Today’s Topic: The Great War: The Enemy’s Great Weapon Part 1
Scripture: Daniel 7; Revelation 9:4,5; Revelation 20:12,13;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
God leaves no stone unturned and He wants you to know the plot of the enemy. See we have talked about so much and in the last message and we ended with a powerful revelation of how the saints would be defeated at that time. Now the question that should burn in our minds is how will this be achieved? We talked about the demonic coming out of the Abyss and tormenting those who do not have the seal of God in the foreheads (Revelation 9:4,5) and then at another point in time they will make war with the saints once the mature sons of God are born there will be this battle on the Earth. Now we asked the question how will this happen? I believe this will have to be a multiple message answer so please take the time and really read the scripture daily. Now is it not amazing how God will show someone something over 2500 years ago and even today you can see the very revelation or coming together of a prophecy in these times. Let us look at Daniel 7:
Daniel 7:1-3
In these first 3 scriptures we see an introduction to this powerful dream that Daniel has and he wrote the dream and now the rest of what is said is what is in the dream. Now remember we did a message on prophecy back when we discussed the Seven Spirits of God and the spirit of Understanding. And we also discussed how God will show us dreams and these dreams can either be symbolic, requiring interpretation or actual meaning what you see is exactly what will happen. So let us look at this dream and see what God was trying to show Daniel. Right off the bat in verse 3 Daniel sees four great beasts coming from the sea and each of them was different from the other. Now we are ok so far.
Daniel 7:4-6
Now Daniel starts describing these beasts. First there was a lion with eagle wings. And this lion stood up like a man and a man’s heart was given to it. Second, there was bear that had 3 ribs in its mouth and it was commanded to devour much flesh. Third, there was a leopard which had 4 wings and four heads and dominion was given to it. Ok, I know these are some weird creatures but this is what Daniel saw.
Daniel 7:7-8
Now Daniel sees this fourth beast and said it was dreadful, terrible and strong. It had iron teeth and devoured things and broke in pieces the things it stepped on with its feet. Now Daniel makes the point to point out that this beast was so different from the others before it because it had 10 horns. Daniel continues describing this terrifying beast, Daniel sees a little horn comes up amongst the ten horns and three of the ten horns were uprooted and plucked up by this one. Now this horn had eyes of a man and speaking great things. What a beast but as you can see of all the beast that Daniel saw, he was really intrigued by this fourth beast.
Daniel 7:9-14
Now this is so powerful that I have to get through this before I end this message. Now Daniel sees the Ancient of Days sitting on the throne. He describes Him as having a garment as white as snow, hair like pure wool, throne like a fiery flame with wheels of burning fire. Now this is awesome. Now a fiery stream came from before Him and thousands ministered, or served Him. The judgment seat was set and the books were opened. Now we discussed this in a past message on the Books of Heaven (Revelation 20:12,13). Now because of the words the horn was speaking from the fourth beast, the beast was slain and the body destroyed and given to the burning flame. Now I could tell you what this means but I want the scriptures to tell you and at this time Daniel still did not understand what he was seeing. So let’s stay with him for now. Now the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away and their lives were prolonged but for a season and time. Now Daniel sees one like the Son of Man (Jesus) coming with the clouds of heaven (Angels), and came to the Ancient of Days (God the Father) and they (Angels) brought Him (Jesus) near before Him (God the Father). And there was given Him (Jesus) dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that all the people, nations, and languages, should serve Him (Jesus). His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away and His Kingdom, that, which shall not be destroyed.
Now this is a powerful vision of the end of the age. But we have to at least get the foundation out there because in the next couple of messages we will see the meaning of all of this. You definitely do not want to miss this because we are discussing the great plan of the enemy.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.