus: Call to Discipleship:
Part 2: Persecutions and Commitment to Truth
Scripture: Matthew 10:16-42

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know it is a lot to read but we take time for everything else, I know we can take time for God!. Let me forewarn you right now. As a disciple of Christ you will get persecution because they persecuted Him. Now I can tell you personally the persecution usually start from within the family, so do not get discouraged. The truth has a funny way of bringing out evil sprits because they even know the truth about Christ and the power He possesses. But Jesus said back in the Matthew 5:10:
10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
So many of the prophets and disciples were falsely accused and killed in the name of Jesus! But we have to get to a point where we do not fear man, but fear and love God and step out on the promises of His Word.

Many people will call you radical and crazy because Christ went against the norm back in biblical Israel and if you look at today’s world you know if you truly follow Christ then you will without a doubt be against what society calls the norm. In this walk we must also keep in mind that Christ is the Head of man so we should never get above Christ just because we know a little scriptures because in this lifetime we will never learn all of God’s mysteries. However, when Christ returns, all will be revealed. Every deception, lie and unknown thing will be revealed unto us. Live to learn as much as you can so that you can effectively fight the enemy daily. Does that mean since all will be revealed when Christ returns, then we do not have to read the Bible? Of course not! Revelation 13:16 states:
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads

This let’s us know if we are not careful the devil will CAUSE you to worship him and take his mark. So staying in the Word of God and living it daily is the only way to help keep you from falling into the trap that satan is setting for mankind.

Finally, are you bold enough to stand up for Christ in the midst of trouble and death. One thing I love about God’s Word, is that when you become a part of it, it becomes a part of you and you have a passion and yearning for so much more wisdom and knowledge and reading daily it becomes an addiction and it is one that I suggest everyone gets hooked on. Despite what Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims or Buddhist say, you proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior and do not move off the foundation. If you read the ministry of Christ, it makes perfect sense why Christ had to come and redeem mankind and thank Him for doing so. It is time to deny this world and live for the Kingdom of God. Doing this will cost you your so-called friends, family members and the life you thought you may have. However, the reward will be great and all I want the Father to say to me is “Servant Well Done”.

Our Father’s Messenger, Min. Calvin Calhoun

Call to Discipleship - The Mission

Today’s Focus: Call to Discipleship: Part 1: The Mission
Scripture: Matthew 10:1-15

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The phone is ringing and it is God on the line! He has said today is the beginning of the rest of your life and you have now been called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ! You have been wondering around and wondering what my purpose in life is and today we are going to start you on your journey. We pray that you read each scripture over the next 2 days and ask God to show you His way and what He would have you to do for Him.

Your Mission as a Disciple of Christ:
Go out into the World and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and allow the Word to convert lost souls unto Christ! But here is a catch, you also have to live it because there are going to be people who remember you as a sinner and call you a hypocrite because you have turned your life over to Christ. All you need is Christ on this journey. He will surround you with Godly people to assist you while on this journey. The Gospel is free to all and we are to never charge anyone for it because it was freely given unto us. Beware there are those who will not even try to hear you about the Gospel, however do not get discouraged because there is always someone out there that wants to hear it and needs to hear it. For those who choose not to hear, judgment day is coming and God will handle that. This is your official call to turn from the way of the world and turn to Christ and allow Him to lead your life.

Abba’s Ambassador, Minister Calvin Calhoun

Who is the Sender?

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Who is the Sender?
Scripture: Matthew 9:36-38

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, as we have been going through the Gospel of Matthew, I have learned that you have to read very very slowly because when Jesus speaks, every word counts. This set of scriptures is no different. Let’s take a look!

Vs. 37 – The Harvest
The harvest is the unsaved souls of the world. These are those who are believing all the wrong things and wrong people. Now look what Jesus says about the harvest. The labourers are few. So in other words, the harvest is plentiful, so there are many out there who are ready to hear the gospel of the Kingdom and get their rights back but the people who are needed for the harvest are few. Now look at verse 38!

Vs. 38 – Lord of the Harvest
Jesus says we should pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send forth labourers into His Harvest. Now follow along. The harvest belongs to the Lord so the Lord knows what His harvest needs. So you should pray the Lord sends His labourers, those who know what they need, into his harvest. So the Lord knows what the harvest needs and He equips the labourers with the right tools (message) for the harvest. I told you this was loaded. So many people want to go and do what they want to do and say they are furthering the Kingdom but all they are doing is messing up and ruining the harvest. The key is pray that the Lord send. So they should be sent by the Lord. Well how would you know they are. Let’s go back to the message about the fruits they bear. You will know them by the fruits. See you can evangelize the world with the wrong message. So you need to pray the Lord sends His messengers and labourers into His harvest. See, God knows what the harvest needs and the harvest needs the Kingdom of God. How about that! So how can you harvest something without the right tools. So many people are out there hurting the harvest with the wrong message and making it extremely hard for those with the right message to effectively do their job. You cannot effectively influence people with the right message if you do not understand it.

