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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Revelation of the Doma Gifts and the Spirit of Christ Part 2

The Spirit of Christ

Today’s Focus: Revelation of the Doma Gifts and the Sons of God Part 2

Scripture: Ephesians 4:13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In this message we will look at how the five-fold ministry operated in the sons of God. Now we are saying all five gifts working in one person. Now our first example is the Lord Jesus Christ. Now we can find every gift of the five-fold ministry in Christ as He walked the Earth. Now some will say well He was God in the flesh so He should be able to operate all five in one. Jesus is our elder brother and God sent Him to show us the way! Now Jesus shows us the way so that we can understand where we are supposed to grow to. Now notice when Jesus talked about His followers, He called them His disciples, or brethren. He did not give them a title. Hmm. Is it because He knew that they were to grow unto the mature son of God and allow God to use whatever gift they have for His eternal purpose. So Jesus would be the easiest to explain this but what about others. For the sake of time I want to use a relationship that was very open and use Paul and Timothy to frame this discussion.

When we look at Paul everyone knows that He was an apostle that is evident but what about the other four gifts. Paul was a teacher because He gave instruction to the Gentiles as it pertains to Christ. Paul operated in the gift of the evangelist because he taught the people how to spread the gospel and show the love of God towards each other and the lost. Just read 1 Corinthians 13. Paul operated in the gift of the overseer or pastor. Perfect example was the fact that Paul oversaw the souls of Timothy and Silas and brought them to maturity. Finally, Paul operated in the gift of the prophet because He taught people how to hear God through submission, fasting and praying. In addition, Paul was given revelation into things that had not yet happened as it pertains to the end times (Thessalonians) to calm the fears of them at Thessalonica. Now as I just said Timothy was given to Paul and He was commissioned by the presbytery to go with Paul.

Paul received Timothy as his son. Remember Paul had no sons and no wife so what type of son was Timothy to Paul. He was Paul’s spiritual son and Paul was Timothy’s spiritual father. Now Paul was a mature son of God and spiritual father to a number of people. It was Paul’s responsibility to bring Timothy to maturity. The question is did Timothy operate in all five gifts? The answer is yes. Timothy operated in the apostolic with Paul, he was a pastor or overseer. He was told to do the work of an evangelist. He was told to teach sound doctrine. And Timothy was operating in the prophetic in teaching people that they can hear God.

Now Ephesians 4:13 says “Till we all come” this tells us that some have arrived to the full stature of Christ but not all. The ones who have arrived are the spiritual fathers who put on display the culture of the Son and the nature of the Father to disciple the sons to maturity. In the next message we will look at defining the Spirit of the Son.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.