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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Multi-Generational Building: The Story of Noah

Understanding the Sabbath

Today’s Focus: Multi-Generational Building: The Story of Noah

Scripture: Genesis 6:8,9

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

When we talk about multi-generational building we must start with the principal that all of us are hear for a reason and none of us are a mistake. We are the product of history and all of us have a history to how we are today. Today I want to look at the story of Noah and how he came to be the man of rest in that time.

Genesis 6:8,9: but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Now in the next message we will return to verse 9 because there are some important qualifications that we need to pay attention to. Now Noah did not just come to be the man of rest. This was passed down from his forefathers now let me show you.

Noah possessed the Enoch anointing which is the anointing of teaching and devotion. He also possessed the Methuselah anointing which means “when he is dead, then shall it be sent”. This anointing simply entails one who denies themselves and when they do that, they are able to be sent. Finally, he possessed the Lamech anointing meaning “powerful destroyer or one who overthrows or strong powerful young man”. So what we have is Enoch teaching and passing down what he knows to his son. Then Methuselah passed down the teaching he received from his father to him and as God showed him more, he taught his son Lamech and so on until we get to Noah.

So Noah is the inheritor of the graces handed down from his forefathers to him. All of us are the same way and we can track much of who we are to who are parents are. Now in as much as this can happen in the natural, it is the reality in the eternal. God gives us spiritual fathers who are sons themselves who shares the current Word of God with their sons so that they can pick up the mantle and continue to mature the sons of God unto the return of the Lord. Now in order for this to be a reality in the Earth for those of us who may not understand it requires repentance and a true seeking of God. Not seeking God through somebody but seeking Him for truth and confirmation. I am beginning to understand more the paradigm shift that must happen for the sons of God where we change from being a Pastor-congregational model to a Father-Son model. The Father-Son model matures the sons of God and promotes the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. The Pastor-Congregational model in this day produces members and people loyal to the denomination. We are not put here to pastor congregations but mature son multi-generationally and dispense the grace of the Father to the sons.

In the next message we will look at the characteristics of the Man at Rest.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.