Today’s Topic: Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars: Demonic Kingdom Part 2
Scripture: Revelation 12:1-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the last message we look at the stars and what message they will entail for not only the Demonic Kingdom but also for the Sons of God. We are going to pick up where we left off in the last message in Revelation 12:5 and start with Revelation 12:7 and show you now the actual thing that is going to happen in the Earth as a result of what was shown in the stars.
Revelation 12:7,8
Here we have the final climatic battle between Michael and his angels and Satan and His angels and the outcome of this battle is given and told in verse 8. Satan and his angels lost the battle and were kicked out of the second heaven.
Revelation 12:9
Now in this verse we see confirmation that these fallen spirits were kicked out of the second heaven into the Earth because this verse tells us so. But I want to show you the correlation to another verse in the same chapter. In verse 4 we see the tail, or the influence of the dragon slinging one-third of the stars of heaven to the Earth. Now this might look like a meteor shower, I do not know but there will be falling stars in our Heavens signifying the demonic being cast to the Earth. Now I am going to tell you this ahead of time and will revisit it in another message. In the book of Revelation there are many cases where stars are also referred to angels. The term stars in the Greek is Asterios which means stars but it also means angels. But we need to understand the context the word is being used in. Now we have a clear correlation between what is shown in the constellations and stars to what is happening between the eternal and time.
Revelation 12:10,11
Now in this powerful scripture we see the salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ (Anointed). Now I am tying verse 10 and 11 to show you the picture. Right here we have the full power of the Kingdom of God will be given to the saints on Earth. Now how do I know? Verse 11 says “They” overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb. The word they refer to the saints. In other words we will have fully mature saints or even better, the mature sons of God. Where have we seen this? Verses 2 and 5 show that the woman was pregnant and when she delivered and gave birth, she brought forth a man child who was to rule the nations with a rod of iron. Let us look at this term man child because I earlier stated that this child that was born was the mature Sons of God but here the child is referred to as a man child. This term man child is two-fold understood in the sense that it is a child because of its new birth and it is a man because it is mature. The term in Greek is Huios tou Theou or the Mature Sons of God. So verse 10 and 11 are referring to the child that this virgin is giving birth to from verse 2 and 5. Now I want to make this clear, if you read all of verse 11 there is a clear indication that these mature sons of God will die because it states that they loved not their lives unto death. Ok, for many of us we fear death because even though God has assured us there is life after death we live in fear of the unknown even though it is known because God has told us. It comes down to faith. But these individuals will be like Jesus and not fear death because they will understand why they are here and what their destiny is and do the will of God unto death.
Revelation 12:12
Now here we have two situations going on as a result of one action. The one action is Satan and the demonic being cast out of the heavens and there not being a place for them anymore there. So we see that the heavens rejoice over this triumph and removal of evil. But now we have a “woe” to the inhabiters of the Earth because the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath a short time. Now I have said before this is one or maybe the only place in scripture where we see the devil being associated with time. Now why would he be mad about this? Because he is now subject to the realm of time and time ends at some point. Now throughout Satan’s existence is primary goal is to destroy the sons of God and destroy the program of God. He came within one family (Noah) of achieving this in the Old Testament for example. Now since he is now on Earth, he only has a limited amount of time to figure a plan of how to achieve this because before his exile out of heaven, he had eternity. So he is very angry and he has a plan because in Revelation 12:17 it states that he will make war with the remnant of her seed (The Mature Sons of God). Now how he will do this is another subject which we will look at later in this series.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.