It is my prayer that you know what the Kingdom of God is and how it functions and works on Earth. It is not until you understand that will you be ready to effectively witness to the harvest.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Real Gospel

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Real Gospel
Scripture: Matthew 9:35

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I really like scriptures like this because you can do an entire message on just this scripture. Religion has told us the gospel is Jesus. Man has made the gospel, faith, healing, baptism and the Holy Ghost, inclusion (beware of this one), prosperity, season, harvest, miracle and I can go on and on. But what did Jesus say the Gospel was? Now that is a question. Look at what Jesus was doing in verse 35.

He was teaching first! So in other words, he was instructing people on how to live. And next He was preaching! Now what was He declaring (preaching) the gospel (good news) of the Kingdom! So the gospel is the Kingdom of God. It is not all of this other mess that we as mankind have tried to make it to be. The problem is, is when you do not understand something, you can’t explain it, so you go and make it something that you know about and then call it that. That was a lot but read it slowly and hopefully it will come to you. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the ONE TRUE Gospel! Everything else is an imitation and a fraud.

You have to read and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal things like this to you. The reason we have fallen for all these charismatic preachers is because it sounds good and we just do not want to read. The problem is, this is when satan uses them to keep you in darkness of the truth. Yes! He uses God’s own to hold God’s own in bondage. See, you have to spiritually discern these messengers and preachers today. Everyone does not have your life’s interest at heart. I thank God for our ministry, because we do not ask for money. Just your heart and spirit to be open to learning the truth about who you are and who God has called you to be. We strive to present the truth using the scriptures to show you in which way you are to live and in which ways your life needs to change. Be Blessed in the Word of God.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Sinners to Repentance

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Sinners to Repentance
Scripture: Matthew 9:10-14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Let’s start with a basic question:

Who Needs to be saved and enter into the Kingdom?

Is it the righteous? According to Jesus, No! It is the sinners. Now as I was searching for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, Jesus explains to the Pharisees and those around that he is a physician in so many words. Those who are well do not need a doctor but those who are sick need one. The thing that makes us sick is sin. Sin is a spiritual disease which can ultimately lead to physical disease. Jesus has come to heal the sickness throughout the people. Now, as you read further Jesus knows the Pharisees did not understand it so He left it at that.

The big problem we have is, in today’s world, we cannot tell the difference between the sinners and the citizens. The citizens still act like the sinners and the sinners are becoming more confused about who Jesus truly is because why would they want a God that does not work for the people that believe in Him. Evangelism and witnessing has become so difficult, not because of satan, but because of wayward Christians parading around like true-Christians and citizens of the Kingdom.

Sin is a disease that can only be healed by forgiveness and repentance. Now after being sick, I know many of us do not want to get sick again so we try to do everything in our power to avoid what got us sick the first time. So our preventative medicine and regimen is knowledge and the Word of God! So the longer you do not read, the more chance you have of repeating those same offenses and having the same spiritual diseases.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Power

Today’s Focus: Your Power
Scripture: Matthew 9:1-8

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the last message we talked about the difference between the Son of Man and the Son of God. In this set of scriptures, Jesus reveals a secret to the scribes that after this message, I pray it changes the views about the true power and potential you have. The secret is found in verse 6. Jesus says “ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on Earth to forgive sins”. This is very very loaded so let’s break it down.

First, in order for any spirit to operate or have dominion on Earth, it has to have a body. That is why your true self is inside your fleshly body. That is why your body is a house or a temple for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now, since God is Holy and He gave His children authority over the Earth, the only person who has authority in the Earth are God’s children or mankind. So the only way Jesus could operate or have authority on Earth, is that He is a man. So that is why He calls Himself the Son of Man. God needs man’s permission to intervene on Earth because He is Holy and have to abide by the rules He set. So the only way God can intervene is through prayer and intervention. So in actuality, through the power of the Holy Spirit you have power on Earth to do the Will of the Father.

Finally look at verse 8! The people marveled at what power God has given to men. Funny, they actually marveled and thought the exact right thing, but the problem is over long-term did many of them believe it? Sad, some wonders happen right before our eyes and we will not give God His credit. We have power on Earth and I have experienced it and have seen it. Now, it is your choice whether you want to think you are powerless but God wants His children to use the power He has given us and to do His Will. Now the next statement may shock you or maybe it will not, but it is meant for you to stop thinking religious and think Kingdom.

God gave you power on Earth, when you die and go to Heaven, you have no authority or power there!

