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Friday, June 24, 2011

The Concept of Grafting

Israel: The Kingdom’s 42nd Immortal Generation

Today’s Focus: Spiritual Israel: The Concept of Grafting

Scripture: Romans 9:27; Romans 11:23,24

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Let’s look at this scripture and open this concept up to you for your understanding.

Romans 11:23,24: And they (physical Israel) also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be GRAFFED in: for God is able TO GRAFF THEM IN AGAIN. For if thou (Gentiles) wert cut out of the olive tree which was wild by nature, and wert GRAFFED CONTRARY TO NATURE into a good olive tree: how much more shall these (physical Israel), which be the natural branches, be GRAFFED INTO THEIR OWN OLIVE TREE?

In the medical field the process of grafting is basically taking for example, skin from one part of the body and putting it on another. Let’s say you have some damage on your cheek from an accident. They can take the skin from your thigh and graft it into your cheek and the skin will grow just like the original skin that was there. But look at this in verse 23, Paul is speaking about physical Israel and their unbelief in Jesus and because of that they were once natural branches that have been broken off due to their unbelief. How do we know? The scripture says if they let go of their unbelief they will be GRAFFED IN AGAIN!! What does this mean? It means that they were once grafted in but have been broken off because of their unbelief. Once they believe again, they will be grafted back in. Physical Israel was once grafted in because they carried the name of God and the seed of Christ. But once Christ came, their unbelief cut them off from the promise of the Spirit.

Now for everyone that teaches that everyone who is naturally born in the physical nation of Israel will be saved even though they deny Christ as the Savior this scripture will bring it home:

Romans 9:27: Esaias (Isaiah 10:22) also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, A REMANANT SHALL BE SAVED.

What does this mean? The remnant of physical Israel that will be saved are the ones who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They are the remnant that will be saved. There are Messianic Jews who accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and they will be saved. The others will not. Now you may disagree with that but the Lord is very clear when He said: I am the way, the truth and the life, NO MAN, and that means NO MAN, COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY HIM. Either you make Him Lord and be born into the spiritual nation of Israel and be saved or you will be at the Great White Throne Judgment and face the lake of fire for eternity. It is the choice that every man must make.

In closing, Spiritual Israel is the Kingdom’s 42nd Immortal Generation. We are the Holy Nation and the Royal Priesthood who have accepted the Eternal Covenant of Sonship. We are the true Jews who have been circumcised in the heart and in the spirit and the city that we will dwell in, in eternity is not made by the hands of man, The New Jerusalem that will come down out of God. I do not know about you but I thank the Father for opening our eyes more to who we are. We are not just Christians, but the Immortal Israel of God. May God Bless you as you continue to search the Scriptures and the Word of God for the Truth.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.