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Monday, May 17, 2010

Plagues of Egypt Part 4

Today’s Topic: Journey to the Feasts of Israel: Plagues of Egypt Part 4

Scripture: Exodus 10:12-15; Exodus 10:21-24; Leviticus 18:3

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

8th Plague: Locusts (Exodus 10:12-15)

One thing about God with this plague, He intended to destroy everything so that the people would know and the leadership would know who is behind all of this. In this plague the locusts were summoned to destroy every tree, plant and or herb of the field that was not destroyed by the hail. Now these locust would fill the houses also and destroy whatever plants were in the homes of the Egyptians. Now one thing we are consistently seeing is that the wrath of God did not come upon the children of Israel. Their crops, animals and children were spared from this wrath and this continuously shows that God can protect His people from His wrath, He does not need to take them out first, then pour out His wrath.

9th Plague: Darkness (Exodus 10:21-23)

Now this plague was a specific plague to show the power of God to block out the sun. Blocking out the sun to the Egyptians and even to Pharaoh was absolutely impossible until it actually happened. Why? For the Egyptians, the sun represented light, warmth, and growth. This made sun deities very important to the ancient Egyptians, and it is no coincidence that the sun came to be the ruler of all. The sun god’s name was Ra and he was represented with the body of a human and a falcon for a head. God showed his power over Ra by causing a complete and utter darkness over Egypt which made the land very cold (desert) and inhibited the growth of certain plants. When Pharaoh saw this, I can only imagine what he could have thought that the God of the Hebrews was powerful enough to take down every one of our most prominent gods with one movement of His hand. Now this darkness was over the land for three days. Even thought it was utter darkness in Egypt the Hebrews had light. Once again, God is providing for His children in the midst of pouring his wrath on the unrighteous in the same land.

With all of that said we have covered 9 of the 10 plagues the God poured on Egypt. If you know the rest of the story, you know that we are now at the preparation for the Passover but before we go into this because we will need one to two messages on the Passover, we need to understand that God is patient with us and when God warns us about something we need to take him very seriously. Now I say all of this because there are many ministries and we are one of them that have warned the people of God and the world about giving reference to the gods of Egypt. Now whether you may say it is just a symbol or we do not actually worship them. The fact of the matter is that if you have any dealings with them, God is not happy! He informed the children of Israel that after the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, SHALL YE NOT DO (Leviticus 18:3). Now we know Egypt also represented the world in the sense of what was going on. There is false god worship, witchcraft, homosexuality, murder (abortion and sacrificing children) and other sinful things. Regardless of what type of organization you are in, if it has anything to do with Egypt and those false gods, I pray you denounce it and rebuke it off of your life. God showed the Egyptians and the Hebrews that these false gods are powerless and he also punished the children of Israel for their own false god worship after the exodus out of Egypt when they made a golden calf (Apis) at the bottom of the mount. I know that means many of the people you may associate with and call yourselves brothers may turn against you but we are all one in Christ. Many of these organizations further subdivide the body of Christ. For example, when I attended Florida A&M University, and this happens at every university but this is where I attended school, I looked around at the various organizations on campus, fraternities and other social organizations and the one thing that I noticed was that if you were not a part of those organizations then it was extremely difficult to talk to the people without the person saying “well my brother or well my sister over here” or they try to get you to join the organization. Now they are not talking about the body of Christ they are talking about their brother or sister in the organization. Now in the last days all of this will be destroyed and if you are in too deep you may take the mark of the beast but the only thing that will stand is the Kingdom of God. Now the importance of that is that, we as Kingdom citizens along with Christ are brothers and sisters and children of God, the Father. This is our family, our organization that we should be proclaiming. Now I am not speaking out to be offensive but the truth must be told and God was very clear about the gods of Egypt when He was pouring out His wrath on them and the civilization of Egypt.

We as the church are the called-out, the saints, the royal priesthood and the world hated Jesus and Jesus said for my name, you shall also be hated. But what stuns me is we try to be accepted by the world when Jesus said the complete opposite. Why is that the case? Jesus was clear when He said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! If He is the life then all we need is Him. Now I know there are many who will read this and say that I am just talking a bunch of nonsense and I am a radical. They said it about Jesus but yet He still loved them also to die for their sins so that mankind now has the opportunity to come back in fellowship with God and His family. Let’s stop further dividing the body of Christ, let’s get under the blood of the Lamb, denounce the gods of Egypt and get that out of your houses. God wants to be exclusive in your life but if you are attached to things that he hates, do not expect for God to move you to higher heights in Kingdom living. Make him exclusive today in your life before it is too late.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.