In other words, have fun, live good and do the Will of God and be the leader God knows you are and set the standard for the Word to show, Jesus Lives! Once you die, it is over until Jesus returns and the New Earth comes down. God wants you to have fun, but He also wants you to put Him first. You have power, use it!!!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Devils Know the Messiah

Today’s Focus: The Devils Know the Messiah
Scripture: Matthew 8:28-34

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
This is a unique situation and when I read it, the Lord opened my eyes even further to who knows the Messiah and the Savior. Ok. Jesus comes into Gergesenes and met two possessed with devils. Now the funny thing is here we are, children of the Most High and Almighty God and Little brothers and sisters to the King, Jesus Christ and many of us do not even know Him. But look at verse 29! The devils knew who He was. They called Him, Jesus, Son of God. Now, you would say ok what’s the big deal? Jesus did not call himself the Son of God on Earth. When he referred to Himself on Earth, He called Himself the Son of Man. When He calls Himself the Son of God, He is referring to Himself when He comes back in all His glory. Now look again what the devils called Him. They realize who He truly was.

Now, if the devils know who Jesus is, shouldn’t His own family know? This is a bad reality in the Kingdom. It is like, I live in a Kingdom but I do not know who the King is? Sounds stupid, but a reality for many citizens. It is time for us to stop playing church and be about our Father’s business. Everyone has to know the Messiah for themselves and no one can speak for you. I am sorry, if you do not read the Word of God and have a relationship with Him, He will say to you in that day, Depart from me, I knew you not. Are you willing to take a chance on that or are you willing today to have a relationship with our King? The choice is yours!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Kingdom First

Today’s Focus: Kingdom First
Scripture: Matthew 8:21,22

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know when people read these two scriptures they think Jesus was very insensitive. Now let me show you this. We know of the 12 disciples Jesus chose. But look it says another of His disciples. Many people chose to follow Christ and made themselves disciples or students of Christ. So one of these disciples asked if they can first go bury their father. Now, when you use the word first, that means priority and Jesus had to set this disciple straight. Nothing comes before the Kingdom and its business. Not even the death of a loved one. Now here is a revelation!

Why worry about a temporary situation. Death is a temporary circumstance to Jesus. Jesus says that He is the resurrection. So He knows that his disciple’s father’s death was a temporary circumstance that can and will be solved by Him. So, even death should not come before the Kingdom and God’s Will. Sounds insensitive, but the reality is Jesus is saying if you are going to follow Him and live in the Kingdom you must keep the Kingdom first and foremost in your life. Temporary situations and circumstances will come but they should not deter you from doing the Will of God first.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.


Today’s Focus: Motives
Scripture: Matthew 8:19-20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As Jesus was going around performing these miracles, people began to follow Him and want to be healed and devils cast out and all the power to be shown. But there were some that Jesus knew who want to follow Him that had alterative motives. Look at this scribe, He says Master, I will follow you wherever you go. But look at Jesus response. He basically says, I have nothing to give you. See some people were coming and trying to follow Jesus to get things! They have their own reasons and not the Will of God on their mind and Jesus had to let this scribe know, I don’t even have a place to lay my head. So the question is Why are You Following Jesus?

I follow King Jesus because I want the Will of God and His Kingdom to continue to infiltrate the World and destroy the kingdom of Satan. I know I can do nothing of myself but through the power of God, and allowing God to use this vessel to do His wonders, I can see God and His power everyday and glorify Him and worship Him knowing that one day, the Son of God, Jesus is coming back for the final showdown and I look forward to serving and worshipping the Almighty even into eternal life. I can personally care less about the things of this World. I know that the King supplies all of my needs and all of my desires and even if He does not fulfill all of my desires, I know He can and I know He knows what is best for me.

So what is your motive for following Jesus Christ?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Power of Authority

Today’s Focus: The Power of Authority – The Centurions Faith
Scripture: Matthew 8:5-13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The funny thing about this story is that someone who was not Jewish, understood how authority works and how the key of faith works in the Kingdom and they weren’t even a citizen. When you read this story you see a centurion (Roman army leader) come to Jesus asking Him to heal his servant. Now Jesus tells Him that He will come and heal him. But look at the centurion’s response to Jesus answer verse 8! The centurion first says he is not worthy of having Jesus come under his roof BUT SPEAK THE WORD ONLY AND MY SERVANT SHALL BE HEALED. This is loaded so hold on. The centurion BELIEVED that all Jesus had to do was speak a word and the servant will be healed. Look at verse 9 now. See as a centurion, he was given authority over soldiers of the roman army so when He speaks, the soldiers do not here him, they hear Caesar, who is the ultimate authority in the Roman Empire. Please stay with me! So when you speak life or the Word of God who should people hear? Here is another example, when you break the law in the United States, the police come and stop you. When the police are talking to you and explaining what law you broke, you are not hearing the officer, you are listening to Washington D.C. and the Constitution, the authority of the United States. So, even though Jesus was on Earth, when He spoke, He spoke the Words of the Father who is in Ultimate Authority. Now look at Jesus words after the centurion explains how authority works, Jesus said “I have not found so great FAITH, no not in Israel. So the best person who understood authority in Jesus time was not even Jew, it was a Roman Centurion.

Now look at what happens to those who do not understand authority (vs.11,12). Some will sit with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven but others will be cast into out darkness. I do not know about you but I like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob J.

Finally, look at verse 13, Jesus says Go thy way; and as thou has BELIEVED, SO BE IT DONE UNTO THEE. Did we not say that faith is a Key of the Kingdom of God? This is a perfect example of faith in action and how it opened Heaven’s doors for the healing to come down to Earth.

Whose Authority are you under?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Power of Doers

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Power of Doers
Scripture: Matthew 7:24-29

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have heard this story but what does it mean. Ok, better question!

How many of us sit in church or worship service, hear the Word of God, know that the way we are living is sinful, and do not make a change?

Now look at the scriptures, those who have made the Word of God their foundation and law for living then when trouble comes, which it will, you will be able to stand and overcome the floods. But for those who have not made the Word of God their foundation and law for living then when trouble comes they will be swallowed up and swept away in the flood of troubles. Look what Jesus calls the people who have heard the Word of God and does not do them, “A foolish man”. Strong language but true! It is like you see trouble coming and people are trying to prepare you and you choose not to heed their warnings. Let me make this statement:

When someone is under the Holy Ghost, especially pastors, preachers, bishops and evangelist, preaching is not enough.

What I have learned is that the Holy Ghost is a teacher also. What good is it for someone to stand before you and declare things throughout the entire sermon and never teach you how to obtain or function in the Kingdom. It does you no good. Now look at verse 29! It says Jesus taught….So he showed and instructed the people on how to live and function in the Kingdom of God. Now look at the last portion which makes the difference between a religious person and a Kingdom Citizen. He taught them as one having AUTHORITY, and NOT AS THE SCRIBES! The scribes were the religious leaders at that time. So when you speak (hallelujah) and you speak the Word of God, you speak as one having authority. Ok! What did man lose in the Garden, Dominion or Authority. In other words, mankind lost the Holy Spirit. So when you are baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit and you allow the Holy Spirit to use your body to speak, then the words coming out of your mouth are the ones of Authority and Royal Power! Not some small, sorry religion! Proverbs 18:21, Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue….The life we receive when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is a life of Authority and Dominion. So if the words coming out of your mouth are not ones of the Word of God and your life is not built on the foundation of the Word of God then when trouble arise you WILL be swept away! Not every message Jesus made was a prosperity or feel good message. Jesus dealt with the good and the bad and he taught there are consequences to those who do listen and obey the Word of God and those who do not listen and obey the Word of God.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Relationship, Not Religion!

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Relationship
Scripture: Matthew 7:21-23

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I have said before in this ministry, that God desires relationship and not religion. How clear can this be said in this set of scriptures. Let’s deal with each scripture to see how this works.

Vs. 21 – Entering the Kingdom
Many people call on the name of Lord Jesus all the time. They say His name. They say they are a follower of Lord Jesus and they say the He is the head of their life. See all of this is lip service and lip service does not get you into the Kingdom. Ok! When somebody is Lord, that means they are over you and own you. You submit to their will and their directives. But this is what separates a religious Christian from a Kingdom citizen. Many Christians have not made Jesus Lord over their lives because it shows in their actions. So many people will SAY Lord, Lord but they will not enter (explore) the Kingdom. Now the good part! Jesus then says, but he that DOETH the will of my Father which is in Heaven. They are the ones that will enter (explore) the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, if you do not know what Kingdom life is then you are not in. You need to seek the Kingdom and repent. If you are in the Kingdom, you know what it feels like to live the Kingdom life. Love, joy, peace, patience, control of circumstances..etc , boy it feels good! You have to make a decision whose will are you going to do. God or Man? Yours or God’s?

Vs. 22 – Deeds
Now, Jesus extends this picture to those who are prophesying, casting out devils and doing all these wonderful works. Now you have people doing all these wonders but the question is where is their heart? Example, you can have power and not use it properly. Great example, money. You can have money and spend it on the wrong thing thinking it was good but all wrong. Regardless of the power, if used improperly and not used as intended by the source it is an abuse of power. The question is what was their heart’s intent when using this power. Is it for self-gain or promotion or is it to help build the Kingdom of God?

Vs. 23 – The Relationship
Now Jesus says in this verse that He will say to those workers of iniquity, depart from me, I knew you not. Look at the last portion, I knew you not. To know someone is to have a relationship with them. You are intimate (not sexually) with them. You are not just someone who claims Him because He is Lord. You know Him because He is family and Lord. This intimate relationship is not a relationship that should only flourish in the bad times but most of all in the good times. You must have a relationship and not a religion with Jesus. Jesus does not care about your rituals and robes and speech. He cares about your heart and your willingness to do the Will of the Father. Those who work iniquity will not enter into the Kingdom.

Which do you have with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?
Relationship or Religion?

Abba’s Son, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beware of the Fruits

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Beware of the Fruits
Scripture: Matthew 7:15-20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know all of us have heard the phrase, “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is”. Well get ready for this message. What is the center and main thing that we should be focused on in worship service? Is it the choir? The ushers? The praise and worship dancers? No! It is actually the Word of God! The message! Now, many people move from church to church to go where they can hear a “good Word”, so they say! Some go because they are legitimately spiritually hungry and some because they do not like a straight forward in your face message of truth. Now, we can turn on t.v. and see many evangelist, pastors and bishops preaching many things. Sad I even see many preaching without a Bible. Some believe you should not mention sin. Some just hoop and holler and get you on an emotional high. Some just wanna make you feel good about yourself, regardless of the apparent sin you are living in. Then there is a few of us who present the truth, whether it is good or bad, and use the terms that God said to use to describe who we are today and who we should be also. So the question is what fruits are being presented to you, not just on Sunday but everyday. Is your leadership, one way on worship day and the rest of the week they are worldly people that do not resemble the person on Sunday?

Jesus says beware of false prophets and you will know them by their fruits. Ok! This will be a hard statement but truth is truth! There are so many people calling themselves prophets and prophetess and they have not prophesied nothing, let alone have not even heard the voice of God. There are some preachers, pastors and bishops that have not even heard from God, but because they can sing, it is alright. The citizens have just fallen head over heels for these false prophets and do not realize that prophesy is a spiritual gift, just like preaching, teaching and evangelizing. Do not all citizens have the Holy Ghost? Does not the Holy Ghost know all, even the truth about the future and end of days? Now, the gift of prophesy is still a part of the ministry but please beware there are people who do not care about God and they are ripping of the saints because they want to prophesy a car, or house or all these material things to excite you and make you feel good. Look back at the past prophets such as Isaiah, Hosea and Jeremiah and you tell me about all of the prosperity prophecies they prophesied. Ok, I hope you got the point! Beware of these people! If their lives and words are not living up to the Word of God then you know you need to change the station.

Finally look at verse 19! If they are not bearing good fruit then they are a corrupt tree. Fruit comes from a seed. A seed is planted and fertilized until the tree grows and bears fruit. If someone is presenting a corrupt fruit then there is a corrupt seed that has been planted in their mind and been fertilized to a point where the fruit is apparent and visible. And look what happens to a corrupt tree, it is cast into the fire and for those of you who do not know what the fire is, it is Hell. It is time to evaluate the seeds that you allow to be planted in your mind and the seeds you want to fertilize and which fruit you want to grow. Funny, you will know the fruit that people are fertilizing by their lives. Which tree are you today?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

The Strait Gate

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Strait Gate
Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have seen and read this scripture and many have remembered it and can quote it. But there is a very unique and clear message in what Jesus said in just these two verses. Let’s look at both the ways:

The Wide Gate
This is the road that many religious Christians and so called citizens are travelling. See, even with the people who are lost you will find saved people on this path. Why you ask? Because their minds have not been transformed so they still do the things of the world and try to justify it with some one-line scripture and completely misuse it. The question is:
What makes you different from everyone else on Earth?
Now many will rush to answer and say, I am Christian and a child of God. Now if that is so, why do you still act like the world? Why do you use curse words? Why do you dance in the clubs like the world (why go to a singles club being married? Just a thought), why do you listen to worldly music and glorify and condone the harmful messages they are sending to the world? See in order to answer that question the only thing that can answer for you is your life. God is tired of lip service because He knows your heart and where it is. So many are on this path and as you already read this path leads to destruction and many are on it. What it really comes down to, is whether you really want God. Harsh but true! Because if you really wanted God to be the head over your life, then your life should mimic the exact same thing.

The Strait Gate
It is very hard to enter this gate. Reason being is that you have to deny and turn aside the ways of the world that may have been normal to you and follow the ways of Christ. Now, is it a very strict lifestyle? Yes. Is it hard? At the beginning it is. But the fruits of obedience are so much greater! See few find this path because it takes a special person to find this gate because they have made a deep rooted decision to follow Christ and His commandment and nothing in their life will ever be the same. Once you have a encounter with the King, you are never the same. Sad but many people parading around like they know God, have not even heard him and they are at an old age. What a shame. But this all depends on you and your heart’s desire. If you want God and want what He has for you then you have to show Him in your actions you mean what you are saying. I can personally tell you that it is not easy when you start out, it is hard not to do the things of the world. But God is going to bless you and reward you for your choice. So this path leads to life and the wide gate leads to death and destruction. .

This is a very straight forward message. Jesus was clear! Follow me and know it will not always be easy but I (Jesus) am with you always.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Asking of the Kingdom

Today’s Focus: Asking of the Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 7:7-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Getting things and our needs met from Heaven is actually very simple but you can not think naturally or in the order of the world. When you want something in this world, you work to get it and you save to get it and you sacrifice to get it, but the Kingdom of God is slightly different. Look at the words of Jesus in verse 7! Getting things and your needs met are solely dependent on your love and desire to know God. Ok! For example, Matthew 6:33 starts by saying “But seek ye first….”. The key word is seek! Then the ending of that verse is that if you seek the Kingdom and His righteousness then all of these things shall be added unto you. Addition is dependent on your willingness to seek. And the only way you can seek is with all of your heart and have fire and desire to want to know God and obey His commandments and study His Word! This is where the rubber hits the road and the difference between religion and the Kingdom of God. In verse 7 it says Ask, Seek, Knock and all of these words are action words and not just words you speak because they sound good. If you do that then you are wasting your time. So, you having needs and desiring things from the Kingdom depends on you, your actions and your heart towards God. Jesus then goes on to show you, even being evil, give good gifts to your children. How much do you think God, your Father will give to you? Finally, verse 12! What is known as the golden rule! So, if you want to be respected and trusted, then you must give respect and show that you are true to your word. Funny, God is the exact same way with us. If we want forgiveness from Him then we have to forgive. If we want gifts and riches from Heaven, then we have to give on Earth! I know this sounds simple and practical and the reality is, that it is. You have to be willing to position yourself and determine that you want to be under Lord Jesus’ rule and obey the commandments with all your heart. So the next time you think about popping off or snapping at someone, think about how you would want to be treated, then make the decision. Listen and think first, act second!

Abba’s Son, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Balancing Love and Discernment

Today’s Focus: Balancing Love and Discernment
Scripture: Matthew 7:6

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When I came upon this scripture, I had some problems initially discerning what Jesus was talking about. But after studying and asking God for understanding this is what He revealed to me.

Jesus wants us to give to the poor and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all nations. But, Jesus also knows that not everyone will receive it. Some will take it and blaspheme and ridicule the messenger and the message itself. Have you ever tried to talk about the Gospel to someone and then they tried to use the exact same scripture against you to make fun of you and persecute you. I know it has happened to me. But look at the said scripture because here is a case that you have to have spiritual discernment about people and who God tells you to give the gospel to.

In this scripture, Jesus is saying do not give what is holy or cast your pearls to the dogs and swine respectively. Because of the hardness of some people’s hearts to the gospel, so will never get it and some maybe confused. It is best to leave those there for the King to bring some understanding when He comes back. Are we commanded to love our enemies and those who despitefully use us? Yes! But Jesus is saying don’t let that blind you to the point where you cannot spiritually discern to evil motives within men in how they will receive the message about the precious gift of the gospel of the Kingdom.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.


Today’s Focus: Judging
Scripture: Matthew 7:1-8

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now after showing them and explaining to the multitude about seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, He then lead off with Judge not lest you be judged. In other words, the same way you judge others is the same standard you will be judged by. Then Jesus goes on to say make sure your got your house in order before you go around trying to clean somebody elses. I like sharing my own testimony because I have nothing to hide but hopefully it will help someone else along the way. When I heard my calling from God to the ministry, God told me that I needed to get my life in order. So the fornication and the excessive drinking and the shacking had to stop because in order to be able to speak to God’s people, His messenger had to be right position with Him! Great example is Paul and the Demascus Experience! Paul was on his way to kill the disciples and believers of Jesus until God knocked him off his horse, blinded him and then had Annanias to come a lay hands on Him and through the power of the Holy Spirit, lift His blinded eyes, become saved and preach the gospel of the Kingdom. So here we have a man who was killing the followers of Christ then becoming one! But Paul had to get His life in order. Everything he was before accepting Jesus as Lord is completely different now.

I had to go through the lifestyle change and the mental transformation (Romans 12:1,2) before I could go before God’s people and preach His Holy Word. So many times we profess we are children of the King but we do not act like it and the words out of your mouth are not that of a citizen of the Kingdom. When you rebuke something, you rebuke it in love and usually the one’s it is convicting are the ones that respond the most harshly. But can we say Jesus says let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. So right is right and wrong is wrong! There is not in between. Make sure before you go out and spread truth and correction that you are in order and your life is the same.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Friday, February 6, 2009

God's Primary Interest: The Kingdom

Today’s Focus: God’s Primary Interest: The Kingdom
Scripture: Matthew 6:31-34

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Jesus leads off by re-emphasizing not to worry about food, water or clothing. Now look at what Jesus calls the people that do that, the Gentiles. Now I do not know about you but I am not no pagan. So worrying about those things cause you to be like a pagan. Now look at what Jesus says: For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all of these things. In other words, do not pray for things! Now here comes what your priority in life is and funny it has always been that from the beginning.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.”

In other words seek God’s rulership in your life and stay in position with Him and everything else He will give to you. Beautiful!! Now we have a huge problem! As simple as that sounds religion and satan is driving doubt and insecurity right through this scripture. See, if you understand this scripture you can govern yourself and be the thorn in satan’s side everyday. But because of the way of the world and the way satan is influencing the church. This scripture gets lost but this is what our primary focus in life to do and ensure all of our needs and desires are met.

Finally, in verse 34 Jesus states not to worry about tomorrow. See when we worry, we worry long term and worry about tomorrow more than anything, but Jesus says don’t do it. Let me pose a thought!

Tommorrow never comes so why worry about it when today is always here!

Decide today to impact Earth with God’s Will. We will do an extensive breakdown of verse 33 later on a special set of emails. So, seek the Kingdom and stay in position and watch God add everything you ever need.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Do Not Worry

Today’s Focus: Introduction to the Kingdom Life: Do Not Worry
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-30

Kingdom Key #2 - Faith

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The next set of emails is going to bless somebody because it blessed me. This is probably the most important set of emails we will do because, Jesus is now about to introduce the most important thing to God, His Kingdom and He is about to teach you how to live in it.

Verse 25
Jesus destroys your prayer life in this scripture. In our past emails on prayer I told you that you do not pray for things and look at what Jesus says you worry and pray about. The phrase “take no thought” means do not worry. Jesus now says life is more than that. So food, water and clothing is nothing in the Kingdom. This should not be a part of your prayer list. Now if this is your problem and you call yourself a citizen or a “Christian” then you are not Kingdom! Hard to say but true if you go by the statement of Jesus.

Verse 26 – The Birds
Now, I do not know about you but Jesus told us to look at the birds. And after this email, please go do so. For they sow not nor do they reap or gather in barns, yet God feeds them. Here is the blessing. If the birds, never worry about being fed or having enough food then why are you worried. Look at the scripture, why do you store up so much food and throw it out later because it spoils. What a waste! Instead of feeding the poor and consistently giving to those who do not have. You should never, ever, worry if you are a citizen of the Kingdom about food and where it will come from and how much you need or have because the birds do not. Moreover, aren’t you a child of God. Aren’t you more important to God than the birds? Why are the birds laughing at you when they see you panicking over food?

Verse 27 – Worry leads to Death
Now Jesus states in this scripture that regardless if you worry you will not add any time to your life. As a pharmacist, I can tell you when you worry, you increase blood pressure and stress on the body which when prolonged will lead to heart disease and other diseases such as cancer , diabetes, kidney disease, etc. then death. Children of God and citizens of the Kingdom of God should not worry because they have been promised that God will supply all of their needs

Verse 28-30
Jesus now shifts to worrying about clothing for the body. He uses the lillies and the grass. Look how he clothes them and how they grow regardless of the situations or climate. So if God will clothe the flowers and grass. What about you? Do you see the grass or flowers worrying about being protected and clothed. Absolutely not! So should we? I pray you are getting the first component of the Kingdom of God, no worrying.

So the opposite of worry is faith! I know that hit you like it hit me! When you have faith and know the laws and promises of God then you do not worry because you know God will do what He says in His Word. But if you worry, you just negated faith. How about this and you will see it later. When Jesus healed someone He always made a statement like this “your faith has made you whole”. Citizens, that is one of the Keys of the Kingdom.

I told you to get ready to be blessed, we are going to look through the entire 4 Gospels and understand the most misunderstood person in History, Jesus!

Abba’s Ambassador, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.


Today’s Focus: Masters
Scripture: Matthew 6:24

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, I know I will not have to spend much time on this issue so let’s nail it and go. Obviously, Jesus is saying you cannot serve two masters. But look who He says it is between, God and Man! Ok, before you go crazy and do something you will regret.
I asked this question previously in another Email, Who do you serve? Now, here is the catch. God is paramount to man. Can we agree on that! So anything that man tells you that go against your King’s law is sin. This is why when you elect a President or Prime Minister or whoever you leader is, you should know whether they are a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Why? Because if they are not, then they cannot effectively administrate the Will of God in their decisions and policies. So any politician that does not know the mind of God and can care less about executing His Will for the nation, will not and lends themselves to corruption. That is why righteousness exalts the nation. Let me give some examples:
1. Abortion is sin in the Kingdom of God.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the King.
I used these two because they are some of the major issues in the United States but for many of you that might not be the issues. When you are an Ambassador of the Kingdom, and I am proud to say I am, then your opinion does not matter! So you do not think about issues, you simply state what your Kingdom’s position is. So you actually answer to a Higher Power which is God the Father. See, even when the economy is falling in a ditch, the children of God will be prospering. But when you serve man, then all of the powers they have is temporary and so is yours. As they come then your power come, then as they go, so does your power. But what I like about my government (Kingdom of God) my King is forever and His economy is stable! So today you have a choice. You can live under man or under God?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.

Monday, February 2, 2009

God's Treasure

Today’s Focus: God’s Treasure
Scripture: Matthew 6:19:24; Matthew 3:11

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
First, we all understand that God owns Heaven and Earth! Second we know that He gave Earth to His children to maintain the standards He set in Heaven so that Heaven and Earth can be mirror images. But, we know after the Garden, that has been damaged. So everything on the Earth, God owns. Now, in this scripture Jesus says we should lay up ourselves treasures in Heaven. Now, when we look at treasures, Jesus knows that people love their possessions. They “treasure” them! In other words, they are their most prized possessions on Earth. But this is a problem! And Jesus clearly states why in verse 21! That is where your heart is! Very clearly stated and to expound, if someone tried to take that treasured possession that person will defend it with their life. If someone took it, they would do everything they could to get it back because that is what means the most to them. Now, this is not just for unsaved people but for the citizens of the Kingdom especially. God just revealed this to me! Do you know what your most treasured possession is? Hmm! It is the Holy Spirit! Now let’s see why that is.
1. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot know God’s Will and bring the Kingdom’s impact to Earth.
2. Jesus brought back to Earth the Kingdom of Heaven and scripturally He came to give us someone. The Holy Spirit - Matthew 3:11
So the one thing that you should treasure the most is the Holy Spirit! What you view as important is what your heart is locked into (vs. 22-23). So when you do the Will of God then you can impact the Earth with the Kingdom and watch blessings abound around you that you cannot contain. But, when you treasure the things of the world then, you set yourself up for disappointment, despair, heartache, depression and all these other diseases because all of the things of this world will pass away and once you die, you can’t take them with you anyway. Look at this real quickly! Since God owns everything, none of it is actually yours! Stay with me please! When you stake ownership to something then it is yours and that’s it! You hoard it and you become selfish over that one thing. But when you understand that you do not own anything, when God says give it up, you are more apt to give it up and then He will continue to bless you with more than you can handle because He knows you do not stake ownership in the things of this world. So the car I drive is Kingdom of God’s property! The house that I live in is Kingdom of God’s property. The mortgage on the house is God’s mortgage and He pays the bill! See, it pays not to stake ownership in nothing so that you do not get attached to those things and not be able to give them up when God requires us to. Are you willing to give up your possessions, if God calls you to? Where does is your heart at? Heaven or Earth

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.


Today’s Focus: Fasting
Scripture: Matthew 6:16-18

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Ok! I know there are a lot of reasons to fast and religion has made many of them. For example, Lent, the 40 days and nights of fasting. Why is it only that time of the year do we deal with fasting and the other 316 days we just live like we want to. Even better, we do “stupid” things like, I am going to fast from cursing or I am going to fast from fighting. See things like that makes no sense because you do not need to fast to do the right thing. There is no particular time limit for fasting. The purpose of fasting has been completely lost. So let’s get to the formula and purpose of fasting.

The purpose of fasting is to get your flesh under control so that your spirit can take over and you can hear God clearly. Now if you are medication for metabolic situations (diabetes, high blood pressure) then it is important to follow your directions expressed by your pharmacist and/or doctor about your diet. Do you ever wonder why you fast food when you fast. Well if you deplete or withhold the body from food then the only thing your body will want is food. Sex will not do it, playing football will not do it, playing video games will not satisfy the body’s hunger. Only food! So when your flesh is under control then you can allow your spirit to take control and place you in a position to hear God clearly. You know what would be a great fast and I did it when I was confirming my calling into the ministry. I turned off the t.v. while I fasted. You will be amazed at how clear you will hear God without the t.v. Fasting is meant to be able for you to get that unruly flesh under subjection and allow you to not only hear God, but act on His instructions. That is what fasting is. Get your bodies under control today and hear the Word of the Lord!

Abba’s Minister,